This is not the case for the vast majority of people. Myself included. I was prescribed an sari in the 90's took it for years. It the beginning my testosterone increases from high six hundreds to over nine hundred. It was not till after a few years that my testosterone levels dropped to the hypogonadal range. I could tell it as libido really dropped. This led me to go to see one of the top reproductive endocrinologist in the country. He said my prolactin was high, testosterone was low. My doctor's if Florida said you need try. The doctor at UCLA said I did not. That I should try to stop the ssri, and that it could take month's, even up to a year and my testosterone would return. He warned me against trt. He said it was far over prescribed and that the number one cause of permanent damage to the leydig cells in the testicles was the use of trt itself. This is very often the case in bodybuilders. Once they stop competing their testosterone will never return to normal. I am staying to the op that I stopped the ssri, for the first few months testosterone was low and felt very bad. Doctor's here said you need trt, doctor in California said stay the course. Within six months my testosterone was over 700. I have had many retests and it has never dropped. Go with the experts, not opinions on the internet. Including mine.