Trimix question (new user)

SixHouse & kjcmjc,

Appreciate the Reply and good info. My DaVinci removal was in August, 10 weeks ago. Had zero reaction from either Viagra or Cialis. Used to have good, consistent erections before surgery.

My initial Trimix script is 15/.5/5 which is causing me to need between 40-60 units on the 100 unit 5/16 insulin syringe to get a good 100% erection.

Did you guys start with a lower concentration like mine (15/.5/5) or go right to the "standard" 30/1/10 from the beginning? I would like to use less Trimix product if the higher dosage works better and a 5ml vial would last longer before refill. Your thoughts?

A couple times I've had what seems to be a delayed response & partial erection and other times it's been only 15-20 minutes to full erection. Have only had about 12 injections so far.
I've also found standing vs. lying down seems to be better or maintain harder erection. Not enough experience yet to know if this is an illusion or my ladies fault. Lol.

My urologist spared about 75% of the nerves bundles (he thinks) but I am still getting zero reaction from either Cialis or Viagra. Have not combined either C or V with the Trimix based on other warnings to not do so.

Respectfully, Mike
I started at 40/30/2. My new prescription is 30/20/1. ( My Doc changed pharmacies) I have not tried that new strength yet. The old one is about a year old and still works good. I usually fill about 6 syringes and freeze them along with the vial. When I need it I pull out a frozen syringe put it my hand to warm it up and it liquefies in a few minutes. When I need more I thaw out the vial shake it up refill 6 more syringes, then refreeze vial.

I do take 5mg a day of Cialis. It does help but not like trimix. My wife now wants me to take a shot before we do it. Pills do not cut it anymore at least not for her.

I usually inject once a week. But I do rotate sides (left, right) every week.

Like I said in my earlier post sometimes I can take 6 units and it works great. Other times I can take 6 units and it gets the job done but its not as effective. The erection will go down by itself. Other times I have to take a hot bath to get it back to normal. I am afraid to take more than 6 units because I do not like the feeling of having it hard for so long after we are done. You cannot go out, or if our kids and grandkids come over I have to wear baggy sweats and baggy shirt to cover it up, that has happened they showed up without calling.

You just have to have patience and experiment and start low. If you need the stronger dose go slow. Start low and go up a little each time till you find you sweet spot. This is like losing weight it takes time. Everybody reacts different and you have to see what works best for you. I am going to have to experiment with my new dosage to see what works best for me when I start using my new vial which will be my next shot. Since the medication will be fresher will it be more potent? Or will it be about the same as my old formula? I will start at maybe 5 units and see what happens. Then go up or down from that point.

Good Luck.
0.12 cc is starting dose

12 units is a whopping large dose, at least it is with the 30/1/10 Trimix I received from Empower (thru Defy). I started with 0.05 cc (5 units) and it produced excellent results that lasted 2.5 to 3 hours. I have gone up to 7 units (0.07 cc) once, and that was pushing the edge of needing some sudaphed to bring it back down afterward. 0.12 cc would have surely landed me in the ER with a priapism.

Best suggestion: Start low...very 0.05 cc (5 units) and see how you respond. If that produces sufficient results, you're done. Otherwise titrate up by 1 to 2 units (0.01 to 0.02 cc) the next time and see how you respond.

Keep regular sudaphed handy in case of priapism (the real stuff containing pseudoephedrine hcl). They're the little red 30 mg tablets, not the oblong extended release. Chew (don't swallow) 3 to 5 of them if your "condition" lasts over 3 to 4 hours and things should subside in 20 minutes or so.

Once you find your optimal dose, you can pre-load syringes and freeze them (along with the vial). Defrosting a pre-loaded syringe only takes a minute or two - holding it in your hand. When you defrost the vial, be sure to shake it well before loading more syringes.
FYI - My wife and I travel to Jamaica twice per year. Over time, we've learned to never call a Jamaican man "Buddy" - you'll offend him big time. "Buddy", in Jamaican terms, is a man's best friend. Your "third leg" so-to-speak.

If you use Trimix, be sure to protect "Buddy" from priapism. 'Nuff said!
Hello all,

This is my first post. I found your site after panicking about the details of possible priapism. I had my first shot today at the uro. I obvioiusly do not know alot about this so I trusted my doctor. He injected me with 20 units. I went home and after 2 hours there was no sign of a let up. I had feeling that this was just not going to go down for possibly another couple hours so I took sudafed. I started panicking more when it was 3 1/2 hours and I was still rigid. I had already had ice packs on my shaft for about an hour at that point. After 4 hours the erection began to subside a bit and it was , from a scale of 1-10, at about a 6. I called my doctor and asked if I should go to the ER and he said that as long as it has atleast begun to subside, I should be ok and that if the pain was not that bad then I should be fine. Well, the pain was there but it was not unbearable, but the erection had not gone down 100 percent , until about 5 or 5 1/2 hours. I have not had 5 hours of hell like that , worrying , in years. I am worried that I might have damage to my penis, is worrying about that warranted?................there is no black and blue and my penis looks normal now. I think what people say sometimes about doing your own research and being your own doctor (up to a point of course) is definitely good advice for everyone to follow. When I do the injection myself I intend on using only 5 or 6 units. This stuff is ridiculously potent.
I always tell everyone to start with 0.10 cc and to squeeze the penis in a milking manner before and after the injection.

You can have your doctor fax a script for Trimix antidote for you to manage priapism yourself without having to go to ER:
PHENYLEPHRINE HCL INJECTION | Compounding Pharmacy - Empower Pharmacy

More info on how to use phenylephrine

Treatment for Priaprism Caused by Trimix: PHENYLEPHRINE HCL INJECTION

Thank you for the reply and I wish I had found this site before the stressful incident last night. I just hope there was no damage done. I have looked around the internet and have seen damaged penis situations from prolonged priapism. Mine does not look like that but I am just a bit worried that there was a possibility of damage to arteries/nerves or whatever else it takes to become erect. I posted this same message to the doctor here, I hope he replies with his opinion or experience from what he has seen or heard on this. I am probably overly worried but it's not something that none of us guys want to lose. I'll be honest with you, I'm still a bit shaken up about what transpired and a bit angry that I can't trust my doctor. He kind of joked around about it on the phone too and I let him have it today about his idiocy. I am looking for a new Urologist btw. Never again with that guy.

P.S. 10cc is the same as 10 units right? , excuse my ignorance I never injected anything before this.
Just received my first shipment of Trimix. Directions on the package say .05 to .2 ML (5 to 20 units).
When I spoke to my doctor he was kinda wishy washy about dosage. He said "eh... you might want to try 3 or 4 units, maybe 5..." So I'm looking to hear from someone with experience who might have tried different dosages. I don't want to do too much, but I also don't want to do so little that I don't get the desired effect.
Where did you get your Trimix?
To the guys that experienced the priapism/s ,

Have things returned back to normal (no damage I hope) ? , erections?, I got so spooked the other day that I don't even feel like trying the trimix or cialis . I don't even really feel like having sex for a spell. However I would like to know if you have experienced any differences with your erections since your priapism.
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