Thanks Leesto - and others - for a interesting thread. I had a E2 crash this fall myself and it's been quite a struggle ever since. One of the things that I noticed, with the use of an AI, is how your need for it may change greatly with only few variables. For example I lost a about 5 pounds in few months and it seemed that it completely changed my former dosing protocol.
At the moment im still trying to get a hold on my current need of an AI. There are still few symptoms that seem to linger despite better E2 readings. These symptoms are mainly related to low dopamine - low libido, apathy, anhedonia etc. Im hoping that with time these symptoms will subside.
At the moment im still trying to get a hold on my current need of an AI. There are still few symptoms that seem to linger despite better E2 readings. These symptoms are mainly related to low dopamine - low libido, apathy, anhedonia etc. Im hoping that with time these symptoms will subside.