T Levels and high Estradiol


Hi Guys. My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot. I take .8cc per week of 200mg/ml test cyp injections. My libido has declined.

I'm wondering if backing off my T shots to .7cc might reduce the estradiol.

My hematocrit is 57.

Any input appreciated. Thanks.
My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot.
When in relation to your injections were labs drawn?

I think it's obvious you're overmedicated.

As far as dosage reductions, .1cc reduction in dosing isn't going to move the needle very far. I would start with .6cc reduction.
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When in relation to your injections were labs drawn?

I think it's obvious you're overmedicated.

As far as dosage reductions, .1cc reduction in dosing isn't going to move the needle very far. I wuold start with .6cc reduction.


I do HCG injections on Mon Tues. 20iu. That prevents testicle shrinkage and balances hormones. (Dr. Crisler protocol).
Then on Wed I did .8 cc of test cyp IM.

My labs were drawn on Wed before I did my test cyp shot. Now at .8cc my estradiol is 57 and testo is 886.

Back when I was on the same HCG and was taking .7cc of test cyp my estradiol was 31 and testo level was 654.

My doc wants me to go back on .7 cc and see how that goes.
Hi Guys. My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot. I take .8cc per week of 200mg/ml test cyp injections. My libido has declined.

I'm wondering if backing off my T shots to .7cc might reduce the estradiol.

My hematocrit is 57.

Any input appreciated. Thanks.

How long have you been on TTh?

Where did your hematocrit sit pre-TTh?

Keep in mind 160 mg T once weekly is still a fairly high weekly dose.

Most men on TTh are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into more frequent injections as in twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD or daily.

Even then most men can easily hit a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

As I have stated numerous times on the forum over the years yes there are some outliers who may need the high-end dose 200 mg T/week but it is far from common as in RARE!

Such dose would be OVERKILL for the MAJORITY!

Common starting dose is 100 mg T/week or better yet 50 mg every 3.5 days.

Starting low and going slow on a T-only protocol would be the most sensible move as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and where said protocol (dose of T/injection frequency) has your trough TT and more importantly FT, estradiol let alone critical blood markers RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

There will always be time to increase the dose or throw in hCG if need be!

Much harder coming down than going up trust me on this one.

Also keep in mind that running too high a trough/steady-state FT can be just as bad in many ways as running too low a FT especially when it comes to libido, erectile function and mood!

You are hammering the shit out of your dopamine when running too high a trough/steady-state FT level.

Unfortunately many men are overmedicated from the get-go.

Some may feel great at first only to be let down months in!

On your current dose 160 mg T/week with hCG thrown in to boot you are hitting a high-end trough TT 886 ng/dL which means that your trough FT will most likely be high unless you have highoish/high SHBG and even than if such was the case your trough FT would still be healthy.

Shitkicker here is seeing as your lab results were at the true trough (7 days) post-injection your peak TT and more importantly FT let alone estradiol will be sky high.

Even than we have no idea where your trough FT level truly sits as you never had it tested but chances are it is high seeing as your hematocrit 57% is through the roof.

If you were well hydrated (fluids/electrolytes) before getting labs done and are truly hitting 57% than you most likely had higher-end hematocrit pre-TTh let alone your trough FT is most likely too high!

Do understand that increasing your TT will drive up your FT, estradiol and hematocrit.

54% is the cutoff and you are over that so in order to bring it down not only will you need to lower your weekly dose of T to bring down your trough FT but chances are you may need to address any underlying issues which may also be contributing

If anything you need to find out where your most important blood marker free testosterone truly sits and in order to know such you would need to have it tested using what would be considered the most accurate assay the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis especially in cases of altered SHBG.

You can easily pay out of pocket and use Nelson's DiscountedLabs.com to test your TT and more importantly FT using the most accurate assays (LC-MS/MS-ED).


