JohnDoeSmith and Coastwatcher ... guess I am a little disappointed. Suppose I expected more, I don't know ... Its a big hassle with the doctors, meds, needles, injections, lots of money, etc ... only to end up back where I should be anyway. And where most normal men are. Well, I guess that is one thing that I did learn in this adventure ... most men's T levels are not where they should be due to lifestyles, diet, and lots of environmental factors. So its not just me with low-T ... millions of other men have it too and for many the typical recommendations from their primary care physician is not going to cut it. So I"m doing pretty well compared to most men my age.
Anyway, guess I expected more. But I'm ok with where I ended up. I saw a huge jump in my sex drive several years ago when I first went on T replacement and that was really cool. And the sex drive is still pretty good too ... GF doesn't complain.
Guess I'm just trying to be honest with people and be honest with reporting my experiences. Its not a miracle drug. But it will go a long way towards restoring how your system is supposed to work ... to make you feel normal again. And, YES, that is a very good thing.