Undecanoate / freezing HCG - my experience and thoughts


New Member
Hi. I'd like to share my experience and thoughts on some topics - years of being on TRT and reading about it. I find the following beliefs wrong and repeated over the years without much thought. Perhaps not here but at least on typical bodybuilding forums.

1) Freezing reconstituted HCG damages it
Let me preface this by telling you I'm very vulnerable to the lack of HCG. About 2 weeks of just T and I have discomfort in my balls already (tested multiple times). I believe I can also feel HCG working worse if left for like 10 hours in room temperature although I'm not 100% certain of that - too few tests.

I decided to test freezing my syringes after lowering my HCG dose to the one that makes 5000 IU last me for 2 months (since in such a long time reconstituted HCG could potentially be damaged even in a refrigerator) and after finding a good opinion on it by some doctor working in a lab. I feel absolutely no negative difference and possibly even a positive one (especially from these last syringes that would otherwise be in the refrigerator for nearly 2 months). It's also more practical since frozen syringes can probably last forever (?) and less visible. Oh, it only takes them a few minutes to defrost in room temperature. I've been doing this for years now.

2) Mixing HCG and T in one syringe is bad.
I've been doing it from the beginning of my journey, learnt from a video by Nelson Vergel himself iirc so I don't think this is controversial here.

3) Undecanoate is bad because <insert some weird reason>
The most common argument against it goes like this - "If you inject every 10 weeks, your levels will be low / not stable etc". But why would you do it so rarely (assuming the results are bad) it makes absolutely no sense to me how it's prescribed in the US. Don't blame the compound itself.

I think the biggest advantage of Undecanoate is that if you inject i.e. every 10 days, your levels will be more stable than Enanthate injections every 3 days which I assume you guys have noticed as well to give noticeable testosterone fluctuations. Which means 3 times fewer injections. Or you could inject it just every 2 weeks and have relatively stable levels whereas on Enanthate you start feeling worse after a week aready. Both my experience and the theory confirm it:

Of course this is only some model / approximation but I've found it to correlate with reality well.

- 23.29 to 15.86 which is 46% difference in 3 days but mostly after the injection
Undecanoate - 18.81 to 13.73 which is 36% difference in 10 days, far more spread out and you don't feel the rush / surge from my experience.


Obviously Undecanoate takes a lot of time to ramp up / leave your system so it's for experienced guys that are on T constantly.

End of the rant.
I think we are both just about on the same page. How about this one.....I compared my test cypionate protocol to my new TU protocol. I was doing 40mg of test cyp every 5 days, now I am doing 40mg of TU every 5 days. It has taken 20 days for the TU levels to ramp up and equal to the test cyp levels. So I have one more week to catch up. The orange line is a combination of the two so disregard that one. The test cyp is the blue and the TU is the maroon.


I will do blood testing in May and will make any adjustments from there. I can see the only possibility might be drooping the dose eventually to 20mg/5d. This is all sub-q.
With Cyp every 5 days I feel like your levels were vastly different before an injection and (I don't know what's the correct delay to catch the max) let's say a day after. When did you have your bloodwork done?

Btw I know Undecanoate gives you less T per the same amount of compound but you can always inject a bit more to compensate if needed. It's the stability not levels that matter (to me at least, I don't like the fluctuations).

Oh and btw imo you can inject Undecanoate less frequently than 5 days if you prefer. Every 10 days should be still really good.

Personally I use Enan + HCG atm every 4 days but it's just to save every amount of money possible, if I were not saving, I'd switch to TU. I've never tried sub-q, I always do IM. The former can be at best just as good as the latter which I don't mind anyway.
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Here is chart comparing the suggested dosing done with Aveed (green) 750mg 1 week, 750mg the 4th week and 750mg ever 10 weeks. My current protocol (maroon) of Aveed 40mg every 5 days and my former protocol (blue) of test cyp 40mg every 5 days. Notice how the standard Aveed protocol has much higher peaks that either of the other two but the other two are much more stable with the TU having slightly higher testosterone levels after stabilizing than test cyp. You may be right it may be that have to increase to 50mg. My last testing was about 3 weeks ago I was at 750 in T and I stopped the whole protocol for 3 weeks to get the HCT down. I believe it might have been the cypionate that caused the HCT to rise in the 1st place. Never had this issue with TU in the past going 750mg ever 4 weeks.


This is the cyp (blue) and TU (maroon) without the ester weight


What eventually makes the difference between testosterone cypionate and testosterone undeconoate is the half life. The TC with 40mg is 28mg no ester and the TU with 40mg is 24mg not a whole lot of difference but after 4 weeks the TC remaining in the blood is 71mgs and the TU is 83mgs. By the end of the year the TC stabilizes at 71mgs while the TU stabilizes at 246mgs. Blood tests in May should tell me whether or not I am headed the right direction. I want my serum testosterone levels to be between 700-800 and HCT under 50%. I'll be a happy camper then.

