testosterone and multiple sclerosis


New Member
This is m y first time posting to this board and I first just want to say how happy I am that there is a forum to discuss men's hormonal health issues.

I was diagnosed with MS about 8 years ago (now 37 yrs old). I had a relapsing-remitting form of the disease and temorarily lost vision in my R eye (although it had mostly recovered years ago, it has not fully regained function). I was prescribed interferon which is an evil drug. Needless to say, I quit after a couple years and focused instead on healthy living. I have always been an avid exerciser and my diet has been relatively clean. I am pretty athletic at 174 lb and 6' tall.

Fast forward to the present day... I have been slowly losing the ability to walk with normal gait for more than a mile. My L leg has atrophied slightly and my L hand grip is weakened. The disease, as it commonly does, has moved into what is most likely a secondary-progressive form whereby disability can become more permanent. I can no longer perform high-endurance type exercises such as weighted jump rope and jiu jitsu sparring due to weakness in my L leg and a severe foot drop that can occur (overall neurological fatigue). Interestingly, one day can be better or worse than the next so I know that there is room to improve my condition. Thank G-d that I can still strength train with weights.

I went to a neurologist and the treatment that he suggested is a dangerous immunosupressive that can cause infection of the brain by a dormant virus. I was not too happy with this option and began to think that testosterone could be a useful therapy due to it's anabolic nature. Lo and behold, there were some Phase II trials which showed that testosterone can actually improve the condition of patients with MS . It acts as a neuroprotective agent and can regrow grey matter in the brain over time.

I have since visited a wellness doc who has put me on 100 mg of test cyp/week. I did my first injection and in a little more than 2 hours I began to feel all of my neuropathies disappear. I felt amazing and my strength returned although my skin felt slightly warm (however wife couldn't detect any warmth and color was ok). During the day of my injection, I actually felt as if I could practice jiu jitsu again as my gait, leg strength and grip strength were normal. All of my MS balance related issues were gone too. I was 85-90% MS free for about 2 days but then symptoms started to return on the 3rd day. The symptoms crept back enough that I did a 2nd 100 mg injection on the 5th day rather than the 7th. Same effect... MS was gone for about 2 days and I felt normal again. I am attributing this to peak serum levels building in the blood and testosterone's anti-inflammatory effect on the neurological system.

Seeing that I can essentially 'cure' my MS with testosterone injections, I began to wonder if I should incorporate other AAS such as nandrolone, which has been shown to have even stronger anti-inflammatory properties. I realize that this is a life-long decision and that there are risks such as future cardiological health. I am trying to keep my dosages and side-effects to a minimum but am looking to relieve the condition of my disease. I have 3 young daughters to take care of and I want to continue to provide for them as well as walk them down the wedding isle one day. I would gladly trade in a decade of my life to lead a normal functional one again.

How would you recommend I dose my testosterone? Should I use 40 mg EOD to keep my serum levels more constant? Would it be wise to add 100-200 mg of nandrolone/week? Would supraphysiological dosages of 200-250 mg/wk of test cyp fgor the rest of my life be terrible for my health or at least any worse than having a progressive form of MS (I realize that this last question only I can really answer)?

Please understand that I take many supplements and have tried many different avenues to cure this disease with little result (diet, accupuncture, massage, meditation, etc). Right now, I am focusing mainly on iyegar yoga and testosterone however I continue to meditate and take care of the nervous system. I also continue to strength train which is still a great benefit for me although endurance training is out.

For whatever it is worth, I also take 25 mg of DHEA eod and no HCG (as I do not want any more kids). I take a handful of other supplements as well.

Thank you for all of your help...
Welcome to Excelmale. You have faced, and continue to face, serious challenges. Are you familiar with the research published here? Neuroprotective effects of testosterone treatment in men with multiple sclerosis

It indicates that there are certainly neuro-protective benefits to be had from testosterone for those dealing with MS. You need to consult with a doctor who is skilled in androgen replacement. There are a lot of questions you raise - many of them can only be answered with more information. A lot of blood work is needed, as outlined here. Blood Tests Needed Before and During TRT Do you have any hormone-related blood panel to share? I would think other, specific tests, tests related to your medical situation, are most likely in order.

