Live and let live Madman. Thank goodness the whole world is not like you and the rest of us feel free to take a different paths in life. Lots of professions include putting your life on the line and lots are willing to do the job. Most all of my family served in the military in war times and made very little money risking their life. Just because you choose not to go that route doesn't mean it is wrong for others yet you pass judgement? How about those steal workers who build skyscrapers?
Now ask yourself Madman, why is it so many pro-bodybuilders eat huge amounts of protein? Dorian Yates....since you brought him up. I speak to him when he comes to Houston every year at the Branch Warren Classic. Dorian aimed for 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, which means he was eating over 400 grams of protein in the offseason. Far from what you posted isn't it? Maybe interviews aren't so true. I once said in an interview that I was drug free and got strong by eating. Everyone I trained with laughed. My friend who has benched over 1100lbs says he is drug free. Hulk Hogan said he just takes vitamins. Anyway Yates took in FAR over the Canadian recommendations of 1.6g/kg/bw. Phil Heath (7 x Olympia)...3.25g/lb/bw. Ronnie Coleman(8 x Olympia) 546 grams of protein each day, about 2g/lb/bw. Jay Cutler about the same. Dexter Jackson 400g/d. Mamdouh Elssbia about 500g/d. Why is it all of these WINNERS all eat high amounts of protein Madman. Despite YOU and a the Canadian PhD, claiming they are wasting their time and money? Again, maybe science should quit wasting their time telling WINNERS in sport what they are doing is wrong and find out what they get results from doing what they do.
Wasting money of protein supplements? I spend maybe $300--$400 every year of my life. I would rather spend that money than spend $35 on a ribeye steak. Dollar for dollar, I come out way ahead financially buying protein rather than getting ripped off by the mean industry. Fish is way over priced, chicken is ridiculous as it pork.
Madman, you live in a self-righteous world were you justify your use of anabolic steroids while you criticize others who have their own justifications. Whether you like it or not, anabolic steroids have been a big part of sports for several decades. Name the sport and you have the best who are using some kind of PED. Most are smart enough to get around the best of drug testing.
When the amount to money and fame you can get from being the best in sport is so high, MOST will do what ever it take to win. That the object of ALL sports. The "fake ass chemically enhanced builds" you criticize, whether you like it or not have made the fitness industry what it is today. The popularity of the fitness industry is working hard to change the sedentary lifestyles all over the world that have lead to so many diseases. his popularity got started by the few chemically enhanced, protein eaters back as far as the ancient Greeks. Not sure how old you are but I started out working out in a old chicken shed in the 70's and still remember when women were not allowed in gyms. We did not lift weight in high school sports because they made you bulky. Of course the biggest guy on the field was not much over 200lbs. Take a look at any sport. Athletes are bigger, stronger and faster that they were 50 years ago. Diet, training, and drugs.
Now coming from a guy who was one of the best in his sport and also well involved in exercise science and sports nutrition industry, what I despise the most is these PhD's that tell athletes that they don't have a clue what they are doing because their research shows they are wrong. Yet athletes keep doing what the do and win. These guys who You put on such a high pedestal need to take off their self-righteous white coats long enough to find out why the best in any sport get the results they do. We don't know near as much as YOU and some Phd's think we know about why the body works the way it does. In fact, after all of these years, the sliding filament theory is still just a theory.
Why is it for 1000's of years the best athletes have always consumed huge amounts of protein? Despite that, the last 50 years nutritionists and scientist keep saying they are wrong? I was told by my nutrition professor creatine would kill you. Yet, 40 years later I am still using it. Another PHd. told me protein supplements were not food. Obviously she didn't know how protein is made. I grew up on a farm so I know well. Same people who pushed the food guild pyramid off on us and told us high protein would shut down your kidneys, eat high carbs, now we have a country of fat slobs. Is it little wonder why ATHLETES quit listening? We were told by Phd's that anabolic steroids would not enhance athletics. Yet athletes keep doing them anyway. We were also told that steroids kill. Why is it athletes keep doing large amounts of anabolic steroids and stay healthy despite people like YOU saying it can't be done.
