No, that's not at all normal. You have previously posted out of range liver function tests, complained of yellow-tinged skin, and a two inch loss of height. Something medically is going on - something we, a peer-to-peer internet forum, can't possibly diagnose or sort out for you. You need good, comprehensive medical care.
Did you follow up in regard to your liver and jaundice issues?
I got to talk with my GP yesterday, she was busy. During the last week my jaundice issue cleared up. Now my skin is pretty normal looking besides it being really dry. The meeting was held to discuss about my latest hormone test. The things that were making me worried in my latest hormone test was my Total T- Was 14 nmol/l and my TSH 4.8.
Just after saying hi to each other the first thing she told me was : " Your hormones are fine, they are withing the normal range." I asked her why is my TSH so high, she answered : " It is still withing the 0.5-5.0 range. So nothing serious
I told her that I lost 2 inches of height and she just smiled and said " This can't happen because you are still growing, I'm sure it's just false measurement.
In the end, I told her I see that after developing the varicocele on my left testicle my Total testosterone dropped by 22%, I'm worried that it might get worse in the future. I would like to do something about it. To which She answered: " Varicocele do not affect Testosterone production, the Varicoceles only affect the cells which produce sperm not the cells which produce testosterone.
I started to debate with her saying that it is too much of a coincidence and the fact that my left teticle is the size of a cherry its something that might lower my Testosterone production. To this, She said: " Yes, I see that your Total T dropped by 22 %, but it is still within the normal range. At the end of our conversation, she gave me a Depression test.
The depression test I need to fill up after 2 weeks and then meet her again.
I have no idea to do what. I'm extremely worried about my Male hormones, knowing that I'm still developing into my mature male physique.
Should I save some money and go to a private doctor? Get the varicocele treated? Is there a chance that my shrunken left testicle might regain its size and regain my original Testosterone levels?
Sorry, I'm just not expert regards these things.
Thank you in advance