TB-500 Dosage Recommendations

I am about to give this peptide a try. My main goal is anti-aging, anti inflammatory benefits. Dosing appears to be all over the place. Dosage and frequency recommendations I have found are somewhat random.

I would like to buy the lyophilized product and reconstitute with bacteriostatic water for multi use. I have seen dosages up to 2.5 mg. That would mean a person would need quite a bit of product to do an 8 week cycle.

Any advice?
I have tried it but for all intent and purposes TB500 is most effective for tendonitis. I don't get much of that and instead get muscular/tendon injuries. That is where BPC 150 comes in. I actually tried it in conjunction with BPC 150 and after reading more about it I stopped the TB500 and continued with the other which was very effective.
I'm 65 now, a lifelong gym rat. The years of repetitive motion and heavy weights have taken a toll on my wrists, shoulders and knees. I'm not immobilized in any way, but I have had to alter my workouts to accommodate sore tendons and joints.

What I have researched would indicate this may help. The anti aging properties are also appealing. It is allegedly good for collagen, hair and other benefits.
I will certainly agree that it won't hurt. Many guys I know use both at the same time. Let us know how it helps.

Back before I went to the sports medicine center to finally find out what was wrong with my shoulder I went through 10 vials of BPC 157. I got absolutely no relief. This stuff 100% works for minor tissue injurys and ligament strains but will not solve severe osteoarthritis. Once i saw the x-rays I knew I had wasted my time and money trying to fix it.
I have been dealing with some tendon issues due to calcification of my shoulder have had focal shockwave therapy to break the calcification but have tendon inflammation and bursitis that has reached a point that I can’t workout upper body anymore. I am doing physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Did a couple of Deca shots 50mg every 2 weeks but saw very little relief from it so I am thinking about stopping it and try TB-500 and PCB 157.
I can get a vial that has both peptides 50/50
Advise on dosage and duration of treatment would be of great help
I'll put this up again.

TB500 - better for tendonitis
Week 1-4 - 6-10mg per week 850mcg/1400mcg/d​
2-6 months - 2mg per week or 285mcg/d​
BPC 157 - more for injuries in muscles or tendons
2-4 weeks - 2.4mcg/lb/d length of use depends on severity of injury.​

So with the BPC, if you weight 200lbs, you will need about 480mcg/day
I'll put this up again.

TB500 - better for tendonitis
Week 1-4 - 6-10mg per week 850mcg/1400mcg/d​
2-6 months - 2mg per week or 285mcg/d​
BPC 157 - more for injuries in muscles or tendons
2-4 weeks - 2.4mcg/lb/d length of use depends on severity of injury.​

So with the BPC, if you weight 200lbs, you will need about 480mcg/day
Holy crap! That would put a guy in the poor house, eh?
The alternative is a doctor visit and maybe weeks in physical therapy. Not to mention weeks of missing training. I have had minor tears in the pecs where there was slight bruising that healed up completely in 2 weeks and only missed 1 week of training.
The alternative is a doctor visit and maybe weeks in physical therapy. Not to mention weeks of missing training. I have had minor tears in the pecs where there was slight bruising that healed up completely in 2 weeks and only missed 1 week of training.
Thank you for your input!
I am 70 years old. I started doing some dumbbell weight training a couple of years ago.

I injured both deltoids by trying to do too much too fast. My connective tissue could not keep up.

Now I cannot do any weight training except for dumbbell curls without horrible shoulder pain. I cannot do pushups, pullups, chin-ups... nothing.

I started doing elastic band exercises a few months ago to strengthen my rotator cuff and things are very slowly getting better.

I was thinking about BPC-157 or TB-500 to help speed up my recovery but it would be quite an investment for me without being somewhat sure that there is a chance that it would help improve my situation.

Do you have any thoughts on this that you can share with me?
Thank you for your input!
I am 70 years old. I started doing some dumbbell weight training a couple of years ago.

I injured both deltoids by trying to do too much too fast. My connective tissue could not keep up.

Now I cannot do any weight training except for dumbbell curls without horrible shoulder pain. I cannot do pushups, pullups, chin-ups... nothing.

I started doing elastic band exercises a few months ago to strengthen my rotator cuff and things are very slowly getting better.

I was thinking about BPC-157 or TB-500 to help speed up my recovery but it would be quite an investment for me without being somewhat sure that there is a chance that it would help improve my situation.

Do you have any thoughts on this that you can share with me?
@jobshopper 1st off congratulations for making the decision to start lifting weight. Now, you found out that going it to fast can set you back. IMHO, BPC 157 is all you need. The TB 500 is more for tendonitis, which is an over use injury. You have strained your deltoid. Once you start on the BPC -157 make sure you start doing very high reps with little if any weight. I would do 1 set of 30-40 reps on your shoulder work. As you get use to this then add 1-2 more sets. Even if its just body weight only. This will help the healing process by flushing blood/nutrients into the injury, I would do front deltoid raises, lateral deltoid raises. Give it 2-3 weeks of doing this and then gradually start adding some weight. Once you can add weight then start lowering the repetitions to 12-15 reps and start slowly adding other exercises for your other body parts. The rubber bands are also excellent for recovery. The BPC-157 will certainly speed up the recovery process greatly.
I can't thank you enough for your input.
How much BPC-157 should I buy for this, what is the recommended dosage, cycle, and what is the application site?
Thanks again!

