Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

what symptoms do you have? e2 needs to be left alone
my last is 50. 6 month before that 60. went down as my body fat % went down.
but again, this should not be touched. my latest protocol (ever changing), 25mg Tprop /day, 3x1000IU HCG/week.
What percent body fat were you when you had 60 pg/ml E2 vs 50? Same dose in both instances? This is relevant to a thread I posted recently, asking the question of just how much changes in body fat can move your serum E2 levels:

Thread 'Aromatization at different body fat %' Aromatization at different body fat %
What percent body fat were you when you had 60 pg/ml E2 vs 50? Same dose in both instances? This is relevant to a thread I posted recently, asking the question of just how much changes in body fat can move your serum E2 levels:

Thread 'Aromatization at different body fat %' Aromatization at different body fat %
around 30% at 60, 20% at 50. protocol very close (I hover 25-30Tprop/d). i am curious what it will be once i get to 12-15%, i assume it will go down.
Tprop beats it 100x. ED
Thanks! Thats quite the endorsement. Why do you believe it is 100x better? How do you feel better? What is your protocol (needle size, any pip?, where do you inject etc). Where do you get your prop from? I have my Defy appointment coming up and may ask to switch. After reading your posts about the alcohol levels in Tcyp versus Enathate I switched. Thanks!
Thanks! Thats quite the endorsement. Why do you believe it is 100x better? How do you feel better? What is your protocol (needle size, any pip?, where do you inject etc). Where do you get your prop from? I have my Defy appointment coming up and may ask to switch. After reading your posts about the alcohol levels in Tcyp versus Enathate I switched. Thanks!
i dont think I mentioned any alc levels. anyways, Tprop has a higher peak and lower low. i do feel better on it vs a steady high level. i use different needles, anywhere from 27-31g short/long but i don't think there is much diff, although PIP is nonexistent on short 31g subq needles. on Tcyp i felt a bit agitated at my current dose, but when I lowered it i felt just slumpy. on prop that is gone and I do amazing on 30mg/day (yes, some here think it is an insane/steroid dose). my hematocrit lowered by 1 point as well, it doesn't creep up as high, but still have to donate. libido and mood much better on prop. only drawback you need to inject daily due to 19h or so half life. the price at defy is also higher. make sure to order 2 vials as it comes half the dose
i dont think I mentioned any alc levels. anyways, Tprop has a higher peak and lower low. i do feel better on it vs a steady high level. i use different needles, anywhere from 27-31g short/long but i don't think there is much diff, although PIP is nonexistent on short 31g subq needles. on Tcyp i felt a bit agitated at my current dose, but when I lowered it i felt just slumpy. on prop that is gone and I do amazing on 30mg/day (yes, some here think it is an insane/steroid dose). my hematocrit lowered by 1 point as well, it doesn't creep up as high, but still have to donate. libido and mood much better on prop. only drawback you need to inject daily due to 19h or so half life. the price at defy is also higher. make sure to order 2 vials as it comes half the dose
Maintaining optimal health while using 210mg/ week of testosterone is a cake walk, imo. It’s a complete joke to me when guys try to make other guys feel like they’re on a “cycle” or taking years off their lives by using around 200mg/ week, or a bit above. That absolutely could not be further from the truth. I’m not even going to say “imo” because it’s not an opinion, it’s just facts. So don’t let anyone make u feel like ur doing anything detrimental to ur health by using this dosage. If guys here only knew about the endless amount of guys running “low dose cycles” year round, that are on top of their labs and health markers and monitoring their heart/ cardiovascular systems, and have labs that don’t look much different than someone using 100mg/ week of test, their hearts come back looking/ functioning great, and they’re able to keep their vital signs all within range. Are these people running these types of dosages, while maintaining the health that some guys have using 100mg of test/ week, have to be on top of their diet, exercise routine, stress management and sleep, more than the average guy with good health markers and healthy hearts, yes, for sure. But on the other hand, are their guys using 100mg of test/ week, that eat like crap, don’t exercise, are stressed out, and don’t sleep great, that have vital signs in horrible ranges, hearts that don’t look great, health markers that don’t look great, and are taking years off their lives by maintaining the lifestyle factors that they do? Ya, 100%. Point being, if ur on top of ur health, 210mg of test per week is absolutely nothing even close to be worried about, as far as it negatively affecting ur health to the point it’s going to take years off ur life running a dosage like that long term. Anyone who actually thinks that has no clue what certain dosages of testosterone actually do to the body. I’d love for anyone that thinks 210mg of test per week is going to do irreversible/ detrimental negative things to a person’s health long term, to tell me the exact reasons why. High blood pressure? Extremely easy to keep in check, even on dosages 2-3x that amount. Elevated HGB/ HCT/ RBC’s? Extremely easy to keep in check on 210mg of test/ week. Those 3 values have way more to do with hydration, than people realize. It’s going to cause heart attacks/ strokes? How? What mechanism of action of testosterone, at 210mg/ week is going to increase ur chances of having a heart attack, more than someone using 100mg of test/ week? It’s going to increase LDL, and lower HDL? Ya, maybe ever so slightly, compared to someone using 100mg of test/ week. Does LDL cause heart attacks/ strokes, absolutely not. People’s LDL levels are usually way too low, and they need to get their level up more, in order to have optimal health/ avoid all cardiovascular disease. Does lowering HDL slightly increase ur chances of having a heart attack or stroke? Nope. If ur lowering HDL drastically, then ya, that’s obv not good. Everything still needs to be in balance. Now if 210mg/ week was drastically increasing triglyceride levels, vs 100mg per week, we’d have a big problem. That would absolutely increase ur chances of having a heart attack/ stroke. But nothing that I’ve seen, indicates 210mg/ week is going to increase triglyceride levels, compared to 100mg/ week. So again, if anyone is actually silly enough to think that someone using 210mg/ week is taking years off their life, compared to someone using 100mg/ week, I would love to hear all the reasons why this is the case, in their opinions
