Type 2 Diabetes Drug Jardiance Causes B12, iron deficiency & decreases Vitamin D!

Before starting Jardiance I had normal vitamin D levels, without supplementation. I was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency months after starting Jardiance and now a B12 deficiency.

I would always take my vitamin D (8000 IU) in the morning and by 2-3 p.m. I would feel a return of low vitamin D, all the symptoms I had when vitamin D was deficient would return. So this forced me to not only overdose D3, effecting my calcium, I also had to take the vitamin D in little 400 IU capsules throughout the day to keep levels from dropping.

I have had to take my iron supplement spread out three times a day, if I take it all at once it’s too much. If I miss one dose, I start feeling tired and weak 2 hours later. Now I believe Jardiance was dragging down my iron in the same way is was dragging down my vitamin D and B12.

I have struggled with this for years! You can’t count of doctors these days for s***!

My extreme reaction to prescription drugs has put my vitamin D and iron on a sort of rollercoaster ras well as many other vitamins and hormones.

I also haven’t been able to eat foods with calcium without severe symptoms or irregular heart beat, bone pain, extreme nausea and excessive urination due to what I believe are elevated parathyroid hormone. If I ate something with 2% calcium, the symptoms were minor, however eating a hamburger (350 mg calcium) wrecked me for days!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks for posting your experience with Jardiance. I too have taken Jardiance for 3 years and in May of this year I physically crashed with my B-12 at 71 and my D at<20. Immediately had to take B-12 shots and a prescription for 50000 IU of vitamin D weekly for 12 weeks. Both have improved but was wondering since it’s been awhile since your first post, are you still on Jardiance and if so how are you doing. If not on Jardiance what have you changed to and how is that working for you. Just went to Dr last week and he has no clue what caused my crash. Thanks for any information you are willing to share. Dennis
are you still on Jardiance and if so how are you doing.
No, Jardiance put me on a roller coaster of dehydration, in addition to decreased vitamin D and B12. I have found I can’t take any drug that causes me to urinate more. I had to take 20,000 IU D3 daily, but had to space it out every 2-3 hours to keep levels from plummeting.

Daily Cialis (5-7 mg) has done more for me than Jardiance ever did. Cialis increases insulin sensitivity, treats, diabetic neuropathy, and increases blood flow.

None of my doctors, endocrinologist’s, are aware of the benefits of Cialis, for type 2 diabetic men, they all think it’s just an ED drug and can’t be taken daily.

Just went to Dr last week and he has no clue what caused my crash.
Yeah, it seems a lot doctors nowadays have no clue about the drugs they prescribe, they are only doing so because their superiors and ministers tell them what to prescribe. If you display any sort of depressive symptoms at your appointment, right away you’re put on an anti-depressant, because sick care is poor at root cause, preventative medicine, they treat or mask the symptoms are move on.

They don’t care if you get better, they could care less, they do their job and get paid.

If you look at the population, obese people, the average man, women is overweight, our health care system isn’t working anymore!
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Thanks so much for your response to my questions and for the article on tadalafil as a possible choice. Well continue to ask other of there result so I can be better prepared when I go back to the Dr. Looks like I will be needing a chance sometime soon. Thanks again...
I’m glad this thread was helpful to you.

I forgot to mention, in type 2 diabetes, nitric oxide is typically lower, Cialis enhances nitric oxide effects on tissue.
I’m glad this thread was helpful to you.

I forgot to mention, in type 2 diabetes, nitric oxide is typically lower, Cialis enhances nitric oxide effects on tissue.
Thanks again for helping me find some truth in why my B-12 and Vit D were so low. are you taking any other diabates medication with your Cialis. Are you maintaining good blood sugars with just Cialis. Did you have any problems have a Dr prescribe Cialis as a diabietic medication? thanks again for your time. Dennis
Are you maintaining good blood sugars with just Cialis.
No, just Cialis and Jatenzo @ 237 mg twice daily and lift weights at the gym 7 days a week. I also am on a carnivore diet, only meat.
Did you have any problems have a Dr prescribe Cialis as a diabietic medication?
Yes, when I asked my GP to prescribe Cialis daily, that the days I would take it, my diabetes was under better control and I felt better, had more energy. He didn’t care and went on about how it wasn’t intended for daily use, even though Cialis was originally developed as a blood pressure medicine to take daily.

It turned into an argument because sick care is poor at root cause, preventative medicine. I’m always fighting with my doctors whenever I demand better care. They aren’t even aware of the study I provided above and I feel like I’m talking to a doctor that doesn’t know how to do his job.

Cialis should be apart of a treatment protocol for anyone with diabetes. My endocrinologist can’t even prescribe it.

Your experience may not be the same.

I got my prescription out of pocket privately.
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