Like I said, I went for several years doing 750mg of TU every month and never had high HCT, a year ago I was switched to TC and immediately started having problems. Since lowering the dose didn't help, my theory is the TC caused it and stopping the TC and replacing with would solve the problem. My doctor disagreed with me. So I substituted with test base and my T levels stayed within my expectations (750) while my HCT went down. My doctor has pretty big eyes when I told him how I solved the problem. That, taking 500mg of metformin and eating grapefruit. I also deflated like an over stuffed balloon. So the metformin had to end. I had to switch to a high carb diet (~700g/d, 300g protein/d and 5500 cal/d). Gained back 2lbs in a week and my muscle started inflating some just like blowing air back into that old balloon. Never really done cypionate in my life and instead always went to the enanthate.

Good suggestion going less frequent. I had a special TU made with miglyol 812/GSO, so I am sure the half life is much less than the Aveed with castor oil (33.9) but it is much easier to deal with using an insulin syringe. Almost like water.

Never tried freezing HCG, years back we were I guess the 1st to put individual doses of IFG-1 in syringes and freeze them. They unthaw in seconds and they worked just as well. Great idea.
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I have been on nebido for many years and have some experience with smaller doses. Here are the t level on weekly doses.

75mg/0.30ml T 30 Nmol
62.5mg/0.25ml T 25 Nmol
50mg/0.20ml T20 Nmol

Before this i got 1000mg/4ml every seventh week and my t level the same day i got a new injection was 24 Nmol. Here you se how little i need every week to reach the same level. The sides i got from a full dose was high e2, migraines, thick blood and high bp.
I have been on nebido for many years and have some experience with smaller doses. Here are the t level on weekly doses.

75mg/0.30ml T 30 Nmol
62.5mg/0.25ml T 25 Nmol
50mg/0.20ml T20 Nmol

Before this i got 1000mg/4ml every seventh week and my t level the same day i got a new injection was 24 Nmol. Here you se how little i need every week to reach the same level. The sides i got from a full dose was high e2, migraines, thick blood and high bp.
What dose do you use? And if you using the lower doses, why did you lower it?
I have been on nebido for many years and have some experience with smaller doses. Here are the t level on weekly doses.

75mg/0.30ml T 30 Nmol
62.5mg/0.25ml T 25 Nmol
50mg/0.20ml T20 Nmol

Before this i got 1000mg/4ml every seventh week and my t level the same day i got a new injection was 24 Nmol. Here you se how little i need every week to reach the same level. The sides i got from a full dose was high e2, migraines, thick blood and high bp.
I'm not surprised, once every 7 weeks of such dose even in the case of Undecanoate is going to get you huge peaks and all these side effects.

I'm going back to Undecanoate today myself, the protocol is going to be
160 mg Test U (0.8 ml of 200mg/ml Test U)
500 iu of HCG (0.1 ml of 5000iu/ml HCG)
every 6 days.

This mostly so that it fits together into 1ml syringe and there's also some space left so that preparing 1ml syringes is more comfortable (I can get more air if needed etc). I think I'd pin less frequently otherwise, every 10 days for example.

I'll be adding a bit of Enanthate till Undecanote ramps up
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I am still doing 55mg of TU every 5 days. My doctor was happy with what he saw and sent me home for 6 months. My blood levels of TU are almost at their peak, should level out in September. I actually cam to this dose when I remembered how well I did on TY when it first came out doing 1000mg even 3 months. So I just divided 1000mg/90day and then multiplied that by 5 days and came up with 55mg/5 days. I did use some test base the 1st 3 weeks because the blood levels were very low but now its all TU. My RBC and HCT were both normal for a change and serum T levels were at 802. I always feel much better at the top end of the scale.
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I feel like I should explain why my does is so high in comparison to yours guys.

When I started TRT at 28 years old (33 now), I didn't consult with a doctor and decided to just try out some reasonable dose. I opted for a higher value (a bit under 200mg / week) because I had 10+ years of hipogonadism / hyperprolactimia / delayed puberty / various mental issues behind me and wanted to compensate for it and get as big of a mental boost as possible provided blood work and pressure were great.

Since this has been the case, I haven't felt the need to lower it. Also one very silly reason, with just 50mg shots, 1ml syringe is mostly empty which always looks a bit weird to me.

I might lower my dose in the future however since I feel like the cons outweigh the pros now. I already pushed my masculinization to its limit (my voice lowered a lot, I grew full beard) [although I mostly cared about the mental aspect I do admit it's a nice bonus] and now I'm only getting back hair and dryer skin from this excess of androgens. And perhaps some edge in bodybuilding. Having more DHT in comparison to good baseline doesn't seem more beneficial for your psyche and might be even detrimental for your social life I feel like.
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160mg every 6 days is not really that high with TU @xorton. Aveed recommends "750mg injected intramuscularly, followed by 3 mL (750 mg) injected after 4 weeks, then 3 mL (750 mg) injected every 10 weeks thereafter." You are only going 640mg/4 weeks. When TU 1st came out they recommended 1000mg every 90 days. Just remember that 200mg of TU only has 120mg of TU no ester in 1 ml. So its substantially lower that TC or TE.

