Six weeks ago I had to switch from enanthate to cypionate due to supply chain problems. Today I was informed by the pharmacy that they won't have either enanthate or cypionate until April 2022 and that I'd have to switch to a topical. I know in the USA, you have more supplier options. I don't think we have many options here in Canada. I don't mind switching to topical but am starting to worry that they will run out of topical next. Is anyone else having these issues?
Get used to having to switch over from Delatestryl (TE) to Depo-Testosterone (TC) or vice versa as every so often big pharma tends to run into issues with production.
This has been much worse over the past year due to the Covid pandemic.
Even then try calling numerous pharmacies as you may come across Delatestryl.
Delatestryl is available again but only in a limited supply.
Depo-Testosterone should be available by November.
*Bausch anticipates releasing supply this week with 2nd and 3rd supply lots arriving by mid-October and a return to normal supply in December. Initially, supply will be limited and allocated across the country as a percentage of sales.
*Pfizer Canada (Depo-Testosterone - testosterone cypionate) is also experiencing a shortage due to increased demand as a result of the Bausch shortage. Pfizer anticipates testosterone will be back in stock by the end of October with enough supply to fill the usual demand. Availability may vary depending on the Bausch supply.
If you have no such luck then look into seeing if you can get the generic Depo-Testosterone (TC) manufactured by Taro as it is readily available.
Worst case scenario will be having to switch over to transdermal (Androgel or generic Taro-Testosterone gel).
Keep in mind that that the strength of Androgel/generic Taro-Testosterone gels is only 1%.
Absorption from the transdermal application is roughly 9-14% (truncal application).
Most men are started on 5 grams gel (50 mg T) and in most cases are only able to achieve mid-normal T levels.
Many may end up needing 10 grams gel (100 mg T) to achieve high-end/slightly supra-physiological T levels.
Keep in mind that some men do not do well with standard transdermal T therapy (truncal application) due to absorption issues.
ANDROGEL is a transparent or slightly opalescent colorless gel with an odor of alcohol-containing 1% testosterone. ANDROGEL provides continuous transdermal delivery of testosterone, the primary circulating endogenous androgen, for 24 hours following a single application to intact, clean, dry skin of the shoulders, upper arms, and/or abdomen.
A daily application of ANDROGEL (testosterone gel) 5 g, 7.5 g, or 10 g delivers 50 mg, 75 mg, or 100 mg of testosterone, respectively, per day, to the skin’s surface. Approximately 10% of the applied testosterone dose is absorbed across the skin of average permeability during a 24-hour period. ANDROGEL delivers physiologic amounts of testosterone, producing circulating testosterone concentrations that approximate normal levels (10.3 – 36.2 nmol/L or 300 – 1000 ng/dL) seen in healthy men.