Updated Blood Work, 23 year old, Low T


New Member
Hello again everyone!

Thank you once again. I am back with updated test results! Obviously no medical advice is allowed, but any tips, insight, or helpful suggestions would be awesome! I am wanting to consult my boys on here before commencing any treatment, because given my past experience above ^^^, my trust in the medical system is incredibly low. Here are my numbers!

Testosterone: 10.1 nmol/L OR 291 ng/dl ———> (reference 8.0-29.0)
SBGH: 34 nmol/L ———> (reference 10-55)
Free Testosterone: 201 pmol/L OR 15.62 ng/dl ———> (reference 175-700)
DHEA: 12.3 umol/L ———> (reference 2.2-13.0)
TSH: 2.29 mIU/L ———> (reference 0.20-4.00)
Prolactin: 12 ug/L (reference 0-15)
Free T3: 5.9 pmol/L (reference 3.5-6.5)
Free T4: 18.9 pmol/L (reference 10.0-25.0)
Estradiol: 45 pmol/L (reference 0-160)
Cortisol AM: 500 nmol/L (reference 200-690)
Progesterone: 3.3 nmol/L (reference 0.0-3.0)
FSH: 15 IU/L (reference 1-18)
LH: 5 IU/L (reference 1-9)
Iron: 13 umol/L (reference 12-31)
Ferritin: 41 ug/L (reference 30-400)

Obviously, my testosterone levels are very low, my prolactin levels are on the higher end, my iron/ferritin levels are also very low, and I don't know what's normal about the rest. Obviously there are ranges you can pay attention to, but we all know those ranges are highly "generous". My numbers should (in theory) be peak at the age of 23. I have been experiencing issues intermittently over the last couple years.

I have been advised by my doctor to go on 25 mg Clomid a day along with 250 mg Chrysin. I thought 25 mg might be a bit high compared to what people have been telling me, so I would love some suggestions on that as well.

I'm THIS CLOSE to giving up and just going on TRT at the age of 23. I don't even care anymore. I could've completed 3 university courses with the amount of time I've put into research + I've spent $2500 of my own money on this with no resolve.

So I ask you guys:

1) If you were also a 23 year old male, would you be eager to jump on TRT knowing you'd be on it for life?

2) Is there any alternative measures you can think of?

3) What are the chances I will become infertile if I start at age 23? If I combine with HCG will I be okay (maybe)?

Thank you so much for your time and help! I am looking for guidance here from some guys who have been in my shoes! I'll leave it at that. If there's a fund I can donate to or a way to support the forum, let me know!

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1) If you were also a 23 year old male, would you be eager to jump on TRT knowing you'd be on it for life?

If my life sucked (which it did at your age) and I had tried everything else, I would go on TRT plus HCG. I have been on it for 24 years and do not regret it. It seems to me that you tried a lot of things already.

Have you given Clomid a fair try? Many men do not feel benefits from it even if their numbers improve, but some do.

Were you exposed to anabolics in the past (I apologize if you posted your prior history already)?

2) Is there any alternative measures you can think of?

Probably a HCG stimulation test followed by a Clomid+Tamoxifen PCT program.

Getting Off Testosterone or Anabolics? You May Want to Read These PCT protocols
3) What are the chances I will become infertile if I start at age 23? If I combine with HCG will I be okay (maybe)?

Lipshultz' study showed that men much older than you preserved fertility on TRT plus HCG.
1) If you were also a 23 year old male, would you be eager to jump on TRT knowing you'd be on it for life?

If my life sucked (which it did at your age) and I had tried everything else, I would go on TRT plus HCG. I have been on it for 24 years and do not regret it. It seems to me that you tried a lot of things already.

Have you given Clomid a fair try? Many men do not feel benefits from it even if their numbers improve, but some do.

Were you exposed to anabolics in the past (I apologize if you posted your prior history already)?

2) Is there any alternative measures you can think of?

Probably a HCG stimulation test followed by a Clomid+Tamoxifen PCT program.

Getting Off Testosterone or Anabolics? You May Want to Read These PCT protocols

3) What are the chances I will become infertile if I start at age 23? If I combine with HCG will I be okay (maybe)?

Lipshultz' study showed that men much older than you preserved fertility on TRT plus HCG.

Thank you for your reply Nelson. I and all the other people out here appreciate the hell out of it!

I have gone in for one final set of blood work involving electrolytes, cortisol urine testing, and aldosterone. I have switched doctors and this new one is an expert - I can tell he really knows his stuff.

