Pretty amazing that I was on a Statin for many years and suffered from a number of side effects that included leg pains and unexplained cramping. After doing research on statins and particularly from articles read on this website I stopped taking statins altogether about a year ago. At the time my LDL was low around 70, but my triglycerides were high and HDL was low and out of range. My total cholesterol was under 200 and usually hovered around 180. The only thing I added to my daily routine was 2000mgs of niacin. The standard b3, (not non flush). Had my levels tested last week, my total cholesterol was 193, HDL and triglycerides are normal and LDL only slightly elevated at 116. (70-100)
My numbers are better without a statin and NO cramping or unexplained side effects. Will never take them again. Statins are poison!