Arnold Schwarzenegger is probably the most well-known bodybuilder who later became an action figure and politician. He managed to win many titles including the Mr. Universe title. His workout routine includes two different components – one that describes the areas of muscles that are worked on each day of the week and another that describes the exercises performed on each day. A person following the Arnold Schwarzenegger schedule should keep both these aspects in mind when following it.
On Day 1 you need to exercise the abs, back, and chest, on Day 2, your abs, forearms, and shoulders, on Day 3 you need to work on abs, lower back, calves, and thighs, on Day 4 you need to focus on abs, back, and chest, on Day 5, the focus is on the abs, forearms, arms, and shoulders, and on Day 6, you will work on your abs, lower back, calves, and thighs. The seventh day is a day of rest.
This schedule is reflected in the exercises specified for each day. On Mondays and Thursdays you need to do pullovers, bench press, incline press, chin ups, bent over rows, and leg raises.
On Tuesdays and Fridays you need to complete the upright rows, dumbbell lateral raises, the Arnold press, the barbell clean and press, standing barbell curls, seated barbell curls, narrow grip bench press, standing triceps extensions with the barbells, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and incline sit ups.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays you need to do leg curls, squats, lunges, sitting or standing calf raises, leg raises, good mornings abs, and stiff leg or straight dead lifts.
Ideally, you need to do four sets of each exercise and repeat six to ten times. If you can repeat up to 12 times with ease, you can increase the weights you are using.
This is basic and simple exercise instruction site:http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html