Nelson Vergel
HCG Dosage Calculator
Even though it is a simple calculation, some men struggle calculating IU and cc doses of HCG. Here is a simple site to help. Before we start, why is hCG measured in IU's instead of mg? What is an IU? When measuring testosterone we speak of milligrams. HCG is measured not by weight but in IU’s...

Risk associated with pre-loading syringes for later use
Just wanted to share a reminder regarding patients who want to pre-load a syringe with an injectable medication for later use. It is not recommended to self pre-load a syringe for IM injection due to the fact there is exposure to contamination during the manual transfer from the bottle to the...

How to Inject Testosterone Intramuscularly, Shallow IM or Subcutaneously ?
Click here to watch videos on how to inject testosterone intramuscularly or subcutaneously More information on subcutaneous testosterone injections: Subcutaneous Testosterone...

hCG Expiration . Can you freeze hCG?
I was just reading over the product insert for my hCG and it states that once reconstituted it should be used within 30 days. This doesn't make sense, since I have a prescription for three months. Does this mean that the hCG will lose its potency after 30 days?

How Big Will My Balls Get? HCG
I have been on HCG for 2 weeks. 250 units twice weekly. I am amazed and happy to see that after only one week my testicles seem to have gone from grapes to walnuts. A couple of questions to the guys with HCG experience: How big will they get and will they continue to grow or is this about it? If...

HCG--Does it expire/lose potency after a few weeks in the refrigerator ?
My doc has me taking 300 ml of HCG per week with 100 ml of T cyp. This means my diluted bottle of HCG lasts a while. I have this feeling it loses potency after a while. Also I left my bottle out on the counter one day by mistake. Does anyone know if the stuff stops working if too old or...

Best way to pull last bit of Testosterone out of the vial
Hi guys., I searched for info on this but didn't find see it., in your experience, what is the best way to pull out the remaining Testosterone out of the a vial when it's almost out. I'm down to the last little bit in the vial, and from my calculations, even with allowing for any loss.. it...

How to Store HCG (or any peptide)
This is just great information from Debora Labs on how to care for peptides which HCG is a water based peptide. Storage and Expiry Information for peptides Peptides facts The peptides are all produced using the same laboratory procedure (known as lyophilization). This means that the storage...

Injecting Testosterone and HCG in same syringe
Maybe I'm overthinking this, but my current protocol calls for three days a week injections of testosterone and HCG (on same day). I've been injecting both separately sub q. How can I most easily combine them into one syringe to cut down on the number of injections? What is the simplest way to...

Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?
My doc offered my nandrolone and aid it would help me build muscle. I read about it and it looks like it causes erectile dysfunction. When I asked him about it, he said that for some people, it can, but if it does, regular function comes back a few weeks after stopping. I read something...

BPC-157/TB-500 Dosing
Due to a nagging knee injury, I am about to treat myself with a BPC-157/TB-500 blend (5mg/5mg). Would anyone know the dosing regimen for this combination? Provide links if you have them. The BPC-157/TB-500 blend is a combination of peptides that have shown potential benefits in wound healing...

Keeping testosterone in pre-loaded syringe for a week or more
I get mine like this, they come in the 1ml ampoule and I only take 0,5 and the doc told me to discard the rest. I was thinking to save the rest for next pin in a syringe. How safe is that and is anyone doing that?

Losing confidence with Prime Body
Hello, i have been with Prime Body for 8 months. I went with them because of this website. First meeting was great and very professional . After that they never contacted me or returned emails . They just sent the meds monthly. When i said i wanted to terminate service they responded immediately...

Increasing precum
Hey guys, Anyone here had any success at increasing precum and semen volume? I've heard that pygeum, lechitin and zinc work.

Proviron on trt?
Any thoughts on this? I’ve been reading that it is better to lower estrogen than anastrozole on trt...

Testosterone Cypionate Carrier Oils - Differences
So far, I have only injected T Cyp in Grapeseed Oil. Like many of you, I draw and inject SubQ with a 29g insulin syringe. Assuming I could also draw/inject with 29g if I were to switch to a solution in cottonseed or sesame oil? Aside from allergies (I don’t have any) do the different oils...

HCG dosage- How to calculate it
I am about to undertake my HCG maiden voyage (adding to my TRT regime) and could use help in assuring my calculations are correct. I will be taking 250iu of HCG twice a week (T & Th) as I understand the the math, since I have 5000iu of freeze dried HCG, I will dilute it with 5ml of...