If we still come up with nothing after this next session Thursday, I am going to request a trial of Test/HCG injections. One last question - have you noticed any side effects yourself from the long term testosterone/HCG use? As we all know, I don't believe there are any long term studies regarding that.

I will keep the forum posted because, if anything, I am one more case everyone as a whole can learn from. I will continue to troll and see if I can help anyone with my knowledge!
One of my concerns with the iron & ferritin being on the low end is that it will complicate your Free T3 with getting to the cells effectively. Your initial thyroid numbers will look pretty good "IF" the ratio of Reverse T3 is adequate. Knowing what you presented on the iron/ferritin, I am concerned that the T3 "might" be pooling (?). If you can get a Reverse T3 lab that would help.

Overall, how do you feel? Any noticeable anxiety, sleeplessness, mood, depression, etc.? Any variations on your body temp? If per chance you're doing the RT3 labs, see about a B12, D3 & Magnesium too? Sorry you're having to deal with all of this so young!!
One of my concerns with the iron & ferritin being on the low end is that it will complicate your Free T3 with getting to the cells effectively. Your initial thyroid numbers will look pretty good "IF" the ratio of Reverse T3 is adequate. Knowing what you presented on the iron/ferritin, I am concerned that the T3 "might" be pooling (?). If you can get a Reverse T3 lab that would help.

Overall, how do you feel? Any noticeable anxiety, sleeplessness, mood, depression, etc.? Any variations on your body temp? If per chance you're doing the RT3 labs, see about a B12, D3 & Magnesium too? Sorry you're having to deal with all of this so young!!

Thanks for the reply buddy! The low iron/ferritin is a mystery and definitely something to look in to. I just got celiac screening done as well. I will bring up the "pooling" theory at my doctors appointment on Thursday!

As for anxiety/depression/mood, I have suffered HORRIBLY in the past, and have gone through periods of being completely in the toilet for no reason. It really comes in waves - lately I actually feel pretty damn good. But there are times when I wake up at 3am dreading that I will soon have to leave my house. It is a never ending battle, but more days I feel good than bad =). I find some relief that a lot of this might be caused by something physiological, and we'll be able to fix it! Dealing with it myself has allowed me to help multiple people/understand a lot about mental health!

I have tried everything under the sun to deal with anxiety! Medication, hypnosis, breathing, meditation, CBT. So FYI - to anyone reading this - figure out your issues before jumping on to an SSRI! There are so many negative side effects and I will never use them again! A simple diet alteration/vitamin/lifestyle alteration can do wonders for you.

I believe my magnesium, D, and B12 are normal, and I take 5000 IUs of Vitamin D, a B12, and liquid magnesium daily.
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**I've also been having fatigue in the gym - getting gassed WAY faster than I should, arms and legs feeling heavy, general lethargy, etc. I've taken a break from MMA for the time being, because I don't wanna get punched in the head anymore until I figure out what's going on.

I usually crash about 3 times a day where I will feel like I'm on painkillers for about half an hour, then catch a second wind and feel normal again. I work nights and I'll literally almost pass out at 7pm, then be wide awake at 1am later.
Iron & ferritin can come up with elemental iron therapy and diet, they just need to make sure there's no deeper underlying issue that's evident. LOL, I'll be curious to hear what your medical says about "pooling" on T3. Usually, Reverse T3 is in the picture when physicians are looking at the full picture with the thyroid. Don't be too shocked if it gets discounted and blown off. Knowing what I see with your iron & ferritin, it needs to be a consideration, but do your own research, and don't rule out getting second opinions from other doctors.
Iron & ferritin can come up with elemental iron therapy and diet, they just need to make sure there's no deeper underlying issue that's evident. LOL, I'll be curious to hear what your medical says about "pooling" on T3. Usually, Reverse T3 is in the picture when physicians are looking at the full picture with the thyroid. Don't be too shocked if it gets discounted and blown off. Knowing what I see with your iron & ferritin, it needs to be a consideration, but do your own research, and don't rule out getting second opinions from other doctors.

Had a 24 hour cortisol urine done, cortisol was off the charts! Sorry, I wasn't given a copy of this bloodwork, but if the range of Cortisol was 3.5-45mcg, mine was around a 55. This test was done on an incredibly peaceful day where I had NO anxiety. Literally riding bikes around the park on a beautiful afternoon with cousins, big family dinner, etc. Couldn't have been more tranquil. I had straight panic attacks/depression a couple days later for literally no reason. I couldn't imagine my numbers on a shitty day. Does this mean I likely have a pituitary adenoma?

I am surprised I wasn't referenced to see an endocrinologist already with such steep numbers...

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