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Maintaining optimal health while using 210mg/ week of testosterone is a cake walk, imo. It’s a complete joke to me when guys try to make other guys feel like they’re on a “cycle” or taking years off their lives by using around 200mg/ week, or a bit above. That absolutely could not be further from the truth. I’m not even going to say “imo” because it’s not an opinion, it’s just facts. So don’t let anyone make u feel like ur doing anything detrimental to ur health by using this dosage. If guys here only knew about the endless amount of guys running “low dose cycles” year round, that are on top of their labs and health markers and monitoring their heart/ cardiovascular systems, and have labs that don’t look much different than someone using 100mg/ week of test, their hearts come back looking/ functioning great, and they’re able to keep their vital signs all within range. Are these people running these types of dosages, while maintaining the health that some guys have using 100mg of test/ week having to be on top of their diet, exercise routine, stress management and sleep, more than the average guy with good health markers and healthy hearts, yes, for sure. But on the other hand, are their guys using 100mg of test/ week, that eat like crap, don’t exercise, are stressed out, and don’t sleep great, that have vital signs in horrible ranges, hearts that don’t look great, health markers that don’t look great, and are taking years off their lives by maintaining the lifestyle factors that they do? Ya, 100%. Point being, if ur on top of ur health, 210mg of test per week is absolutely nothing even close to be worried about, as far as it negatively affecting ur health to the point it’s going to take years off ur life running a dosage like that long term. Anyone who actually thinks that has no clue what certain dosages of testosterone actually do to the body. I’d love for anyone that thinks 210mg of test per week is going to do irreversible/ detrimental negative things to a person’s health long term, to tell me the exact reasons why. High blood pressure? Extremely easy to keep in check, even on dosages 2-3x that amount. Elevated HGB/ HCT/ RBC’s? Extremely easy to keep in check on 210mg of test/ week. Those 3 values have way more to do with hydration, than people realize. It’s going to cause heart attacks/ strokes? How? What mechanism of action of testosterone, at 210mg/ week is going to increase ur chances of having a heart attack, more than someone using 100mg of test/ week? It’s going to increase LDL, and lower HDL? Ya, maybe ever so slightly, compared to someone using 100mg of test/ week. Does LDL cause heart attacks/ strokes, absolutely not. People’s LDL levels are usually way too low, and they need to get their level up more, in order to have optimal health/ avoid all cardiovascular disease. Does lowering HDL slightly increase ur chances of having a heart attack or stroke? Nope. If ur lowering HDL drastically, then ya, that’s obv not good. Everything still needs to be in balance. Now if 210mg/ week was drastically increasing triglyceride levels, vs 100mg per week, we’d have a big problem. That would absolutely increase ur chances of having a heart attack/ stroke. But nothing that I’ve seen, indicates 210mg/ week is going to increase triglyceride levels, compared to 100mg/ week. So again, if anyone is actually silly enough to think that someone using 210mg/ week is taking years off their life, compared to someone using 100mg/ week, I would love to hear all the reasons why this is the case, in their opinions
great post. i don't see much difference on labs when i was on 120 vs 210. other then T levels ofc. during my last donation at red cross my BP was something like 128/78, lowest I had in over a year. i attribute all of this to going from 30->20% BF (dexa). I gained 5LB lean mass in that time as well (1-2y). my fasting insulin is 5. show me your fasting insulin guys. fasting glucose ~70 range. I can consume 100g+ carbs (fruit/honey) and my glucose 1-2h post is 75!.(CGM) I worked hard on my metabolic health since on TRT and it is showing results. CAC at 45 is 0, and my LDL is through the roof since measured in my 20's.
great post. i don't see much difference on labs when i was on 120 vs 210. other then T levels ofc. during my last donation at red cross my BP was something like 128/78, lowest I had in over a year. i attribute all of this to going from 30->20% BF (dexa). I gained 5LB lean mass in that time as well (1-2y). my fasting insulin is 5. show me your fasting insulin guys. fasting glucose ~70 range. I can consume 100g+ carbs (fruit/honey) and my glucose 1-2h post is 75!.(CGM) I worked hard on my metabolic health since on TRT and it is showing results. CAC at 45 is 0, and my LDL is through the roof since measured in my 20's.
Love this! Love not only seeing someone that’s on top of their health to the degree u are, and doing the things they need to do to see actual results, but also seeing someone that is as well informed as u are. LDL through the roof, yet ur CAC score went from 45 to 0, how in the world could this be if LDL causes heart attacks and strokes?!?! Maybe it was a lab error or something. Jk obv. This is why I put much more weight into real world anecdotal experiences, over what studies/ mainstream medicine tells us should happen with an LDL that’s “through the roof”

