I have attached the NHS opinion from an Endo Consultant. There is a vaugue denial that Testim gel (when I was 5 stones of fat fatter) caused the constriction of my eurethra due to the NHS being unaware of the need to monitor E2 when beginning TRT. Goes on to say that in his opnion E2 monitoring is not required at all. As I have established that TRT causes my Red Blood Cells to rise he would not even offer me TRT on the NHS should I choose to stop (No F Way tilll Hell frezes over!) my self prescribed and self administered TRT. States that AI medication is not needed and makes no comment on my use of HCG. I do my own Phlebotamies every 2 months. I'm freezing my blood and when I have enough intend on making some human "black Puddings" and will post to his place of business - a joke but seriously thinking of making Irish recipie Black Puddings - Just call me a cannibal I dont care!
This, and the VA here in the states are why a National Health System or Universal HealthCare, like ObamaCare, are a sham and dangerous for your health and well being.
There should be a group of men who organize themselves to fight this with the NHS. Let me know if you need helo drafting a petition to present to NICE.