In the wee hours on Valentines day morning I woke to a surprise and no, it was not what I was I hoping for... It was my big toe aching like someone had hit it with a red hot poker.
Long story short, I have Gout and can't for the life of me figure out what triggered it. ​I eat pretty clean, not too much sugar or fast foods. May have 2 beers at dinner once a week or may go a month and not have a beer; no liquor, wine or illegal drugs. I'm 5'11" and 190lbs, I am in the gym 5-days a week, probably >20% body fat, not skinny but can see my abs. Kidney function is good but not great. I'm in my early 50's and have a sibling that has had gout. I do a lot of running, box jumps, squats and what not in the gym so I do bang my feet up more then average so there is that.
I have been on TRT for several years with good results. About 12 months ago HCG @ 40 Units 2x weekly was added to my protocol of Testosterone Cypionate 200MG/ML @ .2ML 2x weekly. That worked well but my Free T was lower and my SHBG higher then my Dr. liked so in January he increased the Testosterone Cypionate 200MG/ML to .4ML 2x weekly, HCG @ 50 Units 2x weekly and added Stinging Nettle Root Extract 250mg x2 daily in an attempt to lower SHBG. I only started taking the SNR about two weeks ago.
Prior to January adjustment my test results.
242.0 NORMAL
Reference Range: 71.6-375.4 ug/dL
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
0.1 LOW
Reference Range: 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum
Reference Range: 19.3-76.4 nmol/L
Testosterone,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum
Reference Range: 264-916 ng/dL
Free Testosterone(Direct)
Uric Acid, Serum
All other blood work results were NORMAL, I don't have any test results since then except for Uric Acid, Serum which was taken during the gout flare and it was 5.7
My gut feeling is that my gout episode may have been caused by dehydration, I have read that HCG and Nettle Root are both diuretics. I do drink a lot of H2o and include BCAA's in post-workout but I am going to drink even more H2o going forward. I am also going to work on a converting to a mostly plant based whole food diet as I feel it will be a good fit for me.
Any thoughts on what I should do?
Leave Testosterone and HCG dosage as is?
Cut out Nettle Root?
Reduce Nettle Root?
Cut back to former levels on Testosterone and HCG?
Cut back to former level on HCH and leave Testosterone at .4?
Any other words of wisdom?
Anyone unfamiliar with gout can go here for more information.

I have been on TRT for several years with good results. About 12 months ago HCG @ 40 Units 2x weekly was added to my protocol of Testosterone Cypionate 200MG/ML @ .2ML 2x weekly. That worked well but my Free T was lower and my SHBG higher then my Dr. liked so in January he increased the Testosterone Cypionate 200MG/ML to .4ML 2x weekly, HCG @ 50 Units 2x weekly and added Stinging Nettle Root Extract 250mg x2 daily in an attempt to lower SHBG. I only started taking the SNR about two weeks ago.
Prior to January adjustment my test results.
242.0 NORMAL
Reference Range: 71.6-375.4 ug/dL
Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
0.1 LOW
Reference Range: 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum
Reference Range: 19.3-76.4 nmol/L
Testosterone,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum
Reference Range: 264-916 ng/dL
Free Testosterone(Direct)
Uric Acid, Serum
All other blood work results were NORMAL, I don't have any test results since then except for Uric Acid, Serum which was taken during the gout flare and it was 5.7
My gut feeling is that my gout episode may have been caused by dehydration, I have read that HCG and Nettle Root are both diuretics. I do drink a lot of H2o and include BCAA's in post-workout but I am going to drink even more H2o going forward. I am also going to work on a converting to a mostly plant based whole food diet as I feel it will be a good fit for me.
Any thoughts on what I should do?
Leave Testosterone and HCG dosage as is?
Cut out Nettle Root?
Reduce Nettle Root?
Cut back to former levels on Testosterone and HCG?
Cut back to former level on HCH and leave Testosterone at .4?
Any other words of wisdom?
Anyone unfamiliar with gout can go here for more information.
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