Thinking of Buying a CPAP

I already snore and, 3 weeks in on TRT, I've read that my snoring may get worse. My wife wants to know how loud the CPAP machine will be. I can't find any video reviews addressing this valid concern.
A few of my friends have them. I’m told the exhaust noise is very similar to the white noise some folks use to sleep so, I’m pretty sure you both can adjust to any noise fairly quickly. Usually, apnea is accompanied by snoring or loud breathing, so the noise should go down.
Thanks. She's concerned because it's probably 2 or 3 times per week that the snoring is bad enough to disrupt her, however, she's concerned that a loud CPAP could be a 7 night disaster.
You’re going to need a doc who can adjust the settings. Have you had a polysomnograph to determine your level of apnea? That will dictate the therapeutic settings.
Great idea. BTW - I'm exactly 3.5 weeks into my TRT and this am I slept until 9am! Went to bed at 10:30 pm last night. I'm usually awake 5:30 am during the week and on weekends cannot sleep past 6:30 - 6:45. The weekend early rise has been frustrating for approx last 5 years. I'm wondering if TRT is beginning to help me get restful sleep and if adding a CPAP will make things even better.
You’re going to need a doc who can adjust the settings. Have you had a polysomnograph to determine your level of apnea? That will dictate the therapeutic settings.

No, I've read a lot of frustrating reviews of people saying how long the process is to have a study done and that the insurance process is also a lot of hoops to jump through ... even though I have great insurance.
No, I've read a lot of frustrating reviews of people saying how long the process is to have a study done and that the insurance process is also a lot of hoops to jump through ... even though I have great insurance.
Personally it only took a week to have the PSG, get the initial cpap, and get started. I recommend the doc’s input to help get dialed in. It took nearly a year to find the right mask and determine that I was better served with a biPAP than a cpap. There are good providers out there, just do your due diligence. Good luck with it. Once you’ve adapted you’ll find that many things improve, mostly not pissing off your wife.
Definitely should get the sleep study. Try Almost as good a forum as this one. Very helpful. You can upload charts via smart card in your CPAP and get input like bloodwork here. Have to download software (OSCAR) - it's free - to get charts but easy and works well. The forum is very helpful for newbies.....

CPAP Machine - Not very loud at all .... Quick recommendations. ResMed Airsense 10, humidifier, heated tubes, Key decision will be full face mask vs. nasal pillows. Depends if you are a mouth breather. Consider taping mouth and using nasal pillows. Some say full face mask makes them claustrophobic.

You will be better off with a Doc and Sleep study to start. There are ways to download how to hack the settings and set your own pressure but hard to know without a starting point.
Start by taping your mouth shut. I use micro-pore tape for this ($4 I think) and it has a host of benefits. It almost completely stopped my snoring, and nose-breathing has a number of benefits in itself. I never sleep with my mouth open now so my throat does not dry out and I sleep much better. The tape is very quiet, cheap and does not need to be tuned or have a study done. If you want to go ultra-high-tech, there is a product called something like somnifix that does this also.
Mine is silent while I wear it, you can here the airflow once I take off the mask. Most new machines have and auto setting that will work to figure out what you need. I did not use it but read about the feature. I could not tolerate the nasal method, I use a cushioned mask that covers nose and mouth. I got a spare back up machine off of Craigslist.
If you are snoring it's likely your 02 saturation is dipping. A CPAP is going to keep your O2 up and let you both get better sleep.

If you are on the fence deciding to get a CPAP or not get one of the many SPO2 rings on amazon. You wear it at night and sync with your phone in the morning. It will tell your O2 levels, heart rate, how much you are moving around, etc. They are cheaper than a sleep study and you'll have it forever. If you are seeing your O2 frequent drop into the 80s then you'll for sure want a CPAP.

Unless you have a compelling reason to use your insurance. Go to the link below and buy a CPAP (doesn't require prescription). The newer auto-CPAPs (APAP) take all the guess work out of what your settings should be (no Doc, no sleep study, no hassle). I personally would skip the sleep study, etc.

