Treatments that may increase sex drive in women

10mg probably lowest effective dose, but per article, proper dosing requires blood work as it does for all other hormones. Again, studies tended to use much higher doses than I'd recommend, at least to start.
Compounding Pharmacies make 2.5-5mg DHEA Suppositories.
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My wife and I went to this place long ago and bought these. They will make higher doses with script. 2.7mg you can get otc. I don't think they did much but if your lady don't have desire for sex she probably will have no desire to use them. Like a person with no appetite to eat is not going to eat.

A different route of admin, so a different topic. Not surprised 2.5 mg via that admin route didn't have any effects. What were DHEA and T levels pre and post use?
I recall DHEAs was in the middle of range and T was not tested. We got a pack of 100 and I don't think half was used. There was no DHEAs labs after.

If you read my article link, you saw updated discussion of new "drug" Intrarosa which used 6.5 mg via that route of admin. Most studies are done with post menopausal women as they will have low DHEA and T levels. Someone in the middle of the DHEA range will get nadda from such low doses of DHEA.
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Minimum effective dose. Roll with 25-75mg and call me when your girl complains of hirsutism and hair loss.

Douglas laboratories sells scored 5mg tabs.

Supply data showing 2.5mg is Minimum effective dose orally to get physiological relevant boost in T to impact mood, libido, etc or stop with the bro science.
It’s not bro science it’s common sense. Start with low dose and titrate up over a couple days/weeks. How long does it take to titrate up from 2.5-10mg with a substance having a half life of a few hours?
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Crisler recommended starting with no more than 7mg oral for females. My wife and I was sitting at his desk right in front of him when he said it.
Is the half life of the DHEA the same as the DHEAs half life that it converts to?
It’s not bro science it’s common sense. Start with low dose and titrate up over a couple days/weeks. How long does it take to titrate up from 2.5-10mg with a substance having a half life of a few hours?

I asked for data to support the claim, not your opinion. Why don't we titrate from 20mg weekly of T cyp for men? Because we know it's far too low, via data and clinical experience, to be of any benefit, and we start at doses known to have an impact. That's actual commen sense based on data and clinical experience.
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Crisler recommended starting with no more than 7mg oral for females. My wife and I was sitting at his desk right in front of him when he said it.
Is the half life of the DHEA the same as the DHEAs half life that it converts to?

7-10mg is low end of replacement dose for women, which is not the same as attempting to get a physiological relevant increase in T to get the effects discussed in this thread. He was also usually using TRT with the women, and thus, no need for higher doses of DHEA to accompish higher T levels. Starting at 10mg is fine, but to repeat again, dosing, like all hormones, best achived via blood work. Just because it's OTC, does not change that.
I agree you got to have labs to see whats happening. About 12mg out of cut up troches a day puts me way over range. The cream and OTC do nothing. I wouldn't know that without labs.
My wife has been using testosterone replacement for years. The steroid stigmatism for women is much worse than for men somust women don't discuss this subject. Plus, there is just not a lot of research out there about what high-normal test levels do for women so I thought I would pass this off:

Tajima-Pozo K, Bayón C, Díaz-Marsá M, Carrasco JL. Correlation Between Personality Traits and Testosterone Concentrations in Healthy Population. Indian J Psychol Med. 2015 Jul-Sep;37(3):317-21. doi: 10.4103/0253-7176.162956. PMID: 26664080; PMCID: PMC4649825.

"Adjectival correlates indicated that Ss with higher T concentrations perceived themselves as self-directed, action-oriented, and resourceful; those with lower T concentrations viewed themselves as conventional, socialized individuals, possessing a caring attitude coupled with an anxious and dejected mood."

I love having a wife that is self-directed, action-oriented and resourceful!
Postmenopausal sexual function and steroid hormone levels: a hospital-based cross-sectional study.
E. Nunes, E. Gallardo, +1 author J. Fonseca-Moutinho
Published 1 February 2023
Medicine, Biology
Climacteric : the journal of the International Menopause Society
Steroid hormone levels, particularly androgens, play an important role in sexual function in premenopausal women, but this relationship is not so well determined after menopause. This study aimed to assess the association between steroid hormone levels and sexual function in postmenopausal women.

A total of 84 postmenopausal women with intact ovaries, who had never used systemic hormone therapy, were enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Sexual function was assessed using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire and serum levels of steroid hormones were quantified by gas chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Associations between estradiol, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and FSFI domain scores were evaluated.

After adjustment for confounding variables, the analysis revealed a statistically significant association between androstenedione and overall sexual function (β = 1.23, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.37; 1.98], p = 0.010), arousal (β = 0.19, 95% CI [0.02; 0.37], p = 0.034), orgasm (β = 0.33, 95% CI [0.15; 0.45], p = 0.001) and satisfaction (β = 0.25, 95% CI [0.11; 0.36], p = 0.001). No associations were found between the other hormones and FSFI domains.

The main finding of this study is the association of androstenedione with sexual function in postmenopausal women, not verified for other steroid hormones. Further studies are necessary to determine the importance of androstenedione for postmenopausal sexual function.

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