Traveling without Test Cyp


New Member
I’ve been on daily IM injections of 35 mg Test Cyp for about 5 months. I’m flying to another state for vacation for 5days. I’d rather not go through the crap associated with flying(transport of prescription/needles etc), and am wondering how I’d react to no injections for 5 days. Should I up the dose abit for a few days preceding departure? Will the cumulative effect of preceding doses carry me through the 5days of no injections? Looking for any input especially if you’ve gone through this before……
I also do daily injections and only missed one injection twice. Never two in a row. I'm going on vacation in December, for 5 days. I also was wondering the same thing, what would happen if I didn't injected for 5 days?
I’ve been on daily IM injections of 35 mg Test Cyp for about 5 months. I’m flying to another state for vacation for 5days. I’d rather not go through the crap associated with flying(transport of prescription/needles etc), and am wondering how I’d react to no injections for 5 days. Should I up the dose abit for a few days preceding departure? Will the cumulative effect of preceding doses carry me through the 5days of no injections? Looking for any input especially if you’ve gone through this before……
My urologist suggested a medication vacation due to AST level high just barely. I take TCyp 200 mg weekly and was off for 30 days. I was fine, we are all different. Hope it works for you.
I know this is slightly off topic but might be helpful input in your decision making. I travel almost weekly (even during Covid) and have taken hundreds of domestic flights and at least 20 internationally, since I started on TRT five years ago. I always carry my syringes, test vial(s), alcohol pads, etc. in a small zipper pouch in my carry on bag and have never had a problem with TSA or customs. On the very rare occasion when my bag gets pulled by TSA and they ask "do you have anything sharp in there?" - I tell them I have capped insulin syringes and medication in a small black bag. Not once have they ever even opened the little "gear" bag to look inside and I have never been asked to show a doctors note or prescription.
I've traveled for more than a month at a time domestically and internationally and always taken my meds including Testosterone and HCG. Travel is not a hindrance to my medical routine.
Same here. I have been traveling for many, many years and never had an issue with taking along my testosterone medication either in packed bags that I checked or carry on. I was always more comfortable taking them in carry on luggage though. I wouldn't even consider not taking them with me.
For a few days vacation I’d inject the full amount upfront on the day you leave. It’s not a big deal to dose five days at once rather than daily. Most guys dose a week or two at a time all the time. I’ve done this sort of pre vacation injecting many times and I’ve never noticed anything different by doing it. Just inject it all before you go then forget about it.
How do you handle HCQ needing to be refrigerated when flying/travelling?
If I take HCG with me I put it in a small bag with an ice pack. However it’s easier to just inject an extra amount before leaving and then not bother taking it with me. If I vacation without HCG then I usually up my testosterone dose somewhat in order to compensate.
For a few days vacation I’d inject the full amount upfront on the day you leave. It’s not a big deal to dose five days at once rather than daily. Most guys dose a week or two at a time all the time. I’ve done this sort of pre vacation injecting many times and I’ve never noticed anything different by doing it. Just inject it all before you go then forget about it.

Doubtful this would be needed let alone make a shit lick of difference when using a medium-acting ester (TC/TE) as most are already running absurdly high trough FT levels.

Not as if his T levels are crashing hard in 5 days.

Top it off that he is injecting a whopping dose of 35 mg T daily which is an absurd 245 mg T/week.

His FT level is most likely through the roof.
I have gone a few extra days without injecting many times and I doubt if you will have any issues but we are all different. I would view it as an experiment and if you are really concerned, try going without for a few days right away (if you have time) and see if you have any issues while you have your stash near you. It could also be useful in that if you see a benefit that would be good to know.
I’ve been on daily IM injections of 35 mg Test Cyp for about 5 months. I’m flying to another state for vacation for 5days. I’d rather not go through the crap associated with flying(transport of prescription/needles etc), and am wondering how I’d react to no injections for 5 days. Should I up the dose abit for a few days preceding departure? Will the cumulative effect of preceding doses carry me through the 5days of no injections? Looking for any input especially if you’ve gone through this before……
I've often had to fly for least before this PLANdemic came about.

Traveling with testosterone and needles is no big deal. Just toss it all in your carry on bag and go. I would advise taking the box with a prescription label just in case they ask (I've never been asked, BTW). TSA is required to accommodate this - for the likes of type-1 diabetics. Also applies to any other injected medications (testosterone, HCG, what-have-you).

Traveling with vial medications that require constant refrigeration can be a PITA though. I just have it in a frozen refrigerated carrier (called a Medicool) and have TSA hand check it. Only one time this has been an issue for me and it was at London Heathrow. Never encountered any issues on stateside flight travel.
Let me ask you this, if this was insulin for diabetes would you not take it on your trip? You have a medication prescribed by your physician. Take your meds.

I travel domestically and to Canada quite regularly. I carry it on and have never had an issue.

Regarding HCG, being out of the fridge for a day won’t hurt it. Over time it can slightly degrade. I inject three times a week. If I’m traveling less than 2 weeks I will pre draw all of my meds, I cut off the label on the box for the Test, HCG and Nandrolone, and leave the vials at home. If it’s more than two weeks I take it all in a little diabetic kit and just put my HCG in the fridge when I get to the hotel.

You seem to be thinking about this as though you are not takeout a legitimate medicine for a medical condition. Assuming you are I’d respectfully suggest you own it. Treat it as you would any other necessary medication.
How do you handle HCQ needing to be refrigerated when flying/travelling?

I use a small zippered case with 4"x6" cold packs on each side. Usually places I stay have some kind of accessible fridge, if not, I have never had a hostel or hotel that could not accommodate refrigerating it during my stay. In some more remote areas this means the proprietor's family fridge. Great way to get to know the locals.
I use a small zippered case with 4"x6" cold packs on each side. Usually places I stay have some kind of accessible fridge, if not, I have never had a hostel or hotel that could not accommodate refrigerating it during my stay. In some more remote areas this means the proprietor's family fridge. Great way to get to know the locals.
Google "Medicool" for an insulated vial cooler. I've always asked the hotel to accommodate by having a refrigerator in the room prior to my arrival.
A bit too large from my needs when only traveling with a daypack, but great if you have room.

BTW, I like your username in the context of this topic! Wish I could vacation these days!
I travel with multiple vials, so something a bit larger than a day pack is the way to go [for me]. I carry this thing on my person - no way I would ever put medications in checked bags. I hand it to the TSA agent and let them know its refrigerated medications, then instruct them to hand check it. They usually have me over to pull the tray from the carrier so they can see the contents then they turn me loose with it.

There was one time at London Heathrow that I had issues. I came off a 4 hour flight from Finland on my way to the US and the tray had defrosted a bit - it was no longer frozen solid. The lady in security took great exception to this and insisted on throwing the tray in "the bin". I grabbed a bag of ice and packed the carrier. Had to switch out ice on my 8 hour flight back to the states.

It's OK insurance paid a claim on baggage and ruined medications as a result. Maybe karma will kick in some day and she will face the same dilemma...

The name rings true. I'm actually on an international vacation right now!
My 2c. Just be careful when travel internationally. Make sure you sure check the laws. Some countries have really strict laws when it comes to bringing controlled substances into their borders.
i have traveled a lot both in the US and internationally and never had an issue. I always take my doctor’s letter showing all the medications i take just in case. HCG doesn’t really go bad if not refrigerated for a short period of time even days. It might lose some potency. I use FRIO cooling bags just to avoid have the HCG exposed to extremely hot temperatures.

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