It took me 3 years to finally realize that my shortness of breath appears after meals and it is suppressed by anti-inflammatories and digestive enzymes. Most doctors are not Dr House and cannot apply medical logic outside of the patterns that they were taught in med school. What they do instead is think the patient is a lunatic that makes up symptoms. I also thought initially that I had CFS but that is a trash-bin diagnose that only recognizes the symptoms but doesn't explain the root cause. I first went to a pulmologist who called it "ashma", then to a cardiologist who said he never heard of such symptoms and that I will live "long and healthy life", apparently thinking that I am making stuff up. I told him that I feel sick everyday and that quickly shut him up.
It took me almost 10 years to realize that my frequent headaches, sore throats, prolonged throat irritation, cold sores, diarrhea, and the post-meal symptoms are all caused by the same pathogen. Finally, last year made my PCP do a test for activated herpes viruses and Varicella was the only one activated, after an episode of all the symptoms. My PCP is Infectious Diseases but he told me he didn't know of such "syndrome " of symptoms, while I was insisting for several years it was a resident pathogen and found by experimentation that it responds to herpes drugs in 2019.
Probably ChatGPT would be better at diagnostics than doctors, if they let it digest all the medical articles.