Transition from TD to T cyp


Met with a new doctor the other day and went over my protocal with the TD. Avg 700 T and managing any and all side effects related to this type of TRT. I read all the treads and trying to figure out a new protocal.
Although hes not opposed to continueing my protocal he prefers IM twice weekly and Im assuming cyp, but I never thought to ask.
He believes it is easier to manage hemaocrit and E2 without much difficulty and uses that protocal himself.

For any cyp users, what a good starting point if I switch, Im open to trying it for 3 months or so and see how I respond.

Current use 150mg compounded cream at 10%, 4clicks daily, not really sure of typical dosing to convert it to injectables. From what I read most guys use about 200mg weekly and break it into smaller bi weekly dosing.

Im trying to get a feel for the dosing so I dont have to reinvent the wheel here.

Also, any thoughts on saliva testing for T levels? He drew a bunch of blood and wants me to do saliva also as part of the T tests, including cortisol and adrenals.

Said he is familiar with this site and all the major players involved, which I found reassuring for an initial appt.
Doctors most often start you on 100mg per week, divided into two doses of 50mg every 3.5 days and then follow-up in a few weeks.

Yes, stay away from saliva levels for Test, but use them for cortisol and adrenals. You can get blood tests inexpensively at
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I was on two tubes of Testim for a while... then went to compounded cream when I lost my insurance, but it di not work as well and I could not get my numbers over 500. I have insurance again now, but I went to T-cyp to try to bring my levels up more and it works the best for me. I use 200 mgs a week.. divided into two doses..
I inject on Tuesday morning and then again of Friday evening. My numbers now run between 900-1000 which seems to be the best spot for me.
Interesting to see your Doctor is familar with our site and forum.

I have found over the years moderating these types of forums that Doctor's lurk to learn.

Usually, it was the bodybuilding and steroid sites where they would go to learn as there weren't any TRT forums out there.

Hell, I moderated the TRT forum on Steroid dot come for years and because that was one of the only places men can go to learn back then.

Yes, twice weekly IM injections of Test Cyp are best.

Based on your current blood work your Doctor should know what a good starting dose would be for you and since you didn't post them it's hard for me or anyone to give you counsel.

As noted, 100 mg a week, or 50 mg twice weekly, is an excellent starting point with labs six week after to see where your serum levels are.

200 mg is the highest dosage of testosterone in TRT and most men don't need anything near that amount to get levels back to a nice healthy level.

I don't see any mention of HCG?

You know why you need HCG...right?

What were your estrogen levels when last tested?

In fact, if you have your blood work it would be nice to see it here in this thread.

Personally, I think you will do well on IM versus TD...most men do.

Hey Gene, this is from my last blood work 6 weeks ago. I do not have my most recent back yet as I just took it last Friday.

TT 759 (250-1100)
FT 102 (46-224)
Bio 201 (110-575)
SHBG 37 (10-50)
E2 40 (less than 29) ultra sens test
DHT 178 (16-79)
DHEA 558 (38-313)

(I dont concern myself with E2 as I been using Nelsons therory of ratio, TT÷E2 and keeping it betwern 14-20. Currently use .25mg AI twice weekly)

The thing is, at these current levels I feel great and want to stay somewhere close to tjis when if I switch protocals.

I dont use hcg as I didnt feel like pinning myself in addition to using TD.

My nuts have atrophied but at my age I not bothered by it and have no concerns with fertility as my kids are adults.

I really dont mind injecting twice a week but dont want to hassle with adding additional drugs, mixing ingredients etc.

When I threw out how I read Nelsons and Crislers books,l and spend time here, it was nice to hear him say he knows who Dr Crisler is and about this site. Plus hes a harley guy so we have a connection. Lol
Just met w ith new doc to review recent labs.

TT 866 (250-1100)
FT 146.7 (46-224)
SHBG 29 (10-50)
Bio 301 (110-575)
Alb 4.5 (3.6-5.1)
Prog 0.4 (less 0.2) H
DHEA 541 (38-313) H
E2 ultra sens 47 (less 29) H
Preg 51 (13-208)
DHT 169 (5-46) H

Did not switch protocols and will stay on compounded TD. As he put it, "why mess with success" alot of men would kill for these numbers as he put it.

We are tweeking my DHEA and progesterone and as far as E2, not worried about it as its in a decent ratio (T÷E2) 14-20 and since I am at 17, going to leave it be unless I develop side effects. Not concerned with DHT as I have no adverse issues.

So as it stands, staying with TD and current protocal

Your numbers look very good. Your DHEA and DHT are higher than normal but they are OK if you do not have hair loss, acne, or feel edgy.

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