

I'm looking for a doctor referral in Orange County Ca. who prescribes the tri-mix. My current T doctor is not up to date on this. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I finally got an appointment with my urologist for the tri-mix. Had my first shot this week....WOW so much easier than I thought couldn't feel a thing. I think the visual aspect is the hardest part. I got a pretty good erection but need to up the dose so I will get me prescription Tuesday. I'm looking for big things pun intended.
Good to hear you were able to get the Rx and your doc tested dose first, and showed you how to do the shot. Guess we will be hearing about big things from BigJohn
I finally got an appointment with my urologist for the tri-mix. Had my first shot this week....WOW so much easier than I thought couldn't feel a thing. I think the visual aspect is the hardest part. I got a pretty good erection but need to up the dose so I will get me prescription Tuesday. I'm looking for big things pun intended.

Good for you BigJohn!

I just love the stuff and wish more men would learn about it.
I have an appt with a URO next week. I hope he's good with it. I want to just come out and suggest injections because I am sick to death of the PDE5's side effects. Any suggestions for a doc in the Columbus, OH area if this guy doesn't pan out? Thanks
Yeah, I went there Monday. They had some proprietary injection device and wanted like $1500 for year. I suggested doing my own injections- it was not an option. If i get a script and do my own injections I can do better.
@Jaydubbs.........that is a lot of money ! My first scrip was for Cavraject, very easy to administer, could do it blindfolded. I did recently get a follow up with a new Dr as mine has retired, Boston Medical Group in Century City, CA, they have a proprietary injectable called " quad mix ". The test dose was administered with the auto injector, admit it was sorta cool, but probably not going to go with that, just something else to keep track of, IMHO
@Jaydubbs.........that is a lot of money ! My first scrip was for Cavraject, very easy to administer, could do it blindfolded. I did recently get a follow up with a new Dr as mine has retired, Boston Medical Group in Century City, CA, they have a proprietary injectable called " quad mix ". The test dose was administered with the auto injector, admit it was sorta cool, but probably not going to go with that, just something else to keep track of, IMHO
Bruin, yeah it is expensive and I didn't like their whole marketing scheme. I'm all about seeing people make a buck, but not necessarily on me (caveat emptor). I'm just trying to figure out the shortest route to a doctor who will RX the Tri-mix/Test (if needed) and let me do my own thing. I'm a big boy, I think I can handle it :)
I've been seeing Dr. Gregory Lowe, OSU Urology on Olentangy River Rd. OSU is a teaching hospital so you'll see Dr. Lowe and an intern or resident, not a bad thing because you can get different perspectives. The clinic is cutting edge, staff VERY good and respectful. I was given four ED med choices (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra). Stendra and Cialis samples were given to me. These meds aren't as effective as they once were for me. Testosterone was prescribed and I have been using it for a year...first Testim (messy gel), then due to insurance change, Axiron which I like much better. My main result from the testosterone was more energy and stamina in daily tasks. Additionally, I was prescribed Tri-Mix for injection, available at a Columbus pharmacy, Crosby Drugs, for a VERY reasonable price. I think I was in for about $70 for 5 vials and insulin syringes, good for about 30+ treatments at the dosage I use. The first injection is given at the clinic and you're monitored for 30-60 minutes to make sure everything's okay. Sticking a needle in one's penis can be daunting, but after a few times, it really isn't bad. An emergency call number is given in case of problems. I'm 61 years old, have had ED issues for 13 years following an injury and problems with chronic prostate infections. The infections are under control since I retired and lost 20 lbs. (maybe unrelated). My wife wants me to continue tri-mix and testosterone forever. By the way, since I began treatments, Cialis is once again effective for me.
I've been seeing Dr. Gregory Lowe, OSU Urology on Olentangy River Rd. OSU is a teaching hospital so you'll see Dr. Lowe and an intern or resident, not a bad thing because you can get different perspectives. The clinic is cutting edge, staff VERY good and respectful. I was given four ED med choices (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Stendra). Stendra and Cialis samples were given to me. These meds aren't as effective as they once were for me. Testosterone was prescribed and I have been using it for a year...first Testim (messy gel), then due to insurance change, Axiron which I like much better. My main result from the testosterone was more energy and stamina in daily tasks. Additionally, I was prescribed Tri-Mix for injection, available at a Columbus pharmacy, Crosby Drugs, for a VERY reasonable price. I think I was in for about $70 for 5 vials and insulin syringes, good for about 30+ treatments at the dosage I use. The first injection is given at the clinic and you're monitored for 30-60 minutes to make sure everything's okay. Sticking a needle in one's penis can be daunting, but after a few times, it really isn't bad. An emergency call number is given in case of problems. I'm 61 years old, have had ED issues for 13 years following an injury and problems with chronic prostate infections. The infections are under control since I retired and lost 20 lbs. (maybe unrelated). My wife wants me to continue tri-mix and testosterone forever. By the way, since I began treatments, Cialis is once again effective for me.

Good story, Alan.

Did the Trimix work for you?

Funny when you said; "My wife wants me to continue tri-mix and testosterone forever". That's great support and I am sure she is very pleased with the combo effects...if you know what I mean;)

BTW, my wife loves when I use Trimix...she asks me to use it LOL!

Love good stories like this.
Re triMix. I'm using it now and it is 100% reliable for me, having tried MUSE and Cialis et al with about 50% success. All I need is .1 CC which is good for 2-3 hour erections. I'm very pleased.

However, I have discovered one problem. Even though I look to avoid hitting veins when injecting, I was finding lots of penis bruising as though I was hitting veins 80% of the
time. I finally discovered why. I have two bad rotator cuffs the pain from which keep me awake unless I take 2-4 aspirin or two 200 MG Ibuprofin each night. These Nsaids were amplifying the penis bleeding from the trimix injections even when I was not hitting a vein. So try to avoid Nsaids when using trimix injections or you'll get a black and blue penis as I have! I tried pressure with the alcohol swab, and that seemed to stop it...for awhile. A few hours later the bruises developed showing how much the Nsaids can thin blood!
it is so disturbing to me that women don't get how politically incorrect is to say that men have to use tri-mix because they don't find them sexy enough. It really can be demoralizing to a man to hear this as it has nothing to do with whether or not you are sexually attracted to your woman. This kind of comments is the main reason why most men hide their tri-mix from their sexual partners. I have even seen men hiding their testosterone and syringes from their family members due to shame or fear of being misjudged.
@ Vision.............this is such a delicate topic......the dynamics of the individual couples are very distinct so there is no clear answer or solution. But since you posted in a public forum Ill add my $0.02.

Clearly there is a disconnect between you and your wife about your condition. For her to turn your situation around and make it about her says you have not fully discussed the right information..........the other side of the coin is that sometimes the partner is not open to being educated.

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