Thinking of switching from Testim gel to injections!Advice please!


New Member
Hello everyone! I do have 25 years old and I am on TRT for almost 6 weeks now ,with Testim gel!
In all this time , if I had a total of 5 hours of benefits with Testim gel.. I don`t know, maybe it is because I am using it night time and the peak is 12 hours from what I understand! Anyway , my doc wants to wait 3 months and do the test again,I would like to switch to injections after 2 months,which will be in 2 weeks!
So, after you start TRT, your body stops the natural production ?! (It doesn't matter if it is gel or injections??) , and can you be infertile after TRT ? How does it works? Thanks.
First big question; why is a 25 year old on Testosterone replacement? What were you diagnosed with that put you on a medical protocol that you will be on now for the rest of your entire life???

Yes, when you introduce exogenous Testosterone into your body you HPTA is suppressed and you stop producing your natural production. The longer you are on TRT the hard it will be to restart HPTA; and you should know it does not restart on its own.

Get blood work done while on your TD to determine if you need to switch to injections.
Thanks for your reply Gene Devine! I appreciate! I can see from your profile that you`ve been for a while on this forum,you must have some experience! Now,to answer your question...I was diagnosed with hypogonadism 6 weeks ago! It is possible that I`ve been born with this condition,because I had the symptoms all my life,and in the last 4-5 years it was getting worse! I have used anabolic steroids as well (7-8 years ago). I have done few tests on different clinics!

First one : Total Testosterone : 11.6 nmol/L (9.20 - 55.80 nmol/L)

Second one : FSH : 1.7 ( 1.5 - 11.4) U/L
LH : 4.9 ( 1.7 - 8.6 ) U/L
Testosterone : 9.1 ( 7.6 - 31.4) nmol/l
SHBG : 11
( 14-78 ) nmol/L

Third one : FSH : 1.52 ( 1.5 - 12.4 )
LH : 4.21 ( 1.7 - 8.6 )
Testosterone : 6.64 ( 9.9 - 27.8) nmol/L
SHBG : 8.75 (14.5 - 48.4 )
Free Testosterone : 0.028 ( 0.015 - 0.145 )

Tests done from beggining of September to October!

So , as you can see the number were getting down I have started TRT!
I hope I will convince my doctor to switch for injections! Thanks anyway!

Kind Regards
Yes, LH and FSH are very very low and why you are hypogonadal.

BUT the question still remains the same; why?

It could very well be related to your past AAS use and you didn't get HPTA restarted and as a result you are producing very little LH and FSH both which regulate Testosterone production among other things.

An astute TRT Physician would have tried to get your natural endogenous production restarted first and before putting you on a TRT protocol.

There are any number of PCT's that may well get you restarted and not need TRT for the rest of your life.

You must know that there are consequences of being on TRT at your young age and you need to understand what they are and how it will impact the rest of your life.

Is your Physician a well trained TRT practitioner?
Yes , it is possible from the anabolics ,and because I didn't knew what side effects they can have,I haven't done anything regarding this subject!
My first doctor wanted to start with Clomid or Tamoxiphen , but because I didn't want to use ''drugs'' he recommended to me D-Aspartic Acid + vitamin D for 1 month, and we supposed to double check tests after and decide what to do next! but because I couldn't work anymore/money issue ,etc ..I went back home and switched the doc. No results with DAA + vit. D
I don't know about his experience,because in our 2 short meetings I couldn't ask him all I wanted to know!(he is very busy) all I know is that is on Endocrinology section!

I told him about my previous doc and his suggestion with Clomid, ( he made some big eyes and said NO way), Tamoxiphen he said maybe , injections no way (side effects = aggresive, high sexual desire, infertility), so the last option - Testim - for 90 days!

So, now I will have to wait and do the tests again,make him a visit ,and let`s see what he is going to decide...
Do you have more info regarding TRT at such a young age?! Thanks a lot for your time, what is your situation?How long are you on TRT? (if you don`t mind..)

Kind Regards
Your first Doctor was on point trying to get you restarted with the use of Clomid and Tamoxiphen.

Do some research on "Post Cycle Therapies" and how to get HPTA restarted. Dr. Michael Scally has done a ton of research on this so Google on him as well.

Your Edno sounds like he doesn't understand TRT in men...which comes as no surprise.

Once you start TRT it's for life, there is no "90 days" when doing this.

Keep in mind, once you start on your TRT you will further suppress HPTA...meaning further shutting down any ability to produce on your own.

With a transdermal you won't have to worry about estrogen elevation so much unless your baselines are already high.

You will need HCG, especially at your age, to keep your testicles alive and functioning in the event you want children in the future.

IMO, you need to do everything possible to get HPTA restarted BEFORE using Testosterone. TRT should be, for a man your age, and assuming you are not Primary, an last absolute resort protocol.

This site if full of information for you to learn so I urge you to do just that.

Go to the top of the nav bar and click on About Us if you want to learn about me.
Thank you Gene once again for your quick reply! You are a legend!
I have to say that after I have read your description I felt hope :) ''the change it had on me, both physiological and spiritual, was beyond any of my expectations and I was so impressed with the positive impact it made on my life I decided to learn everything I possibly could about anti-aging medicine, the male androgen pathway and endocrine system...''
I bet you are an awesome person! I will do some research on PCT topic , and probably I will change my doc as well!
On the Testim prescription it says that the Testosterone ingredient it is natural as the one we naturally produce?!

My estrogen levels on the second test,on 11/09 : '' Oestradiol < 55 (28-156) pmol/l ''
I will definitely have a look on HCG as well , thanks again for everything ! I appreciate!

Kind Regards,


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