There’s never going to be a general sweetspot with total E2. There probably won’t ever even be a sweetspot with free E2. Although, if there is ever going to be a “sweetspot”, whether it be tight, or more broad, it’s going to be with free E2. So I’m not sure why we even pretend that total E2 matters that much.
Free E2 is all that matters. For example, you say you have patients with an E2 of 70. But those patients could all have high SHBG levels, and have free E2 levels arounds the same as men with a total E2 of 30, who have very low SHBG. So saying you have guys with an E2 of 70 means very little. What’s their free E2? If their free E2 is way over the top of the range and they are without any negative symptoms, now that plays into this whole discussion for sure. Until we focus on free E2, we’re just spinning our wheels, which I would think we would be way past by now. No offense obviously. I know testing for free E2 comes down to money, and it might not be cheap enough yet, or not offered to everyone, but this just seems as ridiculous as only testing for total testosterone and then having full blown debates about it, while people from the future laugh at us. That’s how I view having discussions about total E2. Am I wrong?
Again, with that example of the guys with E2’s of 70. The reason it means almost nothing, is because say you had 2 patients. Both with a total E2 of 70. One has a very low SHBG, and his free E2 is way over the top of the range. Then, the other guy has a very high SHBG, and his free E2 is mid range, even though his total E2 is 70. So both men have a total E2 of 70, but as you can see, have extremely different free E2 numbers, which is what matters. So that’s why it means very little to say you have a patient with a total E2 of 70. Again, no offense obviously. Just trying to prove a point about how total E2 is a joke. Is it better than nothing? Yes, of course. With SHBG and albumin levels, you can still make protocol changes based off of it, but is it optimal? Absolutely not. Why do things sub optimally, doesn’t make much sense.