What is ur LDL level btw? I’ll be so pumped if it’s close to 300 lol

But ya, insulin sensitivity is everything, when it comes to optimal health. Current science is proving this more and more everyday. U losing fat, and gaining muscle, amongst everything else ur doing, has definitely contributed greatly to ur health improvements. Don’t think most people realize how much having healthy levels of muscle contributes to maintaining optimal health. Muscle is one of the best glucose disposal agents our bodies have. Aka the more muscle u have, the easier it is to keep blood sugar levels down. Again, everything in the body revolves around a balance system, so obv there’s a point where having too much muscle can start to make maintaining optimal health more difficult, but maintaining healthy levels of muscle, for ur frame, is one of the best things u can do for ur health. Again, especially when it comes to maintaining healthy glucose levels in the blood.
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my LDL hovers around 180-220 ng/dl typically, double the labcorp range, always has for the most, but i've seen lower and higher levels here and there. total ~250-300ng/dl. I told all my docs not to bother me with this any longer i think they got the memo. and metabolic health and insulin sensitivity is absolute key I agree with you.
my LDL hovers around 180-220 ng/dl typically, double the labcorp range, always has for the most, but i've seen lower and higher levels here and there. total ~250-300ng/dl. I told all my docs not to bother me with this any longer i think they got the memo. and metabolic health and insulin sensitivity is absolute key I agree with you.
Oh, those ldl levels aren’t “through the roof” imo. They’re just about perfect. Although perfect would probably be a little higher than that, but not much higher. Ur basically in the sweetspot for LDL. So good job! But ya, most people would definitely think ur levels are outrageous, including 99.99% of doctors, and put u in a category of risk where u could have a heart attack/ stroke any day now
Wow great dialogue guys thanks. My cardiologist says LDL needs to be below 55 to achieve plaque regression per the latest research studies.
I think this is for guys who have a high plaque burden, not for healthy guys' levels. So they have to go on the dreaded crestor to lower it and reduce their plaque burden that's clogging their coronaries.
Wow great dialogue guys thanks. My cardiologist says LDL needs to be below 55 to achieve plaque regression per the latest research studies.
I think this is for guys who have a high plaque burden, not for healthy guys' levels. So they have to go on the dreaded crestor to lower it and reduce their plaque burden that's clogging their coronaries.
Look at atherosclerosis as a fire, and LDL being the wood, and the spark being the root cause of the plaque buildup. LDL contributes to the fire growing once the spark is initiated. But if u remove the spark, aka root cause of the plaque buildup in the first place, u don’t have to worry about ldl. Wood can be good, in the right setting. It can build houses. Same with ldl. LDL is extremely vital for so many healthy processes in the human body. It’s mandatory, in optimal levels, for optimal health, including decreasing ur risk of developing any form of cardiovascular disease. All proper studies done on the subject show that people with low ldl levels are the ones at the highest risk of cardiovascular disease. I’ll link some good stuff showing this below. Don’t get fooled by big pharma trying to push flawed/ corrupt studies in order to sell cholesterol lowering medications. They’re I think big pharma’s 2nd or 3rd most profitable medication. Vaccines are first, by a long shot. Never underestimate the lies big pharma will put out in order to make a profit