My wife who was national champion and pro-bodybuilder and has done anabolic steroids for over 3 decades just got a huge exam both cardiorespiratory and vascular. The results as written by the team of doctors, described her as exceptionally HEALTHY. Absolutely no problem with the lungs, vascular system or heart. Despite her team doctor in Argentina putting her on doses of anabolic steroids that most men don't do, despite the continued use for over 3 decades, despite the consumption of huge amounts of protein, she is extremally healthy for a woman of 61 years. I know so many other ex-pros athletes who fit the same profile. The biggest problem most high level athletes have is the damage they do to their body structurally from years of hard training.
I have a hard time trying to figure out why you are so critical of other's views. You also have been very outspoken against medical doctors who also don't preach what you preach, even highly published urologist who put many of their patients on higher doses of anabolic steroids. Have you ever been an athlete? Ever published research? Are you a medical doctor? What exactly are your qualifications? I have absolutely no problem listing mine. What gives you the right to be so critical of others and pass judgement? Seems your options are just as good or bad as anyone here. Try to not get so personal with your defense of other peoples research. I have been highly involve in board like this since the early 90 when USENET was popular and its sad to see a guy who posts so much research and is a moderator of the board get abusive with the people who come here to learn.
"garbage ass supplements/so called T-boosters in the hopes of packing on muscle!"
Really Madman, who takes T-boosters? Lots of pro-bodybuilder make huge amounts of money repping for supplement companies. Only an idiots believes everything they see advertised. Its a job. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to rep supplements because no one is interested in seeing a 290lb powerlifter on a supplement. But the money is good. So what's the problem? Pro sports are jobs. These guys in all professional sports are in it to make money. Tire companies used pro NASCAR and drag to do research on the tires we use on our cars. They value the opinions and ideas being used in pro sports. Yet YOU turn a blind eye to what PRO's in bodybuilding are doing. These guys are experts in diet and experts in training for hypertrophy. Yet they are clowns?
"Pull the plug on those artificially inflated T levels and all you have left is what we call the incredible shrinking so called MAN!"
So your TRT test level is not artificial? I know mine is because I inject TU to get the levels I have. At 68 years old my NATURAL levels would be far less as your would be. Now granted I am not as strong as I was or as big as I was using 250mg of TE but incredible shrinking man I was not. I dropped from 290 to 240 because I quit eating 10,000cal/d and quit lifting heavy weight. My numbers in sport got where they were because of years worth the incredibly hard work and dedication. I did not go to parties when I was young, dated little because while most were out, I was in the gym, while most were on dates, I was competing. My wife and I spent our honeymoon in the gym because I had a contest to get ready for. Shrink Madman.....I still weight over 240lb and have a bodyfat under 10%. Not sure what plug was pulled. I never knew on professional in any sport that did not believe the AAS they took helped. That is why so many have learned through years of trial and error what works with their genetics. Madman, it is obvious you know little about athletes.
"Sad fucking society we live in."
Really? Just because we have the freedom to make choices that YOU don't agree with?
Pull up all those pics of the real strong men decades before synthetic T/AAS came on the scene.
Natty genetic potential at it's finest!
Where is the shitshow at now?
Bunch of fucking circus clowns!
You mean body FAKE builders!
I even flipped it so it sinks in your dome.
You know that chemically enhanced look that one could never achieve let alone maintain natty.
You are always going to be bigger, stronger, have fuller muscles due to increased glycogen/water, be able to train longer and harder with enhanced recovery to boot.
No one is going to deny that you need to put in the effort (diet/training) let alone your genetics will have the final say when it comes to making gains from abusing testosterone/AAS but the use of such compounds (dose/compounds used) is the MAIN DRIVER that allows one to gain muscle beyond their genetic set-point or better yet well beyond their natural genetic potential.
Something you could never achieve or maintain natty even with and all out effort when it comes to your diet/training let alone even if one had top tier genetics!
Not a fucking chance!
Yes pull the fucking plug and again all you have left is what we call the incredible shrinking so called man.
Night and fucking day here!
Sadly this turns out to be a lifelong commitment whether cycling, blasting/cruising in order to maintain that look.
