Topical Gels/Creams Vs Injections???


This goes out to the few and the proud that chose topical creams or gels over injections. What lead to your decision to choose creams/gels over injections? Can you be specific as to the factors such as mood, libido, blood work, energy, estrogen management, more stable blood levels that might have lead to your decision? Thanks in advance.
You're going to find that a lot of guys feel nothing from topical gels or creams so the decision to go injectables was forced on us, most that do absorb in the beginning stop after a while and wonder why their levels are on a decline. Undiagnosed thyroid issues usually mean you'll absorb none of the tropical treatment anyway, plus who wants to cramp their lifestyle by having to worry about sweating off the tropicals if they go to the gym or simply want to swim within 4 hours of application or risk transferring it to children?
This goes out to the few and the proud that chose topical creams or gels over injections. What lead to your decision to choose creams/gels over injections? Can you be specific as to the factors such as mood, libido, blood work, energy, estrogen management, more stable blood levels that might have lead to your decision? Thanks in advance.

jth you are not going to find many gel/cream users here. This site seems to be a magnet for post cream users that could not get the stuff to work.
I on the other hand have only use gels and creams for the last 11 months.
I was quite happy with Testim 1% gel one tube /24 hours got my natural TT 173ng/dL to 630ng/dL (labcorp ranges) in 5 weeks.

3 months ago I changed doctors and I am now on 20% compounded cream. The clinic is going a bit slow with my protocol 1 click got me to 300ng/dL
I am on 2 clicks now blood draw this Monday. I also take an AI and HCG.

I find the cream or gel very convenient and have none of the issues pin-ers will list.
I apply my cream at around 2AM on my pee break / post sex and that gives me 10-12 hours before I see my grand children.
I prefer the rib cage both sides I don't change locations.

Only a super high DHT will make me go to needles. You won't get the straight scoop on all that can go wrong injecting here on this forum.
Most pinning sides are seriously downplayed. Now watch me get slammed by all the pinners. haha

EDIT: A small clip copy and paste from Dr Crisler (a who said of the greatest magnitude) latest posting.
Those TRT patients who prefer a transdermal testosterone, or even testosterone pellets (although I am not in favor of same), take their HCG from every day, to every third day. They then needn't concern themselves with diminishing serum androgen levels from their testosterone delivery system, due to daily consistent Testosterone delivery.

This might be a good time to mention the best TRT protocol ever is a daily T gel, daily HCG shot, DHEA, and estrogen control (where necessary). I hasten to add that would be for those who can use a T gel.
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Put me in the compounded cream (20%/ml) (Empower rx).
I use 1/2 ml (2 clicks) and get trough readings in the 700's.
That is about 1/4 teaspoon.
Reasonable cost (self pay) so I don't screw with insurance and having to get pre approved.
Runs about $65 w/shipping for 30 ml that last 2 months.
Under my bicep close to my arm pit. Change arms daily.
Last Sept was Free Total was 778 (264-916)
Put me in the compounded cream (20%/ml) (Empower rx).
I use 1/2 ml (2 clicks) and get trough readings in the 700's.
That is about 1/4 teaspoon.
Reasonable cost (self pay) so I don't screw with insurance and having to get pre approved.
Runs about $65 w/shipping for 30 ml that last 2 months.
Under my bicep close to my arm pit. Change arms daily.
Last Sept was Free Total was 778 (264-916)

I'm on the same stuff from EMPower.

This goes out to the few and the proud that chose topical creams or gels over injections. What lead to your decision to choose creams/gels over injections? Can you be specific as to the factors such as mood, libido, blood work, energy, estrogen management, more stable blood levels that might have lead to your decision? Thanks in advance.

I have used Testo Gel for 18 months now and results are excellent; I have no "highs and lows" of injections, I apply daily 2 sachets, which takes about 5 minutes to rub in to being completely dry.
My total testosterone has risen and is steady at 30nmol/L this is slightly high (8.0 - 27.4)
My Free & Bio Available Testosterone has also risen considerably
My PSA sits steady at 1.1ug/L
Oestradiol, HDL, Haematocrit and other essential bloods are all within limits
My Benching for chest has increased from Olympic bar plus 25kg per side to double disc 50kg per side
, my post training muscle aches have all but gone, where as prior to TRT I had muscles ache for up to a week after


I consider Testo Gel much better than the other ointments as it is completely dry within 5 minutes

It may not work for others on here (reading their comments) but it sure works with me, gives me the exact steady dose each day with no high or low troughs

I considered injections but why!!!! when this works so well for me, why should I change to feeling good one week and low the next week, makes no sense to me.
also on the sexual side, im back to wakening up with full morning erections every day and achieve erection when with partner with no concerns.
I was initially put on TRT due to low "Free testosterone"
total and free / Bio have now risen considerably
If the DHT goes too high I have read that you can have anxiety and that will kill libido. You have to try and see what happens. What happens with others doesn't mean it will with you. It can take 6 months to a year or more for you to find what works best for you. Having a doctor that knows what they are doing will speed things up a lot.
I've wondered if the higher DHT levels achieved by topicals would improve libido.
DHT has many pros and cons a quick google search will give you all you need to know.

