Taurine - Worth Taking?


I've been researching Taurine. I like the idea that it can help your retina's and with tinnitus. In my 30s I had macular degeneration (I believe that is what it was called. Fluid leaked behind my retina putting pressure on it causing my vision to blur. Now it is permanent). I'm not sure what I have is tinnitus but I've always had a low level tone in my ears. My blood pressure is excellent with the supplements I already take so I'm not too worried about improving that aspect. When I donated with the Red Cross last Monday it was 102/60.

The only cardio I do is a mile or two on the treadmill, then weights; normally 5 or 6 days a week.

I also take the following;
L-citrulline malate 2:1 - Nutricost
L-arginine - Nutricost
Creatine powder - Optimum Nutrition CreaPure

I see some of you guys have listed Taurine as a supplement you take.

Are you getting positive results?

Are the any pitfalls I should consider?

Thanks Steve
I am starting to experiment with it to reduce water retention that sometimes occurs for me. Only 5 grams per day.

Prevent Water Retention & Bloat With Taurine & Magnesium—Sleep Better Too

Is it more of the magnesium that helps with water retention? The stuff I read about taurine by itself didn't mention water retention. Luckily, I don't have much, if any water retention.

I can't find anything negative about taurine. The couple cases where people had problems there wasn't substantial data to point at taurine as the problem.
Taurine is a very amazing chemical in our bodies because it has so many uses. It is found in high concentration in all animal bodies.It is an organic acid and is also a “free amino acid”. This means it has a structure similar to other amino acids. However, it does not participate in protein formation.


It's an ingredient in energy products like Red Bull.
At the bottom of the article is says it's not needed basically if you eat meat with each meal and take a GB3 tablet. I had to look up GB3. I eat enough meat.

"GB-3 is an excellent digestive aid because of its content of pancreatin and ox bile, primarily, which are digestive enzymes. Most people need this type of digestive support at all ages, but particularly those over age 50 or so and anyone who is ill or has lowered vitality.".

I don't see myself talking GB3.

I think I'm going to give it a try (taurine). I'll order enough for at least a month to see if I get any benefit from it.
I've been testing it out in my pre-workout for the last month or so (5g).
Supposedly for increased focus??
Not sure I can tell a real difference with it though to be honest.........
I've been testing it out in my pre-workout for the last month or so (5g).
Supposedly for increased focus??
Not sure I can tell a real difference with it though to be honest.........

Thanks for you input. I ordered some this morning. What I want to try to gauge (if possible) are these possible improvements:

- Provides potent retina protection (I've had issues in the past)
- Helps reverse tinnitus (always had a low level ringing - may be something else)

(ref: http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2013/6/the-forgotten-longevity-benefits-of-taurine/page-01)

The ringing should be obvious if it goes away. Retina improvement may be harder or impossible to detect.

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