I would like to offer that after starting my journey with a local MD with an open mind on alternative therapies (in April, 2018), I feel that I'm finally getting dialed in with TRT. At first with 4 clicks, 50 mg/ml T Cream only, my HPT sytem started to shut down after about 3 months and I felt terrible with T levels worse than when I started. I suggested adding HCG, and I prodded my MD for this by giving him a copy of (the late) Dr Crisler's book. So about 4 months after that, I finally had my HCG in hand and started with 300 Units EOD. I'm one of the lucky guys on this - it doesn't seem to help everyone, but it almost instantly made me feel better, as Dr Crisler states in his book. In Fall 2019, I requested an increased strength to 100 mg/ml (4 clicks). Dr Crisler's recommended application method, hands free on the underside of your (shaved) forearms, also seems effective. Below are my latest results, and some other numbers I checked along the way:
Test Result Reference Range
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS A 880.7 ng/dL 264.0-916.0
Free Testosterone(Direct) 20.6 pg/mL (High) 6.6-18.1
Estradiol, Sensitive 28.7 pg/mL 8.0-35.0
Other pertinent lab tests during my treatment period were:
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 58.9 nmol/L (Ref. 10 to 57)
Dihydrotestosterone 181 ng/dL (High) (Ref 30-85)
DHEA Sulfate 153.4 ug/dL (Ref. 30.9-295.6)
I would say that I feel great, except I think guys have to watch their DHT levels on T Cream (libido crazy high, and I wish I could sleep a bit better). And DON'T make the mistake I did of trying scrotal application of T Cream. See my precautionary tale here:
Scrotal TRT Cream Application - A Precautionary Tale
I also wish my erections were stronger even with PDE5 inhibitors, but a Urologist's Ultrasound confirmed my suspicion of venous leakage, and he let me add BiMix to my toolbox (WTF, with T levels higher than my 26 yo son!)
HCG can still be reasonably obtained from online overseas pharmacies. I would encourage anyone not satisfied or feeling their best with T only to try adding HCG.