Taking charge of my own testosterone plus HCG injections

hi camp ... I'm a newbie too ... only been doing this a few weeks and I had questions about needles too. So I did some research ... availability of needles is regulated on a state by state basis ... so it depends on where you live. I know for sure that in my state you must have a prescription to get needles ... I think that "most" but not all states are like that but it varies. I don't think you can order them online and get them delivered ... but I could be wrong.

You can certainly order needles on line. Many members of EM do just that. Much easier.
So guess due for another update. Glad that people told me that air bubbles didn't make a difference ... that helped to know that it didn't matter and I could inject with peace. And the last few injections have gone well and are getting easier and more routine all the time.

As for the new program with 2x weekly injections and adding HCG. I know this will sound strange but its not really what I was expecting. Guess I was expecting some drastic change and I didn't get that. The T injections are about what I was getting before ... just without the highs and lows ... which is a good thing. And as for the HCG ... guess I was expecting miracles and what I got was ... back to NORMAL. I don't know if others have experienced this ... I imagine so ... because so many are seeking treatments like HCG. But after a couple of yrs on TRT my balls just kinda shrunk up, felt knotted up, felt hot and sweaty all the time ... just didn't feel right. Kinda like a muscle cramp ... from exercise and when you are low on water or electrolytes. And when you get a cramp like that ... it feels awesome when a cramp like that lets go. Know what I mean ?

Anyway, my balls have definitely loosened up. Maybe a little bit larger, maybe release a little bit more volume during sex, but nothing drastic or earth shaking. What I'd say is that the old weird feeling of being all knotted up is just plain GONE and its back to feeling normal. Which is actually pretty cool. Did it turn my sex life on fire ? Do I shoot gallons of cum ? Nope. I'm back to just being me and feeling like me ... and that's perfect fine.

So for any of the dudes out there wanting to try it. I'd say go for it. Just don't expect miracles. Its not going to make you superman ... but it will return you back to being you. Just my 2ct worth.
So guess due for another update. Glad that people told me that air bubbles didn't make a difference ... that helped to know that it didn't matter and I could inject with peace. And the last few injections have gone well and are getting easier and more routine all the time.

As for the new program with 2x weekly injections and adding HCG. I know this will sound strange but its not really what I was expecting. Guess I was expecting some drastic change and I didn't get that. The T injections are about what I was getting before ... just without the highs and lows ... which is a good thing. And as for the HCG ... guess I was expecting miracles and what I got was ... back to NORMAL. I don't know if others have experienced this ... I imagine so ... because so many are seeking treatments like HCG. But after a couple of yrs on TRT my balls just kinda shrunk up, felt knotted up, felt hot and sweaty all the time ... just didn't feel right. Kinda like a muscle cramp ... from exercise and when you are low on water or electrolytes. And when you get a cramp like that ... it feels awesome when a cramp like that lets go. Know what I mean ?

Anyway, my balls have definitely loosened up. Maybe a little bit larger, maybe release a little bit more volume during sex, but nothing drastic or earth shaking. What I'd say is that the old weird feeling of being all knotted up is just plain GONE and its back to feeling normal. Which is actually pretty cool. Did it turn my sex life on fire ? Do I shoot gallons of cum ? Nope. I'm back to just being me and feeling like me ... and that's perfect fine.

So for any of the dudes out there wanting to try it. I'd say go for it. Just don't expect miracles. Its not going to make you superman ... but it will return you back to being you. Just my 2ct worth.

Your tone seems a bit disappointed, maybe I'm misinterpreting it though so correct me if I'm wrong.

You said you feel "normal" now and with TRT less highs and lows. That's exactly what TRT and hCG do. They aren't NZT or some wonder drug, they just restore normalcy.

That's all we're after here, is a state of being where we should be.
hey mega
I have been now on TRT for like almost 2 years of TRIALS and PROBLEMS and GELS and now the injection IM that is the best route . u get 99% bio availability ......and as for getting off TRT this long into the game would suck, because for 3 years the body has been artifically getting it....Hows your Prolactin Level? I just had to get an MRI of my brain because my Level was moderetly high...Im only 31 and this started noticably about 2 3 years ago, and when I was blood tested prior to starting my complete testosterone number was 46 not available Free T the full big number 46...... i was dead from being on a skew of drugs for 10 years , then recovery and physc meds. such as PAXIL which has ruined my sex life almost killed it.....so back to the prolactin.....mine was in the high catagory so after the MRI today , I got my CD and see the doc on thursday. now complete testosterone is like something now...its above average....but i still have a very hard time staying erect and achieving an orgasm even with a partner..its actually harder because the "Preformance anxiety" that I created floods me...so i usually dont ejaculate and feel horribly embarassed