But here’s a few links that will help u understand things better. I could literally send u endless material showing the same thing, but I don’t want to overwhelm u. These vids get right to the point

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HCG has gotten very pricey due to the huge demand by trannies. Hopefully our T won't increase in price but likely it will. I've been using Pregnyl HCG. $185

Anyone with better ideas on HCG?
I have been using Reliable RX since beginning of this year after it was recommended to me on here. So much cheaper plus it was getting hard for me to find Pregnyl in stock. I ordered 3-4 different brands(I actually think there is a thread on which ones people like best). Some seem a little better but for that price I can increase dose if needed or honestly throw it away and use another which I haven’t done just saying. I was previously getting it from Empower and I think the HCG from Relisble is better. I get 5000ius($15-$18) which I use in 8-10 weeks. It does take 2-3 weeks to get your order. No prescription needed just skip that part. I set up a Chime acct since I didn’t want to use my bank info. That was the only part I was skeptical about. But super easy with Chime. Then order bacteriostatic water from Amazon.
So you'd mix 5ml of sterile water with 5000ius HCG correct?
Yes. I only do 300iu(.3 cc) 2x/wk now. Used to use 250 3x/wk or 500 2x/wk. but after awhile it seemed to decrease the quality of my erections. I do HCG on S, W and Test cyp 80mg total/wk on M, F. As a side note the first vial I got from Reliable & mixed burned when I injected it. I thought something was wrong with it but got on here & people said that it was probably the bac water vs HCG. Then I checked Amazon reviews & that was a common complaint of that brand. Anyway, I buy this now which is more expensive but have had no issues at all.
I am on the old Dr Crisler protocol:

I do .25cc of HCG on day 1 and 2, and 0.5cc (100mg) injection of Test cypionate on day 3.

It works well for me. The problem is on day 7 my T level is 580 which is OK for me, but my estradiol is 42.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Many thanks for this great forum.
42 estradiol is a bit high, but not insanely high. Are you experiencing high estrogen symptoms along with this level? If so, I would suggest reducing or removing HCG from your protocol, unless you have a specific reason for using it, such as fertility maintenance or feeling compelled to keep balls full. Second option I'd suggest, if you want to keep hcg in the mix is to reduce test to 80mg. I recommend finding a protocol that doesn't require the addition of an AI. But if you are truly experiencing negative high estrogen symptoms and are unwilling to reduce or remove hcg or reduce test doses then the third option would be to add an AI. But I'd recommend starting with a very low dose of 0.5mg Arimidex every 7 days and then get your estradiol checked again after 4 weeks. It's easy to crush estradiol and suffer from low estrogen, which is very unhealthy, if not extremely cautious.

But again, carefully consider if you're symptomatic before making adjustments. For example, I feel quite fine with estradiol up to the low 40s (any higher and I do feel symptomatic) and don't feel good if my levels are below low or even mid-20s.

Good luck!

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