There is no such thing as a one and done or dabbling temporarily.
Yes there is always a price to pay when it comes to your long-term heath one way or another especially when it comes to cardiovascular/brain health.
There is a big difference between use/abuse when it comes to testosterone/AAS and the amount of chemical warfare used when it comes to amateur let alone professional bodybuilding (doses/compounds/ancillaries to numerous to list) is beyond ridiculous and plays absolutely no part in long-term health.
Chemically enhanced professional athletes are only getting their feet wet when compared to amateur/professional bodybuilders.
Yes we are running around with artificially inflated T seeing this is an HRT forum we are using exogenous T to treat fucking hypogonadism and improve our overall health/well-being!
Far cry from the artificially inflated T levels of one abusing T/AAS for the sole purpose of gaining muscle/strength well beyond one's natty genetic potential!
Now getting back to the needing to consume an absurd amount of protein well beyond 1.6 g/kg/day to gain muscle nonsense!
Before shooting off at the mouth if you listened to the full webinar you would have known he was not emphasizing anything to do with athletes abusing high doses T/AAS!
Nattys let alone anyone using therapeutic doses of T, professional athletes can easily get away with
1 g/lb LBM when in a caloric surplus!
Even then as I stated previously anyone abusing high doses of T/AAS taking in
>2 g/lb/day is overfucking kill especially when in a caloric surplus!
Break point = 1.62 g protein/kg/day p= 0.079*
Solid arrow indicates 95% CI (1.03 to 2.20)
You get the fucking jist!
*Emphasize daily protein intake up to 1.6 g protein/kg/d or perhaps higher if cutting weight - 2.2-2.4 g protein/kg/d but don't expect miracles!
Forget the Canadian PHD lets kick some Alan Aragon!
So let me take a guess here you are going to tell me Aragon has no clue what he is talking about?
Where is that needing much >1 g/lb/day for the natty, men using therapeutic dose of T let alone professional athletes?
Better yet where is that chemically enhanced bodybuilders needing >2 g/lb/day?
Dorian made it loud and clear that he rarely took in >1 g/lb/LBM and yes this is from a recent interview!
Again he mainly manipulated his carbs/fats offseason/pre-contest.
He has nothing to hide here especially when it comes to a fucking macronutrient!
Take home points from Aragon's summary:
• Maximizing muscle growth requires a sustained caloric surplus (muscle growth can still occur without a surplus, it just won’t be maximized).
• Based on the collective longitudinal research that directly assessed body composition, total daily protein intake for maximizing muscle gain is 1.6-2.2 g/kg of total bodyweight (0.7-1.0 g/lb).24
• Alternatively, 2.2 g/kg FFM (1.0 g/lb FFM) can be put to trial and adjusted according to individual response.
Straight to the point here!
*Important side-note: a common misconception is that since resting muscle burns about 13 kcal/kg (6 kcal/lb) per day,23 only a tiny surplus is required to build muscle. Under that presumption, the surpluses in the above table might seem too large. However, aside from the research evidence showing otherwise,22 I would encourage you to head over to the July 2020 issue of AARR, and read the article titled, A pound of muscle burns [X] calories per day: facts, fallacies, & applications. In that article, I discuss the various components of energy expenditure increases involved with the process of building new muscle tissue. The resting value of 13 kcal/kg does not account for non-exercise & exercise activity increases, and thus should not be used for programming caloric surpluses for muscle growth. So, assuming we’ve got the right caloric surplus in place, maximizing muscle growth can be achieved with 1.6-2.2 g/kg (0.7-1.0 g/lb). This range is derived from Morton et al,24 who conducted the largest meta-analysis to date on the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength. I was fortunate enough to be one of the collaborators in this paper. Here’s a key passage from the discussion section which I snipped for brevity: “Here we provide significant insight by reporting an unadjusted plateau in RET-induced gains in FFM at 1.62 g protein/kg/day - 20 -(95% CI: 1.03 to 2.20). […] Given that the confidence interval of this estimate spanned from 1.03 to 2.20, it may be prudent to recommend ~2.2 g protein/kg/d for those seeking to maximise resistance training-induced gains in FFM.” With all this said, there are a few caveats to consider before taking the results as unassailable gospel. Note that this analysis excluded trials involving hypocaloric conditions, which have their own protein requirements (discussed in Chapter 8). It also did not focus specifically on highly trained, athletic, or competitive populations – let alone advanced trainees on ergogenic supplementation and/or drugs. Furthermore, protein needs based on total body mass are presumptive about body composition, when clearly there’s wide variability in the proportions of lean mass and fat mass between individuals. Nevertheless, Morton et al’s findings