Edit: Will this also help with the shoulder impingement in my left shoulder?
I can't thank you enough for your input.
How much BPC-157 should I buy for this, what is the recommended dosage, cycle, and what is the application site?
Thanks again!

Edit: Will this also help with the shoulder impingement in my left shoulder?
Shoulder impingement occurs when the top outer edge of your shoulder blade, called the acromion, rubs against (“impinges on”) or pinches your rotator cuff beneath it, causing pain and irritation. BPC 157 is most likely works because of the anti-inflammatory effect it has. Impingement usually happens over a long period of time and is most frequently cause by doing over head shoulder movements. I would definitely not do any shoulder work that is overhead for quite a while.


BPC 157 - more for injuries in muscles or tendons
2-4 weeks
- 2.4mcg/lb/d length of use depends on severity of injury.

So lets say you weight 170lbs, you will need 340mcgs - 680mcgs/day. There are usually 2mg (2000mcgs) per vial. So you will get 5-3 days out of a vial. So I would get 4-5 vials depending on how severe this is. I have healed some pretty good connective injuries in less than a week. As far as the application site. This stuff goes systemic but I always liked to put my finger on the source of the pain and inject into that point.
Shoulder impingement occurs when the top outer edge of your shoulder blade, called the acromion, rubs against (“impinges on”) or pinches your rotator cuff beneath it, causing pain and irritation. BPC 157 is most likely works because of the anti-inflammatory effect it has. Impingement usually happens over a long period of time and is most frequently cause by doing over head shoulder movements. I would definitely not do any shoulder work that is overhead for quite a while.


BPC 157 - more for injuries in muscles or tendons
2-4 weeks
- 2.4mcg/lb/d length of use depends on severity of injury.

So lets say you weight 170lbs, you will need 340mcgs - 680mcgs/day. There are usually 2mg (2000mcgs) per vial. So you will get 5-3 days out of a vial. So I would get 4-5 vials depending on how severe this is. I have healed some pretty good connective injuries in less than a week. As far as the application site. This stuff goes systemic but I always liked to put my finger on the source of the pain and inject into that point.
This is really good information, thanks again.

Would I do both shoulders on the same day? If so, does that mean I need to double the order and get 8-10 (2mg or equivalent) vials?
After using BPC-157 and TB-500 I thought I would post my experience in hope that it might help someone else.

Backstory: I have lived with chronic shoulder pain for two years. The pain in my shoulders kept me from doing some parts of my workout and the pain made it difficult to sleep at night.

BPC-157 protocol:
250mcg AM and PM. I alternated shoulders, injecting one in the morning and the other in the evening.

After 2.5 weeks there was very little improvement so I added TB-500 and continued my protocol of BPC-157.

TB-500 protocol:
2.5mg E3.5D

By week 5 there was noticeable improvement in both arms but it seemed as if I was still having issues with my bicep tendons. After week 5 I discontinued the BPC-157 as it seemed that I had gotten all of the mileage out of that peptide that I was going to get.

I continued TB-500 at 2.5mg E3.5D for another 3 weeks and continued to improve.

Current TB-500 protocol:
Maintenance dose of 2.5mg once per week.

At this point I feel like my shoulders are 95% better. I have resumed most of my workout routine with the exception of doing the overhead press due to a minor amount of shoulder impingement in my left arm which is continuing to improve. On the occasion that I overdue things and the pain starts to come back I am amazed at how quickly I recover; usually within a day or two.

A big Thank You! to @BigTex for his input and guidance.
BigTex - well done. Very informative. Thx very much. New follower.

I'm an active 52 yr old with a chronic use / torn left rotator cuff (surfing). Could also just be tendonitis. Not sure. Sounds like TB500 is great for that, yeah?

I've also got a grade 2 MCL and LCL sprain I'm repairing (dirtbike crash). Would TB500 or BPC-157 be better for this?

Lastly, I've got mild low back pain ... could be tight muscles or a super small amount of osteoarthritis. Which do you think is better here -- BPC or TB?

Either way, I just started in on both compounds this week. Going with about 25% of the recommended dose for the first week to give my body a little time to adjust ... and b/c I've never done any self-injections before. I'm a lot more comfortable with it after just a few days, so I'm thinking of heading into it "FULL SEND" here this coming week.

Any input is great.

Oh yeah, I'm also dosing 10 units of Tesamorelin before bed (250mcgs / 0.25 gram); 5 days on, 2 days off, for 20 weeks. Do you have any thoughts or experience with Tesa?
I have not use Tesamorelin but have heard good things about it.. It will increase growth hormone naturally. As for the rest. The limited research shows BPC 157 works and the combination of BPC 157 and TB500 also works for arthritis pain. I have always used BPC 157 for injuries but this is the 1st time I have used the combination for osteoarthritis pain. While I am doing intra-articular injections, but it goes systemic and my low back pain is also much better. So I am not so convinced intra-articular is necessary.

Keep us up on how you do. This kind of therapy is honestly cutting edge as the FDA has nnot approved it and very few doctors are willing to try it.

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