@Dr. John Crisler thank you for the
incredible service you offer (for free!) by lending your time and expertise to us lay people. I'm posting on this thread because my situation is related to this issue.
I am new to EM, but have been on the some of the other forums for some time, and I've listened to all your appearances on the TOT podcast. I'm a big fan. I wanted to make an account here to specifically ask you about my situation, as I'm baffled.
I am 27, 6'2", 175 pounds, 10% BF, eat clean, and have been healthy my whole life. I sought treatment earlier this year because my libido has been very poor for 1.5 years, which is straining my marriage (heard that one before?). My original bloodwork, in May 2018, was:
Total T: 1148 (Ref 264-916)
Free T: 13.8 (Ref 9.3-26.5)
SHBG: 167.0 (Ref 16.5-55.9)
Estradiol: 43.2 (Ref 7.6-42.6)
IGF-1: 234 (Ref 63-373)
Obviously, SHBG was astronomical. We started treatment with hCG and anastrozole. Two months later, we tested again, seeing these numbers:
Total T: 1828 (Ref 250-1100)
Free T: 174 (Ref 35-155)
SHBG: 112 (Ref 10-50)
Estradiol: 61 (Ref < 29)
The plan and goal, it was clear, was to lower SHBG and E2. Thus, we upped the anastrozole dose. My doc also wanted to add Ibutamoren see if increasing IGF-1 would help. We saw these numbers in October:
Total T: 1989 (Ref 250-1100)
Free T: 193 (Ref 35-155)
SHBG: 110 (Ref 17-56)
Estradiol: 51 (Ref < 29)
IGF-1: 288 (Ref 63-373)
Since then, we have upped the anastrozole dose again (I am now at .5 three times a week) and upped Ibutamoren (now 25 mg/day). However, since then, my libido has somehow gotten even worse. I used to desire sex once every 1-2 weeks; now, I truly never desire it, and it feels like a burden trying to have sex.
Jay and Dr. Nichols would say I should drop the A.I. and saturate my system with testosterone, but I also understand your perspective on the long-term risks of what could be happening in the background. The 'balance' between T and E is rarely black and white. My Total T is already quite high, and I don't know what could happen if I push it to the 2000s or even 3000. I'm guessing my symptoms would improve, but I don't want to risk my long-term health.
My question for you, Dr. John, is: what would you do next? Should I lower my A.I. dosage and try a "low and slow" T dose? I would genuinely appreciate your wisdom, as I've been scratching my head for a while now.