are you still on Jardiance and if so how are you doing.
No, Jardiance put me on a roller coaster of dehydration, in addition to decreased vitamin D and B12. I have found I can’t take any drug that causes me to urinate more. I had to take 20,000 IU D3 daily, but had to space it out every 2-3 hours to keep levels from plummeting.
Daily Cialis (5-7 mg) has done more for me than Jardiance ever did. Cialis increases insulin sensitivity, treats, diabetic neuropathy, and increases blood flow.
None of my doctors, endocrinologist’s, are aware of the benefits of Cialis, for type 2 diabetic men, they all think it’s just an ED drug and can’t be taken daily.
Background Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors restore nitric oxide signaling, that plays a significant role in erectile function, and appears to counteract insulin resistance in animal and human models. This study was aimed to evaluate the glycemic and metabolic effects of low-dose tadalafil...
Just went to Dr last week and he has no clue what caused my crash.
Yeah, it seems a lot doctors nowadays have no clue about the drugs they prescribe, they are only doing so because their superiors and ministers tell them what to prescribe. If you display any sort of depressive symptoms at your appointment, right away you’re put on an anti-depressant, because sick care is poor at root cause, preventative medicine, they treat or mask the symptoms are move on.
They don’t care if you get better, they could care less, they do their job and get paid.
If you look at the population, obese people, the average man, women is overweight, our health care system isn’t working anymore!