Tech Billionaire on Journey to Immortality


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Here is an interesting story... So a question, if you had the money, what would YOU do to accomplish your health span goals?


Tech billionaire on journey to immortality says there is a ‘low probability’ humans will survive without AI​

Johnson's health regimen includes a strict bedtime, collecting stool samples and a device to monitor erections​

Published October 10, 2023 4:30am EDT

Tech mogul Bryan Johnson speaks on his quest to slow the human aging process

Johnson spends millions every year in order to find a way to make his organs similar to that of an 18-year-old male.
A tech billionaire on a quest to reverse the aging process believes that it is unlikely humanity will survive without the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI).
Bryan Johnson, a 46-year-old tech entrepreneur, spends millions yearly on a team of experts monitoring his health and conducting experiments. The goal: Get his organs to look and act like that of an 18-year-old.
Some of his regiments include a strict bedtime of 8:30 p.m., taking 111 pills daily, collecting his stool samples, and having a small device attached to his penis to monitor nighttime erections.

Until recently, Johnson was even paying hundreds of thousands of dollars each month to infuse his teenage son's plasma into his own blood stream.

Bryan Johnson paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to infuse his teenage son's plasma into his own blood stream every month. (Bryan Johnson )
"Oftentimes, the headline of a billionaire spending 2 million a year in his body, it makes it seem like it's inaccessible and wacky and eccentric. It's really not. It's completing the things we all know that are good for us," Johnson told Fox News Digital.
Johnson admits that achieving his health goals requires a lot of nuance and detail. However, most of these measures can be boiled down to a few small achievable mantras: Going to bed on time, exercising every day and avoiding things that cause harm.
"I joke in that I am a rights activist where I liberated my organs from the tyranny in my mind," Johnson said with a grin. "I can say that with tongue in cheek. It's kind of funny, but you think about it, and it's like, for entire life, my mind got exactly what it wanted, and my heart never did, nor did my lungs and nor did my kidney."
According to Johnson, people pursuing healthier living often gravitate to things they can start doing, such as exercising, sleeping more and eating better. However, the mind doesn't often visit the things people have the capacity to stop doing. Society is "addicted to addiction," chowing down on junk food, slaving over porn and getting lost in the "infinite scroll" of social media.
"Corporations are winning when they get us addicted to their product or service, as oftentimes the most powerful thing is to stop doing the bad things," he said.

Despite the whopping price tag of his endeavors, Johnson revealed that his protocol is written down and free for anyone to peruse online. His recommendations include recipe books, exercise plans and vitamin guides.

The details of Johnson's health protocol are online for free. (Dustin Giallanza)
Generally, his findings can be adopted by both men and women. For example, a diet focused on vegetables and small portion sizes can be equally applied to males and females based on population-level studies and various age groups.
He also concurred with the findings of "The Blue Zones," a book by Dan Buettner that provides nine lessons on living longer. The book was recently adapted into a Netflix documentary series titled "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones."
The book and series focus on five regions where people claimed to live or have recently lived much longer than the worldwide average. The study regions comprise Okinawa, Japan; Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy; the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California.
Research into these areas found several commonalities attributed to a longer, healthier life. These commonalities include having a religious or spiritual life, sleeping enough, exercising, feeling beholden to a community, eating vegetables, reducing stress and moderate but regular consumption of wine with friends. Johnson said these findings all sound "spot on."
While it may sound counterintuitive, the tech entrepreneur said the most significant revelation in his health journey is that the capacity to stop something may be more powerful than the drive to start.

"My nemesis is my mind. My organs are my friends. And so, I've empowered them with authority, and I have lessened the authority of my mind," he said.

A battle with chronic depression and familial health conditions led Johnson down his path to slow the human aging process. (Josh DeAngelis )
Johnson's health quest was spurned in part by his own health conditions and the deteriorating cognitive faculties of those close to him. His stepfather is currently in the early stages of cognitive decline and his father has reported that he frequently finds himself in less efficient states of mental acuity. Johnson also suffered personally from a decade of chronic depression.
"When you're healthy, you know, health is forgotten until it's the only thing that matters. It's very easy for people who are in good health to make an observation about this endeavor and make some kind of snide remark or dismiss it," he said. "When you're somebody who doesn't have their health, it means something entirely different to you."
Johnson initially founded a payment infrastructure company, Braintree, which he sold to PayPal for $800 million. Today, he is the founder and CEO of Blueprint, which focuses on optimizing health and longevity using algorithmic precision.
AI directs the program, an insight Johnson previously said helps him sift through his mind's tendency to spin hundreds of philosophical arguments and stories to betray his body.
"I've built an algorithm that takes better care of me than I can myself. It has exceeded my abilities," he said to Rolling Stone in September.