were echoed in subsequent research by Bandegan et al,25 who found a protein requirement of 1.7-2.2 g/kg in bodybuilders on a non-training day, using the indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) technique. Using the same method, Mazzulla et al26 reported that resistance-trained men required 2.01-2.38 g/kg. Current bodyweight vs. target bodyweight vs. lean mass Protein requirements based on total bodyweight predominate the peer reviewed literature; it’s actually quite rare to find - 21 -publications that issue recommendations based on lean mass (typically denoted as fat-free mass or FFM). Total body weight based protein recommendations are typically issued under the presumption of normal-weight individuals. The pitfall here is that it’s possible to overshoot or undershoot estimated needs if someone is highly over- or underweight. A simple solution to this, which also circumvents the need to estimate body composition, is to base protein intake on goal bodyweight or target bodyweight. Use your current weight to estimate protein needs if you’re seeking to maintain current weight. Otherwise, base your estimations on target bodyweight. This is an effective way of approximating lean mass, with a built-in margin of safety. A quick-and-dirty estimate of protein needs that doesn’t factor bodyweight into the calculation is basing your protein gram target on your height in centimeters (multiply inches by 2.54). If you run the numbers on this, you’ll find that it’s in the right ballpark for taller folks, but shoots high for shorter individuals. As such, it tends to overestimate the protein needs of women who are not particularly tall. For those who are hell-bent on basing protein intake on lean mass or fat-free mass (FFM), a reasonable range for maximizing muscle growth is 1.8-2.6 g/kg FFM. This range is - 22 - derived from IAAO data in recent studies I discussed in the October 2019 issue of AARR. To simplify things, a target of 2.2 g/kg FFM (1.0 g/lb FFM) shoots right in the middle of the ‘optimal’ range. This is a safe baseline target for the goal of muscle gain. Like any programming variable, this would need to be put to trial and adjusted as needed.
Chapter 1
Hierarchy of importance (start here, then skip through the book as you wish) Welcome! Welcome, and thank you for cracking open this little beast. In the odd case that you’re reading this, yet you don’t know who I am or why I’m worth listening to, here is my bio, and here are my peer reviewed publications. The content of this book is meticulously compiled from the current state of the scientific evidence combined with nearly three decades of field experience. I’m proud to say that I’ve co-authored several of the key research publications that have shaped the current practice guidelines on protein intake for sports and fitness oriented populations. The aim of this book is to provide a highly focused, fluff-free resource that concisely answers the most frequently asked protein questions I’ve encountered throughout my career as a trainer, nutritional counselor, researcher, and educator. So yes, get excited. Get very excited. Hierarchy of importance Here’s the crux of why I wanted you to read this introductory section first. Without maintaining the proper big-picture -5- perspective, the smaller details will lack meaning and context. As you go through the material, keep in mind that there’s an underlying order of importance when it comes to the various aspects about protein. From most to least important, the ranking is as follows (keep in mind that these are specific to protein; this hierarchy does not apply to all nutrients): 1) Total daily protein amount. For most of you reading this, getting total daily amount right is the most influential factor. Still, for a minority of individuals with very limited options, it’s theoretically possible to get total daily intake right, but lack quality (sufficient essential amino acids within bioavailable contexts1). We’ll be operating under the assumption that quality of the dietary protein sources is high overall. Therefore, from a practical standpoint, total daily amount is king. 2) Distribution of protein through the day – in other words, the spread or pattern of intake, including number of feedings and protein dose per meal. The impact of a more evenly spread versus skewed pattern, or a low vs. high feeding frequency, or a narrow versus broad feeding window depends on the individual goal. Nevertheless, these aspects -6-of within-day distribution are of distantly secondary importance compared to total daily amount. 3) Timing of protein relative to the training bout. For most goals, this factor has the least impact, especially in the context of programs with typical protein feeding distributions amounting to the proper daily total. Exceptions where protein timing relative to the training bout warrants attention are programs with very low meal frequency (e.g., 1-2 meals per day). In the latter case, the positioning/timing of protein can potentially influence rates of progress. The finer details of these concepts are elucidated in subsequent chapters. Caveats Keep in mind that nutritional needs vary across the stages of the human life cycle, well as different disease states. The protein requirements discussed in this book apply to healthy adults, unless specified otherwise. With that out of the way, let’s dive in! -7-