Injecting Test with EasyTouch insulin syringe?
Hello everyone. I am just posting this quick question. I am out of longer syringes that would be used to inject myself in the thigh muscle but still have easytouch syringes for my HCG. Theyre thin and short so im not sure they would reach my muscle. Are these syringes sufficient to inject or not?

Optimal time of day for hCG or Testosterone injections?
Hello! I could not find the answer, so sorry if this has been answered already buried in another post! BACKGROUND: I am on the following schedule for months now and have pretty stable levels - better than when I started T shots once every 10 days (with T alone), then every 7 days, then...

What is the testosterone dose for muscle gain?
Some of the guys I work out with know that i inject T. It has come up why then do I not put on more gains, I do heavy rssitance training and little cardio. I explained that I am on a theraputic dose. Shoot I take a paltry 30 mg twice a week to keep red blood cells in line, so i could never...

Do sensitive nipples mean estrogen is definitely high?
I have been on TRT for exactly 3 weeks. Lately I've been having very sensitive nipples. Does this mean that my estrogen is definitely high? Or is it possible to have sensitive nipple without also having high estrogen?

taking Prohormone while on TRT
Ive never taken a pro hormones before but if somebody took a pro hormone that was on TRT would there be any health consequences? Since they are already on TRT they do not have to worry about being shutdown.

How to Lower Hematocrit Using Grapefruit Seed Extract Naringin
I have been reading the grapefruit seed extract posts in regards to lowering hct. My question is at what dose did you have success lowering hct. I just began using 50 mg of GSE (grapefruit seed extract) from bulk supplements. I know this is a hit or miss for some of y'all.

How many of you are on diuretics for water retention on TRT?
How many of you guys are on Diuretics for face bloat/water retention issues on TRT? Assuming Estradiol is within a good range. What is your experience and what did you use? Are there any that dont require a perscription? Do you take it everyday forever? Anyone increased there dosage from...

Crashed Estradiol - How Long to Recover?
Hi All, New to these boards, but have been lurking for a while picking up some great information, everyone seems very knowledgeable. Started TRT back in October 2016, I have yet to get dialed in, although I have found the elusive sweet spot a couple of times, so I know how important it is to get...

Can you inject HCG and hgh together?
Nelson (or anyone else knowledgeable on this subject), Can you draw and inject, both HCG and growth hormone in a single insulin syringe? Besides the fact that the syringe will be dulled, is there any negative consequences to injecting these two products together?

Does anyone know why Merck put the brakes on Pregnyl?
Pregnyl is exactly the same as HCG from Merck. I can’t find it anywhere, and I’ve checked all the big pharmacy’s. They can’t even order it. Since the compounding pharmacies In AZ had to stop selling HCG my doc gave me a script for Pregnyl. Now I can’t find it. HCG has really helped in addition...

HCG Sodium Chloride or Bact water? Mixing question
This site has a wealth of knowledge on it and it's been so useful however I can't seem to find much on my situation. Maybe I'm just rubbish at using the search button. I live in the U.K. and it's prescribed a bit differently to the states. It comes labelled as pregnyl 1500iu. I want to start...

Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX
Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis. Prostaglandins are mediators and have a variety of strong physiological effects, such as regulating the contraction...

HCG and vasectomy???
If a man were to have a vasectomy would there be any reason to use HGC???? Would retaining the testicular size be the only benefit????

How to mix 11,000iu HCG vial?
Sorry guys in advance if this is listed elsewhere. If so please point me in that direction. Finally got prescription in the mail for HCG. Even after asking for 5,000iu vials I received the 11,000iu vial. Came with bacteriastatic water and mixing syringe. But no instructions. I know it's not...

Testosterone Injection Methods: Shallow vs Deep IM
Has anyone had enough experience with both shallow and deep IM to notice a difference in how you feel or any variation with labs?

Anyone using Tailor Made Compounding for their peptides?
Curious to know if anyone is using Tailor Made. They are one of the few FDA-regulated pharmacies that offer pharma-grade peptides: More from Jay's chat with Ryan@ Tailor Made:…/

HCG best protocol: 500IU E3D or 250IU EoD?
Whats the best protocol for HCG? My doc prescribed 500IU E3D but the study below seems to suggest 250IU EoD is better:

What is the "normal" doage for EOD injections if test? How many guys have been able to drop arimidex
What is the "normal" doage for EOD injections if test? How many guys have been able to drop arimidex I switched to EOD injections to try and control estradiol back in December. I am still getting dialed in. I am just curious to hear from other guys who have switched to QD or EOD test...