Johnson said much of his plan includes daily workouts and significant sleep. (Magdalena Wosinska )
Johnson told Fox News Digital that he does not speak to the dangers of AI. Instead, he speaks to the dangers of humans and their capacity to cause harm.
"It's humans, I fear," Johnson said. "I think there's probably a very low probability that humans could survive themselves without artificial intelligence."
The rapid acceleration of AI, combined with other technological advancements and a greater emphasis on health, may one day lead to a world where people live much longer or may even see death as an improbability rather than an eventuality.
Johnson recalled a story from early 20th century New York when horses were the primary mode of transit. At the time, there was so much manure in the streets that workers could not shovel it out fast enough. People got sick and began looking for solutions. Then Henry Ford came along and the Model T rendered the issue obsolete.

Johnson predicted that there is a "very low probability" that humans can survive without AI. (Magdalena Wosinska)
"Sometimes the problems we think are urgent and need to be solved are actually not the ones that need to be solved because something will come in and solve it just by default," he said. "And so it's very hard to know which problems we should really be worried about and which ones we shouldn't. So, is overpopulation a thing, or is it actually underpopulation? If we live too long, will we no longer have the desire to have children?"

Johnson said his summation of the modern world's problems should be siphoned into something actionable to him personally. With that in mind, he boiled down the essence of the 21st century into two words: Don't die.
"When you're baby steps away from having the powers of the gods, in this case, artificial intelligence, the only foe is death," he added. "There's no other foe. It's not a time to raise armies and conquer territory. That's a game for the previous centuries of Homo sapiens. It's not a game for us now. So, we're just at a different era of being human, and we need to update our gameplay as a species to understand where we're at."
If I had the funds I would undoubtedly attempt to take care of myself so I could enjoy it as long as possible….but I highly doubt I’d be obsessed to the point of taking over 100 pills and wearing what amounts to a cock ring every night! And while you can undoubtedly shave years off of your life by smoking and eating trash, I still think genetics and environmental factors that we can’t control have a lot to do with longevity….not to mention we re all one bad day away from having our jawbone driven through our brain stem by some 18 year old girl texting while driving….
When it comes to health span goals, with the right resources, investing in personalized nutrition, fitness programs, and regular health check-ups could be beneficial. Also, if anyone's interested in instant money making apps, there are some worth exploring.
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Its always laughable how these late 30 and early 40 year olds brag about how much younger they are. Let's do an interview when they hit 60 and 70 and see what a difference they have made in stopping the aging process. Invest all the money you want and your are still going to get old. Hell, I set 14 open, world records in 2 weight classes at 45 and was ranked #1 and #2 in the same year. Now I drag myself in the gym like all the other old guys there. Love to have some of the money back I wasted on life extension supplements. I kind of look like my father did at the age of 68 (just a little more muscle) despite efforts to prevent it.
Its always laughable how these late 30 and early 40 year olds brag about how much younger they are. Let's do an interview when they hit 60 and 70 and see what a difference they have made in stopping the aging process. Invest all the money you want and your are still going to get old. Hell, I set 14 open, world records in 2 weight classes at 45 and was ranked #1 and #2 in the same year. Now I drag myself in the gym like all the other old guys there. Love to have some of the money back I wasted on life extension supplements. I kind of look like my father did at the age of 68 (just a little more muscle) despite efforts to prevent it.
life‘s all about balance. Everyone’s balance is going to be different. At the end of the day, it’s all about the balance that makes each of us the happiest.

to look as young as possible, for the longest amount of time, requires a person to eat strict carnivore 100% of the time, never eating past ur maintenance calories, maintaining a relatively minimal amount of muscle, not having body fat too low, but obv not having too much body fat, keeping stress at an absolute minimum, and the most important factor, getting extremely good sleep every night.