Chapter 2
How much protein does the general public habitually consume? A common statement made by professors throughout my college experience was that protein supplements (and the push for greater protein intakes in fitness-related media) are a scam because people already consume more than enough protein. A more nuanced approach to this topic shows that different goals warrant different protein intakes. So, this claim always set off my skepticism sensors. The latest protein consumption data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)2 shows that men aged 19-50 years consume 101.2-109.5 g/day. Using NHANES data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the average bodyweight of men in the US is 89.8 kg.3 This amounts to an average protein intake of approximately 1.17 g/kg in men. NHANES data for women aged 19-50 years showed an intake of 70.3-72.9 g/day.2 The CDC reported an average body weight of 77.4 kg.3 This works out to a protein intake of approximately 0.92 g/kg in women. Both of these protein intakes (1.17 & 0.92 g/kg in men & women, respectively) exceed the Recommended Daily -8- Allowance (RDA) for protein, which is 0.8 g/kg.4 So, by that standard, my professors were correct. The general public’s protein intake exceeds the “official” public health guideline. The problem is that the RDA is insufficient to meet the needs of a substantial proportion of the general population, and it comes up short for practically all dieting and athletic populations. The following chapters cover the RDA’s shortcomings in more detail. -9-
Chapter 3
How much protein is needed to maintain health in the general population? Ancient & tenacious The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 g/kg.4 Notably, this figure was derived from nitrogen balance studies on sedentary individuals. It formally became part of the public health guidelines in 1980. It’s now 2021, and the RDA for protein hasn’t changed; no adjustments for athletes or physically active individuals, no increase for the elderly. Forty years is a long time for a guideline as important as protein intake to be outdated, despite a mountain of research showing benefits of greater intakes across virtually all populations. But, this is pretty much the normal (glacial) pace of conventional wisdom when it comes to altering established nutrition rules in general. Moving forward The research community’s call to re-evaluate the RDA has been ongoing and vigorous. A memorable 2009 review by Donald Layman,5 one of the pioneers of protein research in physically active subjects, was blatantly titled, Dietary Guidelines should reflect new understandings about adult protein needs. This was - 10 - perhaps the first paper to address the RDA’s lack of contingencies for protein needs based on the state of energy balance. Layman accurately contended that protein requirements are inversely proportional to energy intake. In other words, protein requirements increase in the face of hypocaloric (energy deficit) conditions, which pose an inherent threat to lean mass preservation. Furthermore, Layman noted beneficial effects on calcium metabolism and bone health at protein intakes above 1.2 g/kg. Protein requirements for the general adult population are largely focused on preserving lean mass in compromising conditions such as dieting and aging (separate goals from getting jacked or enhancing athletic performance, covered elsewhere in this book). A review by Lonnie et al6 relayed the collective guidelines of the International PROT-AGE Study Group and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) for individuals over age 65, which are as follows: 1.0-1.2 g/kg for healthy folks, 1.2-1.5 g/kg for those with acute or chronic illnesses, and 2.0 g/kg for those with severe illnesses, injuries, or malnutrition. A review by Phillips et al7 took direct aim at the RDA, focusing on protein needs for optimizing health and longevity, arriving - 11 -at a recommendation of 1.2-1.6 g/kg. This recommendation was inclusive of the general adult population, from younger to older. On the more generous end, Pencharz et al8 proposed an intake of 1.5-2.2 g/kg. Interestingly this recommendation pertained to the general population (not strength athletes or bodybuilders). However, their reasoning for this range was based, in part, on the Institute of Medicine’s Acceptable Daily Macronutrient Range (ADMR) of 10-35% of total energy intake,9 which carries a high degree of subjectivity. As is typical in research, the recommendations vary according to different perspectives and interpretations of the data. Among these recommendations, the intake range best supported by the research evidence for the healthy, not necessarily-athletic-nor-dieting general public is Phillips et al’s proposed guideline of 1.2-1.6 g/kg.7 In Imperial terms, this translates to 0.54-0.72 g/lb.- 12 -
Chapter 4: How much protein do high-level competitive athletes habitually consume?