I added DHT to my blood test list should know in a week or so what my DHT is on tes gel/cream for 11 months.
As for libido. If high DHT increases ones libido then I probably don't have high DHT. My libido is in the dirt and has been for about 8 years.

I liked this one.

I've wondered if the higher DHT levels achieved by topicals would improve libido.
We have a number of members who inject, but, in an effort to boost DHT and sharpen their libido, apply compounded cream to their scrotum. It has, for a good number of them, been successful. It shouldn't be done blindly. Libido is a complex phenomenon, but baseline testing and a conversation with your doctor may be productive.
We have a number of members who inject, but, in an effort to boost DHT and sharpen their libido, apply compounded cream to their scrotum. It has, for a good number of them, been successful. It shouldn't be done blindly. Libido is a complex phenomenon, but baseline testing and a conversation with your doctor may be productive.

Hi CW, I believe I read compounding cream for the scrotum is a different mix.
They have to add or maybe take something out to slow the adsorbtion.
Standard T cream or gel should never be applied to the scrotum.
Hi CW, I believe I read compounding cream for the scrotum is a different mix.
They have to add or maybe take something out to slow the adsorbtion.
Standard T cream or gel should never be applied to the scrotum.
I hear your point, and agree with it when it comes to alcohol-based gels, but the creams work for a number of guys here - all of whom claim that it's simply a matter of their standard cream heading south. Certainly worth a conversation with the prescribing doctor if a libido boost is looked for.
I hear your point, and agree with it when it comes to alcohol-based gels, but the creams work for a number of guys here - all of whom claim that it's simply a matter of their standard cream heading south. Certainly worth a conversation with the prescribing doctor if a libido boost is looked for.

There are TWO types of creams, one you can ONLY apply to the scrotum, the other you apply anywhere EXCEPT the scrotum. The type that you do NOT apply to the scrotum has a type of chemical in there that will make the absorption of test more effective through all the various layers of the skin. I forget which chemical, but it works very similar to DMSO and drives the test into the blood stream quicker and more effectively. Since the scrotum has only a few thin layers of skin, and is very sensitive, you do not use this type there. It would be an irritant AND be too effective in driving in test into the bloodstream, making your blood plasma levels too high. Therefore, the type that you apply to the scrotum does NOT have this chemical agent. Unless otherwise prescribed, rubbing Testosterone cream into your scrotum can increase the amount of Testosterone into the blood stream than what the cream was made for and could impact E2 levels in a negative way. Also, the scrotum has a great deal of 5-AR so you could get very high levels of DHT as well…that's not a good thing for some men.

Where do you apply the cream?

Directly where advised by your prescription TRT replacement cream / Gel leaflet
As below there is a separate Cream/compound for scrotum; no idea what it is, what it is for and why it is used, perhaps someone who uses it can be specific and answer that for you.
As for Testo Gel which I use, the leaflet which comes with it instructs you to apply on Shoulders and upper arms, the lower abdomen can also be used.

I usually run a razor across shoulders and upper arms when in shower, takes less than a minute. I then dry myself off then apply the gel - 2 x 50mg (5g gel). Once rubbed in, I then brush my teeth, by the time I have brushed my teeth, the gel is fully dried in, completely dry and I get dressed.

From applying to being fully rubbed in and dry is less than 5 minutes. (NOTE: this is not the case for "Testim" an other creams / Gels, Testim is a thicker cream and when used can take a good 15 mins or more to fully rub in).

I have tried Testo Gel application also to my upper thighs, I shave upper thighs and hip area when in shower, then apply same as you would to shoulders & upper arms, this area works just the same.

My results for Total Testosterone over 18 months, with initial 6 weekly blood tests when starting and now regular 3 monthly blood tests is on average;

30nmol/L - (8.0 -27.4). Conversion 30nmol/L = 865ng/dl

Last month, for a full month I tried fully shaving with shower, drying off and applying, then after 2 hours rubbing in moisturiser, I tried this for a full month (fact I was on vacation for 18 days helped).

The results for total testosterone were;

42.8 nmol/L (8.0 - 27.4) this was exceptionally high and I was advised to drop down to one and a half sachets per day.
Conversion 42.8nmol/L = 1235ng/dl

I am continueing on 2 sachets but refraining from using moisturiser, the next blood tests will confirm I expect that total testosterone will have dropped back down to upper limit.


Obviously my free and bio testosterone were also checked as this was the main reason I was put on TRT due to Osteopenia (lower bone mass). My free and bio testosterone were just above the upper limit


Feel free to ask me any questions regarding Testo Gel as I have used it for 18 months (apart from one week on Testim which I eventually binned and returned to Testo Gel).
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^so did your bone density improve on topical test?