I use to do 1000mg (2 injections) and kept my T levels in the higher range of normal and felt fine. Down the road I gave 750mg every 4 weeks a try and while the T levels were higher, it was only slightly. But just remember its not so much about chasing a number, its all about treat5ing the symptoms you were not happy with. Sounds like you are doing that.
I think we are both just about on the same page. How about this one.....I compared my test cypionate protocol to my new TU protocol. I was doing 40mg of test cyp every 5 days, now I am doing 40mg of TU every 5 days. It has taken 20 days for the TU levels to ramp up and equal to the test cyp levels. So I have one more week to catch up. The orange line is a combination of the two so disregard that one. The test cyp is the blue and the TU is the maroon.

View attachment 29930

I will do blood testing in May and will make any adjustments from there. I can see the only possibility might be drooping the dose eventually to 20mg/5d. This is all sub-q.
I wonder does nebido come in a vial with any preservative?
Here the nebido is in an ampoule, I would love to be able to divide the dose but I can't find the way to keep it even if I transfer it to a sterile vial.
I wonder does nebido come in a vial with any preservative?
Here the nebido is in an ampoule, I would love to be able to divide the dose but I can't find the way to keep it even if I transfer it to a sterile vial.
Well if you calculate that K syringe units should make it N equal doses of your Nebido and it turns out in practice that the last dose is really small or even there's no more Test for it at the end just try K-1 syringe units next time. Or K+1 if it's the other way. Make small corrections like that and you'll get very close, just make sure you note your previous attempts somewhere. Not that it matters much in case of Undecanoate. Also make sure that if your syringe shows K units of Test drawn, there's absolutely no air in it so that it's standardized.
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I wonder does nebido come in a vial with any preservative?
Here the nebido is in an ampoule, I would love to be able to divide the dose but I can't find the way to keep it even if I transfer it to a sterile vial.
Benzyl benzoate and Castor oil refined. The benzyl benzoate helps the raw powder dissolve in the castor oil and helps keep the product from crashing. It also helps keep the solution in depot as well as thinning the viscosity of the castor oil so it is easier to inject.
Benzyl benzoate and Castor oil refined. The benzyl benzoate helps the raw powder dissolve in the castor oil and helps keep the product from crashing. It also helps keep the solution in depot as well as thinning the viscosity of the castor oil so it is easier to inject.
problem with using it multiple times. I suppose that if you have used it as a multidose and up to now there have been no problems, there shouldn't be any now, at least here is the nebido in an ampoule Maybe someone will shed more light on this
Benzyl benzoate and Castor oil refined. The benzyl benzoate helps the raw powder dissolve in the castor oil and helps keep the product from crashing. It also helps keep the solution in depot as well as thinning the viscosity of the castor oil so it is easier to inject.
understand your point now my question is if there is no problem with using aveed in multi-dose since from what I saw it does not come with a bacteriostatic preservative, I suppose that the experience they have here is that there is no problem with using it in multi-dose, here the nebido ampoule comes 4ml 1000mg of test, and it does not have any antibacterial agent as far as I know, maybe someone around here will have a little more experience with extracting several times from the same vial without having a bacteriostatic agent
problem with using it multiple times. I suppose that if you have used it as a multidose and up to now there have been no problems, there shouldn't be any now, at least here is the nebido in an ampoule Maybe someone will shed more light on this
You can always refrigerate if you have doubts.
understand your point now my question is if there is no problem with using aveed in multi-dose since from what I saw it does not come with a bacteriostatic preservative, I suppose that the experience they have here is that there is no problem with using it in multi-dose, here the nebido ampoule comes 4ml 1000mg of test, and it does not have any antibacterial agent as far as I know, maybe someone around here will have a little more experience with extracting several times from the same vial without having a bacteriostatic agent
Usually the temperature it is cooked in oil at and the 0.22um filters that are typically used are sterilizing-grade membranes, are most commonly used for solution sterilization (bacteria removal). Some even further heat the product after production. I seriously would not worry about bacteria in a pharmaceutical product. Just make sure with multi-dose vials that you sterilize the rubber top and the needle before using it.
You can always refrigerate if you have doubts.
Sure makes it awfully hard to fill even a 27g when they use castor oil. If the refrigerator is pretty cold it could possibly even cause the solution to crash. I have had products crash in the winter with the vial sitting in the kitchen cabinet.

Aveed recommendation - "Store at controlled room temperature 25ºC (77ºF)"
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