Testosterone levels and haemoctrit

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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hi guys

I posted before about my doc starting me on too high a dose, which was .8ml week 160mg....
My haemocrat went high to 0.56 and I was suffering extremely bad pressure headaches and facial pain.

I reduced my T, and for the past 6 weeks I have been taking only .2ml (40mg) x twice week, total 80 mg weekly.

So that's 40mg every 3.5 days

I did 2 blood tests this week,

2 days after I injected, my peak? T was 695 ng/dl
My haemocrat was .54

And on the morning before my next injection, trough? T was 608 ng/dl
My haemocrat was .50

my problem is...... I am still getting pressure headaches?

Is this unusual, considering that I'm only dosing 40mg x twice week and haemoctrit is coming in at .54 peak .50 trough....

Is it also unusual that haemocrat is so high on a weekly dose of 80mg?

Should I donate to get haemoctric down more so the pressure headaches subside

Also, was hoping to increase T from 80mg weekly to 100mg week, as numbers aren't really good are they, particularly that I do feel ok in myself (besides the headaches) but my erections are poor.

Prior to starting Test Cyponiate, i was on Nebido for few years, and my erections when Test is peak erections were 100%

But, if I was to increase test from 80mg week to 100mg, I'm only gonna suffer more intense pressure headaches aren't I as my haemoctric will be higher......

Should it be between .54 and .50 weekly on 80mg?

Or does it seem somethings not quite right here.

I drink about 3 litres or more water a day.

Thanks for any help guys, these pressure headaches really get me down, I wouldn't mind pain anywhere in the body I'd handle it but when it's your face... man......
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