Testosterone Cypionate Carrier Oils - Differences

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Well-Known Member
So far, I have only injected T Cyp in Grapeseed Oil. Like many of you, I draw and inject SubQ with a 29g insulin syringe.

Assuming I could also draw/inject with 29g if I were to switch to a solution in cottonseed or sesame oil?

Aside from allergies (I don’t have any) do the different oils affect release rate or anything else?
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I've always used grapeseed oil, if that was not available to me my next option would be sesame seed oil. I believe most members I have the hardest time using a small needle with cottonseed oil.
I've always used grapeseed oil, if that was not available to me my next option would be sesame seed oil. I believe most members I have the hardest time using a small needle with cottonseed oil.

I have read the same thing. Can anyone that has actually drawn/injected cottonseed oil based t cyp with a 28g or 29g pin comment on how well it works?
wait...is cottonseed thicker or more viscous the Grapeseed? I've not heard that only that some guys have a real or perceived reaction like a post injection itch or pain with one or the other, not that one is thicker than the other.
wait...is cottonseed thicker or more viscous the Grapeseed? I've not heard that only that some guys have a real or perceived reaction like a post injection itch or pain with one or the other, not that one is thicker than the other.

I don't know why one would be thicker than the other or if it even is. It just seems like guys who use cottonseed oil, complain about how hard it is to fill their syringe, if they use a 29 gauge.
I do cottonseed currently with the 27 gauge. Takes about 15 seconds to load .10 ml. I tried 28 and 29 but I prefer the 27 cuz as you get smaller you start talking about 30 seconds +. Plus if you don't have a good angle to inject that it's that much harder to depress the plunger.

27 gauge fast load and easy to administer.
I've used cotton and grape. Cotton is for sure thicker, but warming the vial in hot water for a bit makes drawing much easier.
This thread is on carrier oils for Testosterone Cypionate. Maybe start a new thread in this forum with your questions?
Reasons I have only used grapeseed oil and I gave up on trying to use 28ga 1/2 syringes. At room temp it just took forever. I went back to easy touch 27 ga and won't use another. Sorry I have no experience with other oils. I am very happy with the grapeseed and have no plans to try others.
Soy nuevo en el foro estoy en enantato 50mg cada 3.5 dias , como aqui el enantato viene en ampolla de 250mg tengo que precargar jeringas y conservar hasta la proxima inyeccion , que piensan sobre la estabilidad del enantato en una jeringa precargada durante 3.5dias?
Se conserva bien o puede perder fuerza?
Soy nuevo en el foro estoy en enantato 50mg cada 3.5 dias , como aqui el enantato viene en ampolla de 250mg tengo que precargar jeringas y conservar hasta la proxima inyeccion , que piensan sobre la estabilidad del enantato en una jeringa precargada durante 3.5dias?
Se conserva bien o puede perder fuerza?
Soy nuevo en el foro estoy en enantato 50mg cada 3.5 dias , como aqui el enantato viene en ampolla de 250mg tengo que precargar jeringas y conservar hasta la proxima inyeccion , que piensan sobre la estabilidad del enantato en una jeringa precargada durante 3.5dias?
Se conserva bien o puede perder fuerza?

Yo no me preocuparia. Si es estable y no tendras problema.
Gracias nelson cuanto crees que como maximo pueda ser estable antes de que pierda fuerza estando en una jeringa precargada ?
Es que aqui son caras las ampollas y quisiera aprovecharlas al maximo
Nelson tu crees que estuve en nebido y tuve un resultado que me da a entender que soy baja shbg . Ft 28 pg/ml referencia 11 a 41 pg/ml
Tt 4.63 ng/ml referencia 2.62 a 15.93

Estare en lo acertado sere baja shbg? Aqui el analisis para shbg cuesta uss100
Use Miglyol 840. It works very well.

Using Miglyol 840 as a carrier makes most injections pain free.

Miglyol 840 has a viscosity of 9-12 at 60ºF, cottonseed oil 33.5, grape seed oil 31.6 and peanut oil 39.6.

Miglyol 840 has an iodine value of 0.5 max. For comparison cottonseed oil has a ~110, grape seed oil 124-144, peanut oil has a 83-100 iodine value.

For those of you without a back ground in chemistry a 0.5 iodine valve means a high polarity and superior solvent characteristics for active drugs. So your hormones will stay in solution at a much higher concentration enabling high mg/ml low volume dosing. The low viscosity means it will flow like water at room temperature even at high concentrations allowing your to use high gauge needles. Migyol 840 is an excellent carrier.

www medlabgear com/shop/usp-oils/miglyol-840/

Use Miglyol 840. It works very well.

Using Miglyol 840 as a carrier makes most injections pain free.

Miglyol 840 has a viscosity of 9-12 at 60ºF, cottonseed oil 33.5, grape seed oil 31.6 and peanut oil 39.6.

Miglyol 840 has an iodine value of 0.5 max. For comparison cottonseed oil has a ~110, grape seed oil 124-144, peanut oil has a 83-100 iodine value.

For those of you without a back ground in chemistry a 0.5 iodine valve means a high polarity and superior solvent characteristics for active drugs. So your hormones will stay in solution at a much higher concentration enabling high mg/ml low volume dosing. The low viscosity means it will flow like water at room temperature even at high concentrations allowing your to use high gauge needles. Migyol 840 is an excellent carrier.

www medlabgear com/shop/usp-oils/miglyol-840/

Cooking your own or what?
And, any speculation why the compounding pharms haven't caught on?

Speculation: The same thing that slows down everything in the pharmaceutical world, money. It's cheaper and more profitable to keep making injectables like they do now than to conduct enough research studies to convince the FDA that other methods are safe.
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