Trouble with lasting....u know!!!


Active Member
So i see all these compounds one can take while on trt to help get it up BUT what about when it seems like u might be more sensetive now and cant last as long as u once did?? Is there a compound one might be able to take that would help in this situation!? I mean like 2 min and im DONE!! Cant explain it any more than that haha, very frustrating and embarrasing to say the least....
Been there and trust me the more you think the more it will sink. I found that Viagra or any of the ED drugs work good for me because it required less stimulation to achieve an erection. However I had my prostate removed 6 months ago and as those nerves heal I've started using Trimix. It's an injection but you can even have an orgasum and still keep going. I understand your frustration but before my prostate was removed I had good success with Viagra for lasting longer. The rule of thumb by most sources say Viagra doesn't help with lasting longer but it helped me.
Been there and trust me the more you think the more it will sink. I found that Viagra or any of the ED drugs work good for me because it required less stimulation to achieve an erection. However I had my prostate removed 6 months ago and as those nerves heal I've started using Trimix. It's an injection but you can even have an orgasum and still keep going. I understand your frustration but before my prostate was removed I had good success with Viagra for lasting longer. The rule of thumb by most sources say Viagra doesn't help with lasting longer but it helped me.

thanks for the reply, ill have to check out the viagra i suppose? i guess there isnt any compound out there to really help this issue....
So i see all these compounds one can take while on trt to help get it up BUT what about when it seems like u might be more sensetive now and cant last as long as u once did?? Is there a compound one might be able to take that would help in this situation!? I mean like 2 min and im DONE!! Cant explain it any more than that haha, very frustrating and embarrasing to say the least....
you could try 5 mg of cialis 1/2 hr before sex, it does work great for me
There are numbing agents that you can get off amazon, however if it numbs you its gonna numb your partner. Trimix is great, you can come, and just keep going...
Obviously we'd all like to be in that sweet spot, but I've been on the other side of this where you go absolutely forever with no release, and the sensitivity doesn't even exist. You have to trust me when I say between the two options, your situation is the preferable one.

I know that didn't help (temporary suggestion - you can always do way more foreplay and then finish off when you're ready) but just trying to point out that silver lining. :D
Cialis is good as well as Viagra. They work with stimulus and as I've found it takes less stimulation to get a strong erection. If you don't have any underlying ED it should help. But the biggest issue with ED or other performance issues is stress or medications that you are taking. Some side affects from many medications are performance related. Lack of libido, ED, lasting too long, or the other side could be premature ejaculation. If your on medications look at the listed side affects. You can easily google it. Speaking of side affects, a common one for Viagra and Cialis is acid reflux. And if you are using any drugs not prescribed by a doctor then get off of them.
thanks everyone:

nelson, ill look over ur links

advice for cialis and viagra: ive used cialis, it did nothing as far as lasting longer goes, for me anyways, never tried viagra, ill have to give it a go i suppose...

trimix, is there a cream formulation? ive heard there is? not sure tho? i wont jab a needle near that area.... sorry, if it goes completly south and doesnt work ill use duct tape and Popsicle sticks before i needle that area hahah....
J2048b how old are you? Just curious because you may not be a frustrated enough with your sex life to try Trimix. I'm 55 and 7 months post prostate removal. That's the way I felt about it on my 3 month follow up post prostatectomy, I told the urologist that I'd wait and keep doing my exersizes and check with him at 6 months. At 6 months I went to the Trimix and I wish I had done it at 3 months. It is worth the small jab and when you can pleasure your wife better than you could at 20 you will understand. Penis rehabilitation after prostatectomy is very important. Keeping the fire burning in the bedroom is too. The side affects are minimal when done as directed. Personally it has way fewer side affects than the ED pills. How would you like to have your orgasam and keep going? Dumb question I know. When you'reready to try it there are many men here are experts on Trimix. I'm just a beginner and if you already get un assisted erections the amount you use could be as inexpensive as a few dollars per shot depending on your compounding pharmacy.

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