But above all, a good doctor. Two of the best practice at Defy Medical. They have a unique telemedicine model - where you live, presuming it is in the US, doesn't matter. Please consider contacting them. They do not engage in hard-sell and will answer all questions. Others will check in and offer advice - I am sure you will pick up a lot of information. All the best!
Yes... Thank you for your reply. I was talking about that article in addition to one in JAMA written by that same group. How did you post links? My original post would not let me include links.

anyway, my baseline lab results before test therapy are below... (I am only selecting the most relevant as it is 4 pages worth):

Testosterone: 439 ng/dL 348 - 1197
free Testosterone: 14.5 pg/mL. 8.7 - 25.1
DHT: 50 ng/dL
Cortisol: 21.1 (high). 2.3 - 19.4
LH: 2.2. 1.7 - 8.6
Estradiol: 9.5 7.6 - 42.6
IGF-1: 107 83 - 233
Hematocrit: 46.8%
Eos (absolute): 1.1 (high). 0.0 - 0.4
LDL: 147
HDL: 82
Total Cholesterol: 241
Triglycerides: 45
Lp(a) Cholesterol: 19.0 (high) <10
Lipoprotein(a): 209 (high). <75
Creatinine: 1.13 0.76 - 1.27
PSA, serum: 0.7 0.0 - 4.0
Homocysteine: 16.4 (high). 0.0 - 15.0

tests for Lyme disease and all other blood panels are fine.

Although my HDL/LDL ratio is good, I have a familial history of heart disease on my dad's side and now take niacin and fish oils. I also eat a high-fiber diet.
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Can you put a timeframe on this? When did you undertake testosterone therapy, how long has it been? I can't stress enough the importance of obtaining the service of a good doctor. Do you have confidence in your current practitioner?
It hasn't even been 2 weeks yet (I know I am impatient). I am with a good doctor however it is through a conventional HRT wellness clinic. I would eventually like to work directly with an open-minded neurologist.

I need to give it time but I got that immediate taste of being well and I am trying to understand why i felt that way so quickly and also how maintain that without it tapering off.

The challenge is that I am trying to treat a disease with unconventional therapies and am really experimenting with myself. I am a trained scientist in organic and medicinal chemistry so experimentation is no problem. The problem is finding an open minded doc who will work with me and discuss ideas.
organix, my nephew also suffers from MS, his story sounds a lot like yours. Married with three children, about the same age as you and suffering from the same symptoms. I will tell him your story and hopefully it will help him. Please keep us updated.
Yes, that is the study.

It it is interesting that clinical studies rarely give qualitative effects of the treatment. I truly do better with higher dosages and at least 150 mg / week divided into two shots seems to be the sweet spot. It will be interesting to see where I am at when I go back for testing. I am sure supra physiological doses would feel even better but I am concerned for trading in one health issue for future ones. I would like to give this time as it seems that the brain matter didn't start to regrow for several months.

I gave myself a shot today of 60 mg however I still had a lot of symptoms in my gait and hand stiffness. One thing for sure is that I can think clearly again. No more MS related 'brain fog.'

Has anyone ever tried this so called 'blast / cruise' cycling to treat wasting illnesses?
what happened in the end with you at the end of the study?I am very interested because I would also like to start using testosterone...
You said you tested for Lyme disease. Have you tested IgM antibodies for herpes viruses? These are HSV1, HSV2, VZV, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Bar, HHV-6, HHV-7, and Kaposi-Sarcoma.

Most people are IgG positive for most of those viruses, but IgM positivity will show an active or recently active virus.

I would also test for Syphilis, just in case, since it can mimic MS symptomatically.

Have you done lumbar puncture testing, searching for markers of CNS infection? This should be a standard test for MS.

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