but when I go home and im alone...if i really concentrate and watch something finally, a huge shot flys out usually into fly own face lol. so i need my convidence back and loose this nervousness but all the anxiety meds **** with the sex drive and i take most normal ones. klonopin, xanax, and clonidine and a as needed beta blocker for my heart arythmias. so i try NOT to take a Night dose if i know i may be with a dude. i have to carry viagra on me at all times . still because Ive researched about this PROLACTIN and i had to find out if there is a benign tumor pushing on my pituitary gland, I do get symptoms of it....back of eye pain /headache .....but im down from 30mg of paxil to now 10mgs as of 5 days ago. its getting ekky, im starting to obsess OCD coming back, unnessary worry, basicly symptoms returning of why I was put on an antidepresant. I see my dr. tomorrow the physc. so im telling him i am at ten. the lowest dose . and im ready to get put on whatever he has planned to switch to that he says will not effect sex drive. So the ball thing....I have shrunk balls , there' there, just smaller and they go up and hide in the cavity they fell out of. honestly id rather that and get all my mojo back . so be blessed that u got ur normal erections ; it is so horrible... so im hoping going on that drug [FONT=&quot]cabergoline will help the prolactin go down. and the MRI comes back ok. this is a big thing to manage by urself.

So if ur still able to satisfy ur partner and not worry about your penis dropping thats a great thing, cuz i know their are other guys out there that know what im saying....so I hope the meds help for lowering my prolactin level and it helps with the erections....But Even with a girlfriend nurse Im sure there are just some things a woman cant understand physically or mental about something that they dont have. so I feel you with the small balls, it sucks, it looks weird but if thats the only thing thats really bad right now i think ur actually doing well, cuz its a side effect on the box. well know ur not alone. good luck to u.
ps. try edging :holding ur cum back like 6 times b4 letting go, it def intensifys the orgasm. and try to get in touch with other sexual foreplay u may like and not have done with ur partner. anything to help ustay in the moment. wishin u the best.
JohnDoeSmith and Coastwatcher ... guess I am a little disappointed. Suppose I expected more, I don't know ... Its a big hassle with the doctors, meds, needles, injections, lots of money, etc ... only to end up back where I should be anyway. And where most normal men are. Well, I guess that is one thing that I did learn in this adventure ... most men's T levels are not where they should be due to lifestyles, diet, and lots of environmental factors. So its not just me with low-T ... millions of other men have it too and for many the typical recommendations from their primary care physician is not going to cut it. So I"m doing pretty well compared to most men my age.

Anyway, guess I expected more. But I'm ok with where I ended up. I saw a huge jump in my sex drive several years ago when I first went on T replacement and that was really cool. And the sex drive is still pretty good too ... GF doesn't complain.

Guess I'm just trying to be honest with people and be honest with reporting my experiences. Its not a miracle drug. But it will go a long way towards restoring how your system is supposed to work ... to make you feel normal again. And, YES, that is a very good thing.
JohnDoeSmith and Coastwatcher ... guess I am a little disappointed. Suppose I expected more, I don't know ... Its a big hassle with the doctors, meds, needles, injections, lots of money, etc ... only to end up back where I should be anyway. And where most normal men are. Well, I guess that is one thing that I did learn in this adventure ... most men's T levels are not where they should be due to lifestyles, diet, and lots of environmental factors. So its not just me with low-T ... millions of other men have it too and for many the typical recommendations from their primary care physician is not going to cut it. So I"m doing pretty well compared to most men my age.

Anyway, guess I expected more. But I'm ok with where I ended up. I saw a huge jump in my sex drive several years ago when I first went on T replacement and that was really cool. And the sex drive is still pretty good too ... GF doesn't complain.

Guess I'm just trying to be honest with people and be honest with reporting my experiences. Its not a miracle drug. But it will go a long way towards restoring how your system is supposed to work ... to make you feel normal again. And, YES, that is a very good thing.

Fair enough, you're being honest, and that's a good thing.

I think there's a disconnect from TRT and other medications. I think people forget that after all, it is a medication. I doubt that people look to their recently prescribed blood pressure medication or metformin to completely change their lives in all aspects, no, they expect a mild benefit and that's it. But TRT is put on this pedestal as the end all be all of life, a therapist/sex God/motivational speaker/liquid courage/gym enhancer/plus everyday aches and pains reliever all wrapped into one. TRT can only fix things that are caused by testosterone deficiency.

BTW, this isn't directed at you, it's a general statement to all looking to start TRT. I'm guilty of it, too.

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