If you do not have access to such (highly doubtful) if you reside in the US than you would need to use/rely upon the calculated linear law-of-mass action Vermeulen (cFTV).

You would need to know where your SHBG and Albumin sit in order to calculate your FT mind you one can use the default Albumin 4.3g/dL.

Look over the threads in post #6

Especially this one!


I do HCG injections on Mon Tues. 20iu. That prevents testicle shrinkage and balances hormones. (Dr. Crisler protocol).
Then on Wed I did .8 cc of test cyp IM.

My labs were drawn on Wed before I did my test cyp shot. Now at .8cc my estradiol is 57 and testo is 886.

Back when I was on the same HCG and was taking .7cc of test cyp my estradiol was 31 and testo level was 654.

My doc wants me to go back on .7 cc and see how that goes.
How did you feel on your prior protocol? How do you feel on your current one?

Did you fail to hit symptom resolution so you decided to increase the dose?

Are you experiencing unwanted sides at the moment, or are you just concerned about a level on a piece of paper?

How long have you been on your current protocol?
How did you feel on your prior protocol? How do you feel on your current one?

Did you fail to hit symptom resolution so you decided to increase the dose?

Are you experiencing unwanted sides at the moment, or are you just concerned about a level on a piece of paper?

How long have you been on your current protocol?

Opening thread he clearly stated

Hi Guys. My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot. I take .8cc per week of 200mg/ml test cyp injections. My libido has declined.

Throw this in there too!

His reply in post #8

How high were your T levels? I've found that guys who go too high are the ones with headaches etc. That's why I am staying conservative with 100mg a week plus HCG. My levels are good for me there, feel strong and well, good libido with twice a week sex, not bad at 70!
I tried going off it cold turkey. Got sickly and skinny, no sex drive. I looked like crap. No energy.
Opening thread he clearly stated

Hi Guys. My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot. I take .8cc per week of 200mg/ml test cyp injections. My libido has declined.

Throw this in there too!

His reply in post #8

How high were your T levels? I've found that guys who go too high are the ones with headaches etc. That's why I am staying conservative with 100mg a week plus HCG. My levels are good for me there, feel strong and well, good libido with twice a week sex, not bad at 70!
I tried going off it cold turkey. Got sickly and skinny, no sex drive. I looked like crap. No energy.
Thanks for the further insight. If he was feeling good on 100 mg it makes one wonder why he bumped his dosage up so much. Seems like he’s just over-fixated on numbers. If he felt great then his trough reading is of little concern. And now he seems to have overshot the mark and is blaming it on E2, when it’s likely that his numbers in general are just too high. I mean, I understand the temptation of wanting to feel like a million bucks 24/7, but that’s not reality.
Thanks Systemlord, Madman et al. You guys are awesome! I will analyze your input and figure it all out.
For now I will slowly reduce my program to .7cc test cyp (200mg/ml) and see how I do. My libido has been crappy since my estradiol is so high, so I think I should be better soon!!!
How did you feel on your prior protocol? How do you feel on your current one?

Did you fail to hit symptom resolution so you decided to increase the dose?

Are you experiencing unwanted sides at the moment, or are you just concerned about a level on a piece of paper?

How long have you been on your current protocol?
Hi Phil,
I felt good at .7cc per week and thought I'd try .8 to see how I felt on that level. It brought up my estradiol to 58 and ruined my libido. It's amazing how important it is to find the right levels for our body. My total T at 886 on day 7 pre shot was too much for me. So I will go back to .7 and get retested. I bet that is my sweet spot. I will continue to do .20iu HCG on days 1 and 2 and my T shot on day 3 per the Crisler protocol. It maintains my nuts size.
My doc said that he has patients who do 1.0cc test cyp per week. I'd bet they feel like crap, have headaches, and no libido. Guys think more is better but as we all know, not true!
On oral T, Kyzatrex and Jatenzo it's less about trying to aim for a particular hormone levels and maintaining it and more about getting the dosage right since hormones fluctuate hour to hour.

