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Join host Chase Hendrickson, MD, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in a discussion about a recent investigation in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism that tries to illuminate the relationship between serum testosterone and fractures in men. Ever since the release of the TRAVERSE fracture findings last year, we as endocrinologists have been uncertain in how to think about testosterone and bone health, as that trial made us question what we thought we already knew. So we thought that this article would be an important one to review and are eager to discuss it. Dr. Hendrickson talks with Anna Goldman, MD, from Harvard Medical School and guest expert Peter J. Snyder, MD, from the University of Pennsylvania. The article featured this month, by Grahnemo et al, was first published in JCEM in October 2024: “Associations of Serum Testosterone and SHBG With Incident Fractures in Middle-Aged to Older Men.”