Take a look at my latest labs please


New Member
150ml weekly every 3.5 days
.25 Ai twice a week

Quest labs

TT 1233
Range 250-1100 ng/dl
Free T 247.7
Range 35.0- 155.0 pg/ml
Estradiol sensitive 18
Range less than or = 29 pg/ml
hemocrit 49.4

These labs are after a protocol change from 200ml split in half every 3.5 days.
I feel pretty good but have been experiencing some fatigue in the afternoon that I didn’t have before.
I’m wondering if the AI is the cause. Should I quit and let my E2 rise?

While you're at it why not decrease the testosterone to 50 mg twice a week instead of 75? Your serum levels are running more than double those of the average healthy young man. That's an invitation to side effects.
OK so while we are discussing it is there any numbers that I should be shooting for or is it strictly off how you feel.

And how about the sides what specifically are you talking about? I could post my full labs

My bp has been pretty consistent on TRT and very close to the same as off.

I’ve been on TRT for about 2.5 years.

@Cataceous i value your opinion and have been lurking here long enough to know that you are a wealth of information TRT related.
150ml weekly every 3.5 days
.25 Ai twice a week

Quest labs

TT 1233
Range 250-1100 ng/dl
Free T 247.7
Range 35.0- 155.0 pg/ml

Estradiol sensitive 18
Range less than or = 29 pg/ml
hemocrit 49.4

These labs are after a protocol change from 200ml split in half every 3.5 days.
I feel pretty good but have been experiencing some fatigue in the afternoon that I didn’t have before.
I’m wondering if the AI is the cause. Should I quit and let my E2 rise?


Things to keep in mind:

If these are trough levels then the peak TT/FT level will be higher and as you can see you are hitting TT 1200s and higher FT which would also result in higher e2 which you are trying to control with the use of an AI and your estradiol (LC/MS-MS) sits at 18.

Your previous protocol was a whopping 200mg/week (100 mg every 3.5 days) which would have had your trough TT/FT/e2 levels absurdly high and I would imagine you were also taking an AI to control e2.

If anything when you lowered your dose from 200 mg/week (100 mg every 3.5 days)--->150 mg/week (75 mg every 3.5 days) you should have dropped the AI so you could see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) had your trough TT/FT/e2 levels at the 6-week mark (once blood levels stabilize) let alone how you would feel overall.

Yes, it is clear that you do have room to lower your dose slightly if need be.

Before making a move and lowering your dose I would at least try dropping the AI and see how you feel.

Mind you anytime a protocol is tweaked (dose T/injection frequency) hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) and unfortunately most will experience ups/downs during the transition as the body is trying to adjust.

Even then once you get through the first 6 weeks and blood levels have stabilized it will take the body another 2-3 months to adapt and this is the critical time period when one should gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

If after the 2-3 month mark you feel great overall and blood markers remain healthy let alone you are not struggling with any sides then I would not be too concerned about running higher TT/FT levels!
I'd cut the AI at least in half if not get rid of it completely.
Your numbers don't look bad necessarily.
IF you feel fine cutting the AI, then I'd touch nothing.
But if you cut the AI and that doesn't resolve it. as said above there is room to slightly lower the dose.
That FreeT is starting to get up there at 44ng/DL but I don't feel it's concerning.
Labs plus symptom resolution.
Honestly I felt great at 200 a week but suffered some erection issues. I decided to drop my dose down to where I am now. TT was off the eco lab charts at 1500.
Doc I’m seeing doesn’t test sensitive E2. I decided to have the labs done on my own just to see where I sit. Not a true trough as the lab could only see me on Thursday afternoon and take my second dose Saturday Am.

I wasn’t taking a AI on the larger dose. My regular E2 was 58 I believe. No idea on Ft as he also doesn’t request that.

I really feel good at this level. Strong as ox in the gym and libido pretty damn good and no erection issues. Just the late afternoon tiredness that I’ve never felt. After seeing my E2 so low I suspect that is the cause.

I’ll drop my AI and see where i sit and feel in 6 to 8 weeks

Thanks for the insight guys.
Elevated hemoglobin, hematocrit and estradiol are some of the obvious side effects of too much testosterone. Excess fluid retention is another, and then there are the possible influences on dopamine, prolactin, thyroid function and the HPA. Philosophically the issue is about choosing realistic serum testosterone so that the unintended consequences of excess are avoided. In my opinion two main facets can explain most of the problems guys have with TRT: first is excessive dosing and the lack of diurnal variation; second is the suppression of upstream hormones.

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