trt not right way?25 mg of testosterone propionate makes me more tired like natural?


her is my story

but this is the short version:
im 38y men,do sport last 24 years.,clear etating,train,blood test whas fine.
but have all time bad recovery,lose gain,brain fog and no energy..
after long time thinking i try testosterone propionate too see whats happened.
its the fastest testosterone,normalcy feel different in 1 week,when its work good(more energy,good mood,better recovery)
i dont wont block my axis for 4 -6 weeks whit testosterone enanthate the see its work or not,the other reason whas my blood test whas not soo bad.
total testosteron 5,6-6,1(ref 2,3-9)
free testosteron low 0,8-1(ref 1,3-3.1)

my other blood test whas ok,only acth and dhea+lh whas low.

feel all time tired,bad recovery,brain mod,very bad gain muscle mor loss easy :-)

now i test it in this week 3 x 25 mg eod testosteron propinate,and fell worse like without it.
does the mean my own production whas higher like the 25mg and have no sens start trt?
and my problems come from something other?
sorry for bad englisch..

her the post about low acth:

thaks for reading
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100mg a week is generally considered a replacement dose, so your 75mg a week may have put you at a low T state, or lower than your natural level. I say *may* because everybody is different, but again, 100mg/week is a replacement dose, so going less doesn't really make sense.
Hi ero
i now the best dos whas 100-130mg /week but i take for my testing low dose to see whats happend.
when my symptoms come from my low natural free testosteron then 25 mg testosteron propionate must by inove.
my free testo whas under the range.
but its shows my natural produktions whas more like 25 mg t.p and thats mean i dont need trt.
my own testostoeron whas high inove and i must find the other reason for my problems..thats my thinking now/ theory after the test.
sure when i take 40-50 mg eod i have 200% more but 150 -200mg in week its a little cycle not trt and i thing then my testo level whas on the highest end or more.

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