But with awesome things in life, comes the risk of having stress. having an awesome relationship comes with stress at times, having kids comes with a ton of stress at times, and also sacrificing sleep, and who wants just a minimal amount of muscle? Lol. And eating strict carnivore 100% of the time is definitely going to hinder a lot of people’s day to day happiness. Point is, ya we can all slow the aging process much more than we currently are, but would we be happy everyday? It’s all about balance, and ultimately all about being as happy as u can for as many days on this earth as possible

sounds like u’ve lead one hell of a life! lol. And hopefully u can continue living it for a long long time. If I had to guess, u probably don’t regret much, and probably wouldn’t do things much differently if u could go back and do it all over. It all lead u to where ur at now, and from ur posts, it sounds like u've created a pretty sweet and balanced life for urself
I honestly think longevity and looking younger is 100% genetic traits. Of course you can take care of yourself and not let your body go to shit but if your mom and/or dad looked young at an older age then you most likely will too. I absolutely think diet is totally irrelevant other than not eating so much you turn into a blob.

I feel 68 but definitely don't look it but the amazing thing is I am not carnivore at all, I always eat well beyond what most men at any age eat (5000-5500 cal/d). Much of my life I ate 10,000+ calories per day. Keep donuts and ice cream away from me because I will eat it. I just don't eat vegetable because I can't stand them. While I eat quite a lot of protein (260g/d), most of it is from whey protein. I drink 6 whey protein shakes a day mixed with a total of 6 cups of milk. My father also didn't look 68 when he was my age and never ate the way i do or as much, nor did he lift weights.

Stress, you don't have any stress when you die. Stress is part of life. I always thought that that part of life went away after you retired. Hell, it just gets worse. My sleep is better now that I am older only because my wife insisted I do a sleep study in maybe 2007. But that is all dependent on how many problem pop up daily to keep you awake at night.

All I think we can do now is improve quality of life as we age. Not extend what our genetics tell us we will live to. This guy is an idiot with an obsession that will ruin his life, especially when he finds out he has wasted his money. What kind of neurotic fool sleeps with a device on his penis so he knows how many times he gets an erection every night? Seriously, someone worries about something so silly?
While I'm all for self-experimentation, I think we can all agree this guy is an idiot. Doing a thousand things all at once, even if he finds something that does extend lifespan, he'll never know which intervention it was. More likely he's shortening his lifespan.

As to what works for life extension, there's really only one thing that is know for sure. Exercisers live longer than non-exercisers. Everything else has caveats and isn't well understood. While genetics probably plays a role, no long life genes have been found. It's probably a combination of a large number of genes that promotes long lifespans. The longest lived mouse intervention is gene knockout to eliminate growth hormone expression (dwarf mice). In humans, this genetic mutation is known as Laron syndrome. So do they live long lives? Nope, they have a normal lifespan and are known to have high rates of alcoholism, depression, and suicide.

So exercise as much as you can and do anything that improves how you feel, but don't expect anything beyond exercise to improve lifespan.
I honestly think longevity and looking younger is 100% genetic traits. Of course you can take care of yourself and not let your body go to shit but if your mom and/or dad looked young at an older age then you most likely will too. I absolutely think diet is totally irrelevant other than not eating so much you turn into a blob.

I feel 68 but definitely don't look it but the amazing thing is I am not carnivore at all, I always eat well beyond what most men at any age eat (5000-5500 cal/d). Much of my life I ate 10,000+ calories per day. Keep donuts and ice cream away from me because I will eat it. I just don't eat vegetable because I can't stand them. While I eat quite a lot of protein (260g/d), most of it is from whey protein. I drink 6 whey protein shakes a day mixed with a total of 6 cups of milk. My father also didn't look 68 when he was my age and never ate the way i do or as much, nor did he lift weights.

Stress, you don't have any stress when you die. Stress is part of life. I always thought that that part of life went away after you retired. Hell, it just gets worse. My sleep is better now that I am older only because my wife insisted I do a sleep study in maybe 2007. But that is all dependent on how many problem pop up daily to keep you awake at night.

All I think we can do now is improve quality of life as we age. Not extend what our genetics tell us we will live to. This guy is an idiot with an obsession that will ruin his life, especially when he finds out he has wasted his money. What kind of neurotic fool sleeps with a device on his penis so he knows how many times he gets an erection every night? Seriously, someone worries about something so silly?
Ya life is all about balance, and this guy absolutely does not have balance in his life. I do believe him when he says he is as happy as he’s ever been in his entire life tho. Based on interviews, it seems clear that his childhood lead to him to find so much happiness in being extremely obsessive and anal with something like this. But at the end of the day, I do believe he is happier than 99% of people, so I don’t think he should change a thing. What he’s doing is working for him personally.