How does one differentiate between gynecomastia and non-gyno nipple growth/sensitivity on TRT?
I'm a 36 year old male and I've been on TRT for a little over 3 months. After approximately 3 weeks on TRT at 100mg Testosterone Cypionate every 7 days I started noticing changes in my nipples. They'd get pointy and erect much more easily when cold, or even at room temperature with my shirt...

Crashed E2 - Recovery Time and Symptoms
Why did you change protocols if it worked well? Yes, if you stop AI, give it 4-6 weeks. I'd stop the AI. When I had crashed E2 and stopped taking the AI, the worst symptoms began to fade after a week but lingered for 4 weeks. It was 2 months before E2 came back into a good range and I felt...

Blue sky peptides new tadalafil formula???
Is anyone still getting tadalafil from bluesky? They seem to have changed there formula and I don't think it's very good.....way under dosed!

how much 12.5 mg aromasin and 6.25 mg aromasin lower oestradiol ?
hi, i would like to know how much a single tab of 12.5 mg / 6.25 mg aromasin lower E2? my E2 are 40 pg/ml and i need to find a proper dose to lower them . I was thinking of starting with 6.25 mg aromasin twice a week ? thanks

Converting HCG units - mcg to IU
My wife and I are doing a round of IUI this month, so she was recently prescribed Ovidrel (brand name HCG). The dose is 250 mcg, and the cost will be $75. I'm guessing that's way overpriced, given that I take compounded HCG that costs $75 for 11,000 IUs. So, I'm thinking of just giving her a...

New TRT and Weight-Water Gain - Normal?
Prior to starting TRT two weeks ago I lost several pounds over several weeks. I was averaging about 1 pound per week due to eating clean and going to gym a few days per week. The week I started TRT I dialed in the nutrition even further by tracking macros in Fitness Pal and added a couple of...

Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack
Many have used this stack for massive hard pumps in the gym, significant vascularity and excellent erectile function not discounting the health benefits. If you're looking for any of these benefits and more...give it a try! Nitric Oxide Stack Bed Time 5 mg of Tadalafil (Cialis) 3000 mg of...

TRIMIX Dosage Forum
So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. Attempt 2: 8 units (.08ml) resulting in an ER trip and an erection around 8 hours. 120mg Sudafed did nothing. Urologist in ER...

Hallandale Pharmacy
Has anyone had trouble with the quality of the product from Hallandale Pharmacy? I understand they have had issues with the FDA in the past. I am afraid what I am currently using is ineffective.

ED vs EOD - Any difference?
For those of you who have tried both EOD and ED injections, was there any significant difference, either in how you felt or in your lab results? I ask because it appears that assuming the same weekly dose, average levels on ED and EOD would be exactly the same (using cypionate).

Clomid ( clomiphene) for Men: What Every Man Needs to Know
Clomid (generic name: clomiphene citrate) is a medication commonly prescribed to treat infertility in women. It stimulates hormone production in the female body, promoting ovulation (the growth and release of a mature, viable egg to be fertilized). It's one of the most common female infertility...

How to travel with Testosterone and HCG?
I'm going to South America for a week. It's a six hour flight. Anyone have any suggestions for how to bring along my T and HCG?

Empower or other Pharmacy prices?
I have scripts for 5000 unit hcg and 10000mg testCyp. what can I expect to pay to get those filled. I cannot get anyone to quote a price without mailing my script to them first. I would like to price shop

Best place for Syringes?
Didn't realize I just used my last 23 Gauge Syringe and I need to inject Wednesday. Anyone buy off amazon? I don't believe Walmart or Walgreens carries smaller gauge (non insulin) syringes correct? I was going to grab these but no delivery till Monday:

Restoring testicle size
I'm new here and want your opinion on HCG treatment for restoring testicle size. I've been on TRT for 5 years and have noticeable shrinkage. I've read that 500 IU every day is good for maintaining size, but what about restoring size? Is there a protocol, such as starting with a higher dose, then...

Ankle swelling after starting testosterone injections
I got this question from a friend of mine today who started testosterone replacement 3 weeks ago (injections of 100 mg per week): "I've been gaining a lot of weight. Does this mean my estradiol is high? I don't have any nipple soreness or severe bloating but my ankles and wrist are swelling."...

Sermorelin -What's Your Experience?
For folks on Sermorelin - do you find it effective?

Coming off TRT- Defy HPTA Reset Protocol
I am curious if anyone knows what sort of HPTA protocol Defy Medical offers. I'm considering coming off TRT. I am currently a Defy patient and they have managed my protocol very well, but I just don't feel a huge benefit from TRT a year later even with Test levels going from 350 to 1100. I...

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