The CPAP I have is nearly silent. Sometimes I have to look at the screen to tell if it's on.

good luck

No Script CPAPS: Used CPAP Machines | Used RESPIRONICS CPAP & BIPAP Machines | Discount CPAP & BIPAP Machines
My Auto CPAP: Respironics DreamStation CPAP Auto CPAP
My O2 ring: O2Ring™ Oxygen Monitor
No, I've read a lot of frustrating reviews of people saying how long the process is to have a study done and that the insurance process is also a lot of hoops to jump through ... even though I have great insurance.
This was my experience. LIke you, TRT seems to bring on the heavier snoring. The entire process took over 5 months. It was maddening.

To each his own, but it was waste of money for me and seemed like a racket (reminded me of the wedding industry). Obviously depends on the severity of your problem as many swear by them. Did not improve my sleep at all.

Definitely rent before you buy as Vince said.
No, I've read a lot of frustrating reviews of people saying how long the process is to have a study done and that the insurance process is also a lot of hoops to jump through ... even though I have great insurance.
I would get the sleep study first and then get an auto titration CPAP. Depending on the type of sleep disorder Apnea, hyponea, obstructive or central Apnea you have will determine what type of equipment you will need. The water tank, tubing and mask are all consumables that need replacement I also use an ozone cleaner daily to clean the CPAP system daily. A prescription will be required to purchase. It will take about a month to adjust to sleeping with a mask on your face and to being to feel better. The equipment noise is like white noise unless there is a leak. You will sleep deeper and dream. The snoring should stop once you being to wear the mask. I always told my patients to breath deeper to help them adjust to the mask and air pressure. I sleep on my sides or my stomach usually and have had no issues with CPAP.
Definitely recommend the CPAP 100%. I did a ton of research and I was super skeptical for all the reason everyone has listed above.

SLEEP STUDY -you have to do it, you want to know your baseline, just like your T levels, you guys didn’t just jump into TRT without labs, same logic applies here. You need to find out how many episodes you’re having per night and understand how severe your situation is. DO NOT DO AN OVERNIGHT STUDY. why? Because that’s freaking weird. Who wants to go stay overnight some place that doesn’t include your wife. No way man. Just weird. Not going to do it. Tell them you want the at home sleep study. You have to demand this, because they get to charge your insurance WAY MORE for a clinic overnight study that is totally unnecessary. For a couple hundred they give you the equipment in a little suitcase and you can do it yourself. Super easy, super effective. Then your insurance will approve the purchase.

CPAP MACHJNE - Resmed Airsense 10. This machine is amazing. Whisper quiet, built in humidifier, easy to clean, very comfortable, hoses extends from the top of your head on a swivel so you can toss & turn no problems. I was nervous about a bulky mask on my face you see in the commercials. This thing is so advanced in technology it’s awesome. Gives me a happy face to let me know I have a good seal and tells me in the morning how many episodes I had. Report is sent back to my doc via chip inside.

RESULTS - No more snoring, and I’m bad!!!! Happy wife, happy life. Whisper quiet, easy to clean, perfectly humidified air to breath. Wake up feeling MUCH more rested, increases morning wood, all around better sleep.

I thought I’d feel weird having to put a mask on every night (but now we wear one all day, so there’s that), but instead because it gives me such comfortable sleep I look forward to it, it’s like my sleep pod, putting the mask on tells my body we’re about to go into recharge mode. Pretty cool stuff.

COST: I split mine into 9 payments of $150, but insurance covers this. So it counts to my deductible and use your HSA card. If you don’t have an HSA - Health Savings Account, you’ve got to get one. Welcome to adulthood - be smart - get an HSA, ask your financial advisor. If you don’t have a financial advisor, reread previous sentence ;-)

Ask any questions you want - I’m a CPAP believer now! Drank the kool-aid and got the t-shirt.

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