Testicle atrophy even with HCG.

Thanks for the reply about which brand you use. And ya some people don't care about load size or testicle size, which I understand. But for me testicle size definitely matters, and I completely agree, I also feel like orgasms are better when loads are larger.
That, but there is also a primal/subconscious concern with women and load size. The larger the load, the better the mate (the reproduction drive from natural selection). This was confirmed by gf's (comments/complements in the past) and my wife through observation and discussion.

I have (had) relatively large testicles and used to have pretty large loads. This all changed after a vasectomy (which I believe caused my HG). After starting TRT, the volume declined even more - steadily until it was mostly a sad dribble. Then one day about a month ago (after an HCG shot from a fresh vial and started using Pygeum and Lecithin) she told got "excited" because I had an old school rope-a-dope. That sparked a conversation and she told me that she used to "enjoy" having large loads that would drip out long after sex...she couldn't explain why, just that it turned her on and made her feel satisfied, and she didn't have that same feeling with the smaller volume.

I know this is superficial, but I will do anything to help get my wife's libido anywhere close to where mine is now (finally). Haha. We had a pretty sad 4-5 years while I had low T and didn't know it...which caused her flame to burn out. Now mine is at 11 and she is trying to catch up.
to 30005Gator

Have you ever had any elevated Estradiol levels, if so, how high? Any experience with an AI? What was your protocol for that? My E raised to 64, doc wants me on AI, but I hate how it makes me feel. Any recommendations how how to lower my E levels?

I did a lot of experimenting with HCG. The half-life of HCG is 24-36 hours. My original protocol was 500iu E3.5D. Because of the half-life, I decided to try 150iu ED. I then tried 250iu EOD, then tried 350iu MWF, then finally settled on 400iu MWF.

With 150iu ED, my testicles shrank fairly significantly and had significantly reduced ejaculate volume.
With 250iu EOD , no change.
With 350iu MWF, they recovered a bit but did not reach full size.
With 400iu MWF they fully recovered and ejaculate volume returned to normal.

It appears (for me) that a dose below 400 is not enough to maintain testicular size.

I have lowered my T dose as the 1200iu/week of HCG has increased my trough T beyond my comfortable target and increased my E2.

I kept a very detailed log of my size, ejaculate volume, and how I felt (along with bloods).
That, but there is also a primal/subconscious concern with women and load size. The larger the load, the better the mate (the reproduction drive from natural selection). This was confirmed by gf's (comments/complements in the past) and my wife through observation and discussion.

I have (had) relatively large testicles and used to have pretty large loads. This all changed after a vasectomy (which I believe caused my HG). After starting TRT, the volume declined even more - steadily until it was mostly a sad dribble. Then one day about a month ago (after an HCG shot from a fresh vial and started using Pygeum and Lecithin) she told got "excited" because I had an old school rope-a-dope. That sparked a conversation and she told me that she used to "enjoy" having large loads that would drip out long after sex...she couldn't explain why, just that it turned her on and made her feel satisfied, and she didn't have that same feeling with the smaller volume.

I know this is superficial, but I will do anything to help get my wife's libido anywhere close to where mine is now (finally). Haha. We had a pretty sad 4-5 years while I had low T and didn't know it...which caused her flame to burn out. Now mine is at 11 and she is trying to catch up.

Hahaha, you're fckn hilarious. I was literally laughing to myself while reading your reply, it was so in depth lol. But honestly I wish discussions like this happened more often. I love talking about stuff that most people would be uncomfortable with. Nothing should be off limits imo. For instance, was watching an Ali Wong comedy special, and she was talking about how she always likes to sniff her fingers after scratching her crotch. And I thought to myself, I always do that! She explained how it was due to evolution. We get the urge to sniff afterwards probably because our ancestors would do that to smell if something was wrong down there. They didn't have modern medicine to diagnose things like we do now. I bring that up because I think your evolutionary interpretation of what your wife said about liking big loads is probably spot on. It most likely has to do with women throughout evolution correlating bigger loads with fertility. Its probably safe to assume a lot of women subconsciously, or even consciously, like big testicles as well, for the same reason. I actually know this bisexual girl that's pretty much lesbian now, that said she didn't really like men that much, but for some reason just loves their balls. For some reason big balls just turned her on.

So your libido is at an 11 while on 1200iu's of HCG per week? Was your libido lower while on lower doses of HCG?
Have you ever had any elevated Estradiol levels, if so, how high? Any experience with an AI? What was your protocol for that? My E raised to 64, doc wants me on AI, but I hate how it makes me feel. Any recommendations how how to lower my E levels?

So even with an E2 of 64 your didn’t feel good once you started an AI? What dose were you started on?
I feel great in regard to T-levels. They were 1150 and I've never felt better, but when the doc saw my E levels at 64 she panicked and said we have to get that down immediately, so she put me on 1mg of Arimidex EVERY DAY and 10mg of Tamoxifin EVERY DAY. I didn't like the side effects from the AI and the Tamoxifin, side effects included headache, blurred vision, roller coaster of tiredness, and just an overall "weird" feeling. These side effects overpowered the positive results I was experiencing with the elevated T levels. The Tamoxifin was to prevent gyno, thankfully I've yet to have any warning symptoms of gyno, but she was scared at my E being too high.
she put me on 1mg of Arimidex EVERY DAY and 10mg of Tamoxifin EVERY DAY. I didn't like the side effects from the AI and the Tamoxifin, side effects included headache, blurred vision, roller coaster of tiredness, and just an overall "weird" feeling.