At this time; it is still unknown, DEXA (Bone Density) Scans are carried out in UK every 2 years, no sooner, this is done for people suffering osteopenia and osteoporosis.
I only found out I had Osteopenia due to the fact I had an accident where I fractured the C6 in my neck and the T7; T8 in my back, due to this, they carried out further examinations and found osteopenia and low "free testosterone"

I have been on TRT (Testo Gel) for 18 months, I am due a further DEXA bone scan around March next year.
My Free & Bio testosterone have greatly increased, I am putting on good muscle mass, I am in heavy training with free weights where my lifting has increased and I am involved in a lot of physical sports and activities to encourage bone growth.
My Consultant Urological surgeon is very pleased with the results, as is my Neurosurgeon, both expect to see a good change in bone density and my fractures have healed well to the fact that over a period of 30 months (when I was told I may not walk again) to now, I have underwent daily / weekly physio, then progressed to the gym and then continued at a free weights gym.
For myself, TRT and recovery are going good. I am using Testo Gel and I have been offered injections of which I have turned down just now as the Gel is working very well.

I also feel the Testo Gel is closer to natural testosterone as you apply it first thing in the morning and have full boost which wears off over the following 24 hours until ready for the next daily boost. With injections - weekly, monthly or 3 monthly, your body is having a full blast of testosterone with little deduction. That's just my opinion and if Testo Gel did not work for me, I would obviously try injections, but why fix something with is not broke and is working well???
Directly where advised by your prescription TRT replacement cream / Gel leaflet
As below there is a separate Cream/compound for scrotum; no idea what it is, what it is for and why it is used, perhaps someone who uses it can be specific and answer that for you.
As for Testo Gel which I use, the leaflet which comes with it instructs you to apply on Shoulders and upper arms, the lower abdomen can also be used.

I usually run a razor across shoulders and upper arms when in shower, takes less than a minute. I then dry myself off then apply the gel - 2 x 50mg (5g gel). Once rubbed in, I then brush my teeth, by the time I have brushed my teeth, the gel is fully dried in, completely dry and I get dressed.

From applying to being fully rubbed in and dry is less than 5 minutes. (NOTE: this is not the case for "Testim" an other creams / Gels, Testim is a thicker cream and when used can take a good 15 mins or more to fully rub in).

I have tried Testo Gel application also to my upper thighs, I shave upper thighs and hip area when in shower, then apply same as you would to shoulders & upper arms, this area works just the same.

My results for Total Testosterone over 18 months, with initial 6 weekly blood tests when starting and now regular 3 monthly blood tests is on average;

30nmol/L - (8.0 -27.4). Conversion 30nmol/L = 865ng/dl

Last month, for a full month I tried fully shaving with shower, drying off and applying, then after 2 hours rubbing in moisturiser, I tried this for a full month (fact I was on vacation for 18 days helped).

The results for total testosterone were;

42.8 nmol/L (8.0 - 27.4) this was exceptionally high and I was advised to drop down to one and a half sachets per day.
Conversion 42.8nmol/L = 1235ng/dl

I am continueing on 2 sachets but refraining from using moisturiser, the next blood tests will confirm I expect that total testosterone will have dropped back down to upper limit.


Obviously my free and bio testosterone were also checked as this was the main reason I was put on TRT due to Osteopenia (lower bone mass). My free and bio testosterone were just above the upper limit


Feel free to ask me any questions regarding Testo Gel as I have used it for 18 months (apart from one week on Testim which I eventually binned and returned to Testo Gel).
Thanks. I have been using the compounded cream for 7 months. The instructions for me is to apply on the inner arms area. Since I have kids I applied it to my back shoulder and the week off getting labs to my inner arms. My results was 799. Then I applied it only to the back shoulder and got tested using only the back shoulder area and was 597 and the I tested with only chest and upper arm and got 607.
This time I am doing only the thigh and see if I can get a reading on at least 700-850 or so. If not I have a feeling the original inner arms instructions is the best place possibly.
Thanks. I have been using the compounded cream for 7 months. The instructions for me is to apply on the inner arms area. Since I have kids I applied it to my back shoulder and the week off getting labs to my inner arms. My results was 799. Then I applied it only to the back shoulder and got tested using only the back shoulder area and was 597 and the I tested with only chest and upper arm and got 607.
This time I am doing only the thigh and see if I can get a reading on at least 700-850 or so. If not I have a feeling the original inner arms instructions is the best place possibly.

Wow this is great info I had no idea adsorption could be so different based on location. I was told to select body locations where the skin was thinnest. For me that would be quads or rib cage south of the arm pit.
Wow this is great info I had no idea adsorption could be so different based on location. I was told to select body locations where the skin was thinnest. For me that would be quads or rib cage south of the arm pit.
Yes I am still experimenting. After I see what the thigh does I might try the rib cage lol.

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