Strength/power athletes Gillen et al10 reported that elite-level Dutch strength athletes (71 subjects) had a protein intake that averaged 1.8 g/kg in those who used protein supplements, and 1.5 g/kg in those who did not. Slater and Phillips10 relayed the reported intakes of various strength/power athletes at the elite, national, and international levels as follows:
Throwing: Sprinting: Weightlifting:
Men 1.3-2.4 g/kg 1.5 g/kg 1.3-3.2 g/kg
Women 1.1-2.5 g/kg 1.7 g/kg [no data]
Slater and Phillips11 reported that the protein intakes of elite level male and female bodybuilders was 1.7-2.4 g/kg & 1.5-2.0 g/kg, respectively. A systematic review by Spendlove et al12 reported a range of 157 g/day (1.9 g/kg/day) to 406 g/day (4.3 g/kg/day) among a mix of drug-free and enhanced competitive bodybuilders. Chappell et al13 reported that in high-level drug free bodybuilders, pre-contest protein intakes of men and - 13 -women who placed in the top-5 were 3.3 & 2.8 g/kg, respectively. Protein intake of men and women who placed out of the top-5 were 2.7 & 2.9 g/kg, respectively. Body composition was not reported in this study, so no intakes based on fat-free mass can be reported.
Mixed/team sports
Team sports fall somewhere in the middle of the strength endurance continuum, with a mix of demands and energy system contributions on that continuum. In a large sample of elite-level team sport athletes (242 subjects), Gillen et al10 found that protein intake averaged 1.6 g/kg in subjects who used protein supplements, and 1.4 g/kg in those who did not.
A systematic review by Jenner et al14 reported the intakes of various professional & semi-professional mixed/team sports athletes as follows: Football (soccer): Australian football: Rugby union: Wheelchair basketball: Volleyball: Ice hockey:
Men 1.9-2.0 g/kg 1.8-3.4 g/kg 2.2-2.7 g/kg 1.7 g/kg [no data] [no data]
Women [no data] [no data] [no data] [no data] 0.9 g/kg 1.4 g/kg
- 14 -Endurance athletes
Finally, we have our quirky friends who just love to see how far they can push the limits of their fuel tanks. A classic review by Tarnopolsky et al15 reported protein intakes ranging 1.0-2.2 g/kg among high-level male and female endurance athletes. More recently, Burke et al16 reported that in elite-level Australian endurance athletes (4 canoeists, 2 cyclists, 11 distance runners, 3 kayakers, 9 rowers, 9 swimmers, and 3 walkers), protein intake averaged 1.9 g/kg.- 15 -
Chapter 5: How much protein maximizes athletic performance?
The following table outlines the latest position stands of the major nutrition (& exercise) organizations on protein requirements for athletic populations. The protein recommendation of the ISSN17 has been the same since their initial position stand on this topic in 2007; they were a bit ahead of the game. The current recommendation of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and American College of Sports Medicine18 has been increased since their previous statement in 2009, where the range was 1.2-1.7 g/kg. POSITION STANDS ON PROTEIN INTAKE FOR ATHLETIC GOALS Publication Population Recommendation Jäger R, et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017 Jun 20;14:20. [PubMed]
Physically active individuals, including competitive and recreational athletes aiming to enhance muscular strength, endurance, or size
1.4-2.0 g/kg Thomas DT, et al. Position of the AND, DC, & ACSM: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 Mar;116(3):501528. [PubMed]
Competitive athletes in a range of sports spanning the “Higher intakes may be strength-endurance indicated for short periods continuum during intensified training or when reducing energy intake.”