Oh boy...I would bet you wouldn’t like the side effects of THAT regimen...women with breast cancer (whom are the only ones where that regimen would be appropriate) don’t like the side effects either!
Hahaha, you're fckn hilarious. I was literally laughing to myself while reading your reply, it was so in depth lol. But honestly I wish discussions like this happened more often. I love talking about stuff that most people would be uncomfortable with. Nothing should be off limits imo. For instance, was watching an Ali Wong comedy special, and she was talking about how she always likes to sniff her fingers after scratching her crotch. And I thought to myself, I always do that! She explained how it was due to evolution. We get the urge to sniff afterwards probably because our ancestors would do that to smell if something was wrong down there. They didn't have modern medicine to diagnose things like we do now. I bring that up because I think your evolutionary interpretation of what your wife said about liking big loads is probably spot on. It most likely has to do with women throughout evolution correlating bigger loads with fertility. Its probably safe to assume a lot of women subconsciously, or even consciously, like big testicles as well, for the same reason. I actually know this bisexual girl that's pretty much lesbian now, that said she didn't really like men that much, but for some reason just loves their balls. For some reason big balls just turned her on.

So your libido is at an 11 while on 1200iu's of HCG per week? Was your libido lower while on lower doses of HCG?
Exactly!! I studied the root of attraction in my undergrad at the U of Florida (hence the Gator). It's amazing how much our primal intuition about reproduction drives us (e.g., men favoring young women, women favoring tall/dark/handsome/successful men, women being more accepting of a "physical only" affair but not being able to deal with an "emotional affair" and visa-versa for men, etc).

That is REALLY interesting that the bi/*** friend was drawn towards larger testicles. That lines up with my theory. That being said, I think that women in a long-term committed relationship put less emphasis on this...but only if they are confident that their mate can impregnate them.

My libido is at an 11 with 100mg Test Cyp E3.5D and 400ius of HCG MWF. My trough total is at 1,200. I am going to lower my test to 80mg E3.5D. But the transformation has been unbelievable. I look at women like I did in my 20's. I notice every curve and image having them. I am lucky in that my wife has an amazing body (even after three kids). I can't keep my eyes and hands off of her. I went for years not even thinking about any of this.
I feel great in regard to T-levels. They were 1150 and I've never felt better, but when the doc saw my E levels at 64 she panicked and said we have to get that down immediately, so she put me on 1mg of Arimidex EVERY DAY and 10mg of Tamoxifin EVERY DAY. I didn't like the side effects from the AI and the Tamoxifin, side effects included headache, blurred vision, roller coaster of tiredness, and just an overall "weird" feeling. These side effects overpowered the positive results I was experiencing with the elevated T levels. The Tamoxifin was to prevent gyno, thankfully I've yet to have any warning symptoms of gyno, but she was scared at my E being too high.
WHAT?!?!? 1mg of a'dex every day?? You will crash your E2 for sure, and that is MUCH worse than 64. I would strongly recommend that you don't do that. Maybe start with 0.5mg twice a week. A'dex is very powerful. I crashed my E2 and felt worse than I did before starting TRT.
Exactly!! I studied the root of attraction in my undergrad at the U of Florida (hence the Gator). It's amazing how much our primal intuition about reproduction drives us (e.g., men favoring young women, women favoring tall/dark/handsome/successful men, women being more accepting of a "physical only" affair but not being able to deal with an "emotional affair" and visa-versa for men, etc).

That is REALLY interesting that the bi/*** friend was drawn towards larger testicles. That lines up with my theory. That being said, I think that women in a long-term committed relationship put less emphasis on this...but only if they are confident that their mate can impregnate them.

My libido is at an 11 with 100mg Test Cyp E3.5D and 400ius of HCG MWF. My trough total is at 1,200. I am going to lower my test to 80mg E3.5D. But the transformation has been unbelievable. I look at women like I did in my 20's. I notice every curve and image having them. I am lucky in that my wife has an amazing body (even after three kids). I can't keep my eyes and hands off of her. I went for years not even thinking about any of this.

Ya all that evolutionary stuff is fascinating to me! I could go on about it for days. So you said you had to lower your T dose when you went up to 1200iu’s/ week, did you lower your T down to 100mg, or was your blood work while on the 100mg and going down to 80mg is the lowering you were talking about? Also do you take any AI?
I feel great in regard to T-levels. They were 1150 and I've never felt better, but when the doc saw my E levels at 64 she panicked and said we have to get that down immediately, so she put me on 1mg of Arimidex EVERY DAY and 10mg of Tamoxifin EVERY DAY. I didn't like the side effects from the AI and the Tamoxifin, side effects included headache, blurred vision, roller coaster of tiredness, and just an overall "weird" feeling. These side effects overpowered the positive results I was experiencing with the elevated T levels. The Tamoxifin was to prevent gyno, thankfully I've yet to have any warning symptoms of gyno, but she was scared at my E being too high.

Ya holy sh*t! I tried 0.25mg EOD and it took my E2 from 70 to 9. You're taking 4x what I took and you're taking it everyday compared to EOD! Doesn't take a genius to figure out you're gonna have zero estrogen and feel like death! Plus they put you on Tamoxifin on top of the Anastrozole. Which I'm not 100% sure if that would make things worse or not, but it definitely wouldn't help! Lol
Ya all that evolutionary stuff is fascinating to me! I could go on about it for days. So you said you had to lower your T dose when you went up to 1200iu's/ week, did you lower your T down to 100mg, or was your blood work while on the 100mg and going down to 80mg is the lowering you were talking about? Also do you take any AI?
I am going from 100 E3.5D to 80 E3.5D (from 200/week to 160/week). I take 0.3mg of a'dex when I pin (so 0.6mg per week). My E2 was steady at around 30, which is good for me.

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