u absolutely can control how young u look, how long u live, how well ur body works, how u feel mentally, and what chronic illnesses u do or don’t get throughout ur life, to a degree. That part isn’t debatable. It’s called epigenetics. Here’s a brief description of what epigenetics is. “Epigenetic changes are modifications to DNA that regulate whether genes are turned on or off. These modifications are attached to DNA and do not change the sequence of DNA building blocks. So basically yes, we’re born with a certain genetic code, aka dna, and genetics play a very very strong role. But through epigentics, aka the things we control, and the things that our bodies are exposed to day to day, play a much bigger role than people think. For example, most people don’t live to 100. But through eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and optimizing sleep, on a very consistent basis, it’s actually very easy for most humans to live over 100.

just like everything else in life, things are rarely black or white, or one way or another, there’s usually always many factors that play a role, and need to be considered. And just like everything else in life, it’s all about balance. How young we look and feel throughout our life is no different. It’s dependent on a balance of ur genetics (what u can‘t control), and epigenetics (what u can control)
Its always laughable how these late 30 and early 40 year olds brag about how much younger they are. Let's do an interview when they hit 60 and 70 and see what a difference they have made in stopping the aging process. Invest all the money you want and your are still going to get old. Hell, I set 14 open, world records in 2 weight classes at 45 and was ranked #1 and #2 in the same year. Now I drag myself in the gym like all the other old guys there. Love to have some of the money back I wasted on life extension supplements. I kind of look like my father did at the age of 68 (just a little more muscle) despite efforts to prevent it.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
While I'm all for self-experimentation, I think we can all agree this guy is an idiot. Doing a thousand things all at once, even if he finds something that does extend lifespan, he'll never know which intervention it was. More likely he's shortening his lifespan.

As to what works for life extension, there's really only one thing that is know for sure. Exercisers live longer than non-exercisers. Everything else has caveats and isn't well understood. While genetics probably plays a role, no long life genes have been found. It's probably a combination of a large number of genes that promotes long lifespans. The longest lived mouse intervention is gene knockout to eliminate growth hormone expression (dwarf mice). In humans, this genetic mutation is known as Laron syndrome. So do they live long lives? Nope, they have a normal lifespan and are known to have high rates of alcoholism, depression, and suicide.

So exercise as much as you can and do anything that improves how you feel, but don't expect anything beyond exercise to improve lifespan.
This is simply just silliness, no offense lol. Exercise is very important, in regards to increasing longevity. Maintaining a healthy amount of muscle, for ur frame, throughout as much of ur life as possible is also very important, as far as longevity is concerned

Diet plays a stronger role tho, in regards to increasing lifespan/ decreasing ur risk of any chronic/ terminal illness that will kill u prematurely.

But it’s hard to say exactly where certain lifestyle factors fall in the hierarchy of things that longevity is dependent on. It’s very clear that if health and longevity and feeling good are ur goals in life, u need to focus on optimizing diet, ur exercise regimen, minimizing stress and optimizing sleep equally. To say that exercise is the only thing we can do to increase longevity is absolutely insane lol. Nobody that understands how the human body to a decent degree would ever agree with that. Again, not trying to offend or put u down. But saying that exercise is the only thing we can do to increase longevity might be the wildest thing I’ve heard in a long time lol
Obviously you're not familiar with longevity research. The effect of diet on longevity is poorly understood. While there is likely an effect, what approach to diet will improve longevity is not known. The research on exercise is definitive. It improves lifespan in virtually every study that has examined the effect.

Try doing some reading before you call someone's post silly.
Obviously you're not familiar with longevity research. The effect of diet on longevity is poorly understood. While there is likely an effect, what approach to diet will improve longevity is not known. The research on exercise is definitive. It improves lifespan in virtually every study that has examined the effect.

Try doing some reading before you call someone's post silly.
What are u even talking about? There’s way more research and anecdotal evidence on the role diet plays, in regards to longevity and avoiding all chronic disease, than exercise‘s effects. But again, exercise, minimizing stress, optimizing sleep, keeping meaningful social relationships and feeling a sense of purpose throughout ur life, all factor in greatly, in regards to longevity.

All I’m saying is that it’s literally insane to say that exercise is the only thing we definitively know can increase lifespan. It’s 2024. We understand longevity a great great deal past just thinking exercise is the only thing we can control, as far as increasing our lifespan goes. This is all common knowledge at this point

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