“Higher protein intakes (2.3-3.1 g/kg/d) may be needed to maximize the retention of lean body mass in resistance-trained subjects during hypocaloric periods.” 1.2-2.0 g/kg - 16 -
Caveats to accepting the position stands as gospel Although the position stands of the above organizations represent the weight of the evidence, this doesn’t mean that they are indisputable. The indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) technique is a validated method used for determining indispensable amino acids in humans.19 Recent studies using the IAAO technique have shown protein requirements greater than the low-end of the protein ranges listed in the position stands. Kato et al20 found that in endurance athletes on a training day had an estimated average requirement of 1.65 g/kg. More recently, Bandegan et al21 reported that the estimated average protein requirement in endurance-trained subjects in the 24-hour post-trained period was 2.1 g/kg. The latter findings call into question the recommendations of the current position stands on protein intakes for athletes, especially the allowance of intakes as low as 1.2-1.4 g/kg. Based on the current evidence, I would not recommend dipping below 1.6 g/kg for competitive athletes, or recreational athletes who take winning seriously.- 17 -
Chapter 6: How much protein maximizes muscle gain?
Let’s talk about growth for a moment Alright, so what about protein needs for muscle growth? This question is not all that simple. For maximizing muscle growth (also called muscle anabolism or hypertrophy), even the most carefully optimized protein intake is just part of the picture. In order to prime the physiological environment for growth, hypercaloric conditions (a caloric surplus) must be sustained. While muscle growth is indeed possible in caloric maintenance and deficit conditions, growth cannot be maximized unless a surplus of energy is consumed. Hypocaloric conditions compromise nutrient & energy availability. This suppresses anabolic signaling and muscle protein synthesis (MPS), ultimately compromising the rate of muscle growth. Hypocaloric conditions can tip the balance of turnover toward muscle protein breakdown (MPB). In contrast, hypercaloric conditions facilitate the opposite. Sustaining a caloric surplus drives muscle growth by not only increasing anabolic signaling and MPS, but also supporting the escalating demands of progressive resistance training volume. - 18 -
Just what kind of caloric surplus is needed, you ask? The answer is, it depends on the population. Beginners and more advanced trainees have different requirements. The following table is a summary of the energy surplus guidelines from a recent paper I co-authored with Brad Schoenfeld:22 CALORIC SURPLUS GUIDELINE SUMMARY Population/training Magnitude of Nature of the surplus status the surplus Untrained/novice Approximately Greater potential benefit of a or deconditioned 20-40% above predominance of carbohydrate due to maintenance higher total energy surplus capacity. needs (~500 Surplus should include a minimum 1000 kcal) protein dose of approximately 20-40 g (or at least ~0.4 g/kg of total bodyweight). Trained/more Approximately advanced; closer to 10-20% above maximum potential maintenance needs (~250-500 kcal)
Lesser potential benefit of carbohydrate predominance due to lower total energy surplus capacity. Surplus should include a minimum protein dose of approximately 20-40 g (or at least ~0.4 g/kg of total bodyweight).
