Test Results after Protocol Change - Reduce dosage?


Well-Known Member
I got some preliminary blood work done 6 weeks into a protocol change. I can't say that I am surprised, or particularly happy with the results. This also matches how I have been feeling with the new protocol, which is to say not as good as with my previous protocol.

I have a follow up with my new doc in another 6 weeks and wanted to run a few questions by you guys before that.

I started TRT back in early October, and was using 1/2g, 200mg/g compounded cream daily, until early January. Overall, I liked how I was feeling on that protocol, but I suspect even that dosage might have been a bit high. Here are my lab results from that (taken at peak - about 2+ hours after morning application of cream, 9 weeks into protocol):

TT: 795 ng/dl (264-916)
FT: 25.2 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)
E2: 38.4 pg/ml (8 - 35) (sensitive) High
Hematocrit: 50
SHBG: 26.9 (16.5 - 55.9)

For various reasons, I switched to a new doc in January. I was surprised when he upped my dosage, but figured I'd trust the expert and see what happens. I was thinking my dose should come down a bit given my last bloodwork (posted above). Regardless, he changed my protocol to 60mg T. Cyp. SubQ E3.5D (120mg/week) + 350 IU HCG E3.5D. Here are the results 6+ weeks into that protocol (note that I wanted to get a peak reading for this protocol to compare to previous test, blood drawn about 30 hours after injection):

TT: 734 ng/dl (264-916)
FT 32.88 ng/dl (5-21) High
E2: 54.4 pg/ml (8-35) (sensitive) High
Hematocrit: 52.1 High

That is all I tested this time and will have more comprehensive blood work done for follow up with doc in 6+ weeks.

My thoughts about what happened: Although I didn't test SHBG this time, I suspect the increased dose pushed SHBG down, which would be why Free T went up even though Total T went down. Also, this increased dose drove Hematocrit higher and, not surprisingly, drove E2 higher as well. What do you guys think?

I am currently not willing to donate blood regularly or take an AI to stay on TRT. If I can't get my levels dialed in without those, I may quit and try a restart - I was low normal mid 300s TT pre-TRT. I am 39 and athletic without much extra weight to lose, so that should not be a recommendation regarding E2. Sleep great, fairly low stress.

In terms of how I've been feeling, I've definitely noticed the E2 - soreness/burning feeling in breasts, mood not necessarily bad but not what it was on previous protocol. I feel like I notice the HCT too - hard to describe exactly how (heart has to work harder?), but I think I have been feeling it.

Questions, given the above:

- I am fairly sure I need to reduce my dose. Would you agree?
- Should I slash my dose right away, 6+ weeks in advance of follow up with doc?
- The only thing I like more about injections is convenience - any logic to simply going back to a slightly lower dose of the cream via "if it ain't broke don't fix it" logic?
- How long would it take E2 to start creeping down if I lowered my dose? It went up 16 pg/ml in 6 weeks with new protocol - with a change, can it go back down just as fast?

Any other thoughts you guys have would be greatly appreciated. As some of you may gather based on my recent posts, I've kinda seen this coming down the pike since I started the new protocol - I haven't been feeling great on TRT lately and have been trying to learn about ways to reduce dosage, reduce E2, etc.
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The easiest thing is if you have the option with another Dr to get back to the cream you were doing well on, then you should do that. If you're going to stay with injection CYP, what I would do....adjust your dose to target the Free T you had on the cream; 25. I'd maybe start at 50mg E3.5D which is an extremely common start point, and then test on that and work towards your Free T being at the top of the lab range. But there's also no real way to say how to replicate how your body responded to the dose of cream as opposed to the injection either. But in doing so I would target your Free T and then consider how everything else plays out.
Your Dr is likely going to be singularly focused on your TT to consider your dose which might be the least effective way to go about this.
Thanks VC - good advice. Can you (or anyone else) offer an opinion on compounded cream vs cyp injections in terms of effect on E2 and HCT? For example, 100mg/week applying cream daily vs. 100mg/week Cyp. injecting 50mg E3.5D.

I would think the Cyp would lead to higher E2 and HCT under that schedule because of higher spikes.
everyone is different, no one can say how you'll respsond to this or that or anything at all. Given this forum is by far dominated by injectors of Cyp that's where most of the information will originate from and most of the guys here quickly got of creams for different reasons before they got in to HCT/E2 issues, if any were to exist.

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