An TT @886 won't be an issue on oral T because 2 hours later your TT is somewhere around @786 and 2 hours later TT is around 686 and so on.
Hi Phil,
I felt good at .7cc per week and thought I'd try .8 to see how I felt on that level. It brought up my estradiol to 58 and ruined my libido. It's amazing how important it is to find the right levels for our body. My total T at 886 on day 7 pre shot was too much for me. So I will go back to .7 and get retested. I bet that is my sweet spot. I will continue to do .20iu HCG on days 1 and 2 and my T shot on day 3 per the Crisler protocol. It maintains my nuts size.
My doc said that he has patients who do 1.0cc test cyp per week. I'd bet they feel like crap, have headaches, and no libido. Guys think more is better but as we all know, not true!
Or maybe they feel like crap on 0.7cc... Dose statements are useless without lab values and moreover the response wrt lab values is individual.
What was your T and E2 on 0.7cc?
There is no reason to wonder whether E2 is lower when you reduce the dose... Also T would be lower.
And what if you leave out the HCG...?
Well, now you know that less than 0.8ml is better for you. And maybe more than 0.5ml is better too.
Same old story repeats over and over.
Did you try 0.5ml per week?
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How long have you been on TTh?

Where did your hematocrit sit pre-TTh?

Keep in mind 160 mg T once weekly is still a fairly high weekly dose.

Most men on TTh are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into more frequent injections as in twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD or daily.

Even then most men can easily hit a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

As I have stated numerous times on the forum over the years yes there are some outliers who may need the high-end dose 200 mg T/week but it is far from common as in RARE!

Such dose would be OVERKILL for the MAJORITY!

Common starting dose is 100 mg T/week or better yet 50 mg every 3.5 days.

Starting low and going slow on a T-only protocol would be the most sensible move as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and where said protocol (dose of T/injection frequency) has your trough TT and more importantly FT, estradiol let alone critical blood markers RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

There will always be time to increase the dose or throw in hCG if need be!

Much harder coming down than going up trust me on this one.

Also keep in mind that running too high a trough/steady-state FT can be just as bad in many ways as running too low a FT especially when it comes to libido, erectile function and mood!

You are hammering the shit out of your dopamine when running too high a trough/steady-state FT level.

Unfortunately many men are overmedicated from the get-go.

Some may feel great at first only to be let down months in!

On your current dose 160 mg T/week with hCG thrown in to boot you are hitting a high-end trough TT 886 ng/dL which means that your trough FT will most likely be high unless you have highoish/high SHBG and even than if such was the case your trough FT would still be healthy.

Shitkicker here is seeing as your lab results were at the true trough (7 days) post-injection your peak TT and more importantly FT let alone estradiol will be sky high.

Even than we have no idea where your trough FT level truly sits as you never had it tested but chances are it is high seeing as your hematocrit 57% is through the roof.

If you were well hydrated (fluids/electrolytes) before getting labs done and are truly hitting 57% than you most likely had higher-end hematocrit pre-TTh let alone your trough FT is most likely too high!

Do understand that increasing your TT will drive up your FT, estradiol and hematocrit.

54% is the cutoff and you are over that so in order to bring it down not only will you need to lower your weekly dose of T to bring down your trough FT but chances are you may need to address any underlying issues which may also be contributing

If anything you need to find out where your most important blood marker free testosterone truly sits and in order to know such you would need to have it tested using what would be considered the most accurate assay the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis especially in cases of altered SHBG.

You can easily pay out of pocket and use Nelson's DiscountedLabs.com to test your TT and more importantly FT using the most accurate assays (LC-MS/MS-ED).


If you do not have access to such (highly doubtful) if you reside in the US than you would need to use/rely upon the calculated linear law-of-mass action Vermeulen (cFTV).

You would need to know where your SHBG and Albumin sit in order to calculate your FT mind you one can use the default Albumin 4.3g/dL.