Notes & caveats First and foremost, a caloric surplus for muscle gain must be built upon a foundation of sufficient total daily protein and energy intake. In general, for optimizing high-intensity fueling requirements of progressive resistance training, an energy surplus should focus on increasing carbohydrate. However, increased proportions of protein can be employed depending on how cautiously one wants to court the potential for concurrent fat gain. More advanced trainees closer to their potential have less room for surplus energy partitioning into lean tissue, and thus may choose to employ protein-focused surpluses. Regardless of training status, individuals cautiously avoiding fat gain might also benefit from this tactic. - 19 -
Important side-note: a common misconception is that since resting muscle burns about 13 kcal/kg (6 kcal/lb) per day,23 only a tiny surplus is required to build muscle. Under that presumption, the surpluses in the above table might seem too large. However, aside from the research evidence showing otherwise,22 I would encourage you to head over to the July 2020 issue of AARR, and read the article titled, A pound of muscle burns [X] calories per day: facts, fallacies, & applications. In that article, I discuss the various components of energy expenditure increases involved with the process of building new muscle tissue. The resting value of 13 kcal/kg does not account for non-exercise & exercise activity increases, and thus should not be used for programming caloric surpluses for muscle growth. So, assuming we’ve got the right caloric surplus in place, maximizing muscle growth can be achieved with 1.6-2.2 g/kg (0.7-1.0 g/lb). This range is derived from Morton et al,24 who conducted the largest meta-analysis to date on the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength. I was fortunate enough to be one of the collaborators in this paper. Here’s a key passage from the discussion section which I snipped for brevity: “Here we provide significant insight by reporting an unadjusted plateau in RET-induced gains in FFM at 1.62 g protein/kg/day - 20 -(95% CI: 1.03 to 2.20). […] Given that the confidence interval of this estimate spanned from 1.03 to 2.20, it may be prudent to recommend ~2.2 g protein/kg/d for those seeking to maximise resistance training-induced gains in FFM.” With all this said, there are a few caveats to consider before taking the results as unassailable gospel. Note that this analysis excluded trials involving hypocaloric conditions, which have their own protein requirements (discussed in Chapter 8). It also did not focus specifically on highly trained, athletic, or competitive populations – let alone advanced trainees on ergogenic supplementation and/or drugs. Furthermore, protein needs based on total body mass are presumptive about body composition, when clearly there’s wide variability in the proportions of lean mass and fat mass between individuals. Nevertheless, Morton et al’s findings were echoed in subsequent research by Bandegan et al,25 who found a protein requirement of 1.7-2.2 g/kg in bodybuilders on a non-training day, using the indicator amino acid oxidation (IAAO) technique. Using the same method, Mazzulla et al26 reported that resistance-trained men required 2.01-2.38 g/kg. Current bodyweight vs. target bodyweight vs. lean mass Protein requirements based on total bodyweight predominate the peer reviewed literature; it’s actually quite rare to find - 21 -publications that issue recommendations based on lean mass (typically denoted as fat-free mass or FFM). Total body weight based protein recommendations are typically issued under the presumption of normal-weight individuals. The pitfall here is that it’s possible to overshoot or undershoot estimated needs if someone is highly over- or underweight. A simple solution to this, which also circumvents the need to estimate body composition, is to base protein intake on goal bodyweight or target bodyweight. Use your current weight to estimate protein needs if you’re seeking to maintain current weight. Otherwise, base your estimations on target bodyweight. This is an effective way of approximating lean mass, with a built-in margin of safety. A quick-and-dirty estimate of protein needs that doesn’t factor bodyweight into the calculation is basing your protein gram target on your height in centimeters (multiply inches by 2.54). If you run the numbers on this, you’ll find that it’s in the right ballpark for taller folks, but shoots high for shorter individuals. As such, it tends to overestimate the protein needs of women who are not particularly tall. For those who are hell-bent on basing protein intake on lean mass or fat-free mass (FFM), a reasonable range for maximizing muscle growth is 1.8-2.6 g/kg FFM. This range is - 22 - derived from IAAO data in recent studies I discussed in the October 2019 issue of AARR. To simplify things, a target of 2.2 g/kg FFM (1.0 g/lb FFM) shoots right in the middle of the ‘optimal’ range. This is a safe baseline target for the goal of muscle gain. Like any programming variable, this would need to be put to trial and adjusted as needed.
Summing up
• Maximizing muscle growth requires a sustained caloric surplus (muscle growth can still occur without a surplus, it just won’t be maximized).
• Based on the collective longitudinal research that directly assessed body composition, total daily protein intake for maximizing muscle gain is 1.6-2.2 g/kg of total bodyweight (0.7-1.0 g/lb).24
• Women typically carry significantly more body fat than men, so shooting lower on this range might be more appropriate as a starting point from which to adjust according to results.
• Remember to use target body weight if you’re highly over or underweight.
• Alternatively, 2.2 g/kg FFM (1.0 g/lb FFM) can be put to trial and adjusted according to individual response.
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