Look over the threads in post #6

Especially this one!

Thanks so much for this info. Is the oral T actually worth trying ? This is the first I've heard of it.
Remember though your E at 58 is your trough number…most certainly is much higher. The numbers and injection indicate to me that you have high SHBG, probably.
The easiest singular thing you can do here to gauge your E is try Anastrozole.
I fully believe T dose changes sound ok but rarely result in E reductions of a significant amount for symptom relief.
Your trough T level really isnt indicative of a dose reduction.
Dont fall in the trap of AIs being bad or to be avoided or confused with misuse.
Thanks so much for this info. Is the oral T actually worth trying ? This is the first I've heard of it.

If you do not fare well on injections especially when it comes to running higher trough/steady-state FT levels 24/7 let alone struggle/concerned with elevated hematocrit than it is definitely worth giving it a go!

Two daily peaks/troughs.

One can still easily hit a high-end/high peak FT using any of the newer oral TU formulations (Jatenzo, Tlando or Kyzatrex)!

Is the oral T actually worth trying ?
I was on it. I went off because I was having issues I later found out was caused by something else. My experience was a lot more positive than injections, creams and gels.

I tried every possible injection protocol, daily, every 2 days, every 2.5 days, every 3 days, twice weekly, weekly, nothing worked.

Oral T, steady state in 7 days. I regained HPTA functionality is 7 days of stopping with labs to prove it. Balls started aching on day 5-6, HPTA function on day 7.

Imagine needing to stop for fertility reasons.

Quick, easy and painless.

My endocrinologist strongly advised me not to stop my TRT. Now he can't stop telling me not to restart Jatenzo.

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I was on it. I went off because I was having issues I later found out was caused by something else. My experience was a lot more positive than injections, creams and gels.

I tried every possible injection protocol, daily, every 2 days, every 2.5 days, every 3 days, twice weekly, weekly, nothing worked.

Oral T, steady state in 7 days. I regained HPTA functionality is 7 days of stopping with labs to prove it. Balls started aching on day 5-6, HPTA function on day 7.

Imagine needing to stop for fertility reasons.

Quick, easy and painless.

My endocrinologist strongly advised me not to stop my TRT. Now he can't stop telling me not to restart Jatenzo.

Are you able to share the labs that prove your HPTA fired back up within seven days of stopping?
Are you able to share the labs that prove your HPTA fired back up within seven days of stopping?
That doesn't prove that it will be the same for everyone. If one needed TRT because of a insufficient HP pathway, then one will recover to that state (assuming unchanged boundary conditions such as health and stress levels).
I think the main point is that it's quicker to come off because of the halflife. Methodically one could be on TRT using TU then switch to TP or oral or transdermal application in order to quickly get the exogenous T out of circulation when attempting to stop TRT. That's for the HP part of the HPTA.
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Hi Guys. My most recent labs show my Estradiol is high at 58. My total T is 886 on day 7 prior to shot. I take .8cc per week of 200mg/ml test cyp injections. My libido has declined.

I'm wondering if backing off my T shots to .7cc might reduce the estradiol.

My hematocrit is 57.

Any input appreciated. Thanks.
I won't go into my high hematocrit/red blood cells issue which I've resolved doing Double Red Donations w/Red Cross. As we get older more and more T is converted to Estradiol, thus libido would decline as well as mood swings, energy, lean muscle mass, etc. I studied it and found that a supplement called DIM 300-400mg tablets/capsules helps block the amino acid that converts the T to Estradiol. Get it from a trusted place (I use Swanson Vitamins). I've been taking DIM daily for several months and can tell it has made a difference. Hopefully in a month or so of you doing the same, your Total T should be higher on day 7 and should feel more normal. You could cut back to .7cc but without DIM your T will drop even more, w/DIM you could consider cutting back and see if you feel normal, if not better stick w/.8cc. Worth a try for sure.

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