Supplements used for lifting

I would take Vitargo over Karbolyn!

Been using intra/post workout for over 10 years.

Vitargo Sports Drink | Fastest Sports Drink from Mouth to Muscle

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How many gms of protein and fat per day?

Regardless of taking carbs intra/post workout.....a diet higher in complex carbs as in 400-600 grams/day will result in not only better pumps in the gym but increased muscle mass/strength, bigger fuller harder muscles, increased endurance/intensity and top it off with better recovery!

I have always eaten a diet high in complex carbs (500 grams/day), moderate protein, lower fat and made my best mass/strength gains eating this way.

Depending on ones genetics/insulin sensitivity one will find what level of carbohydrate in the diet is needed.

6 months ago I increased my carbs to 600 grams/day!
Very positive results

Some pre-workouts even have the more expensive Betaine Nitrate. Worth checking out.
I'm curious what supplements the weight lifters here use. I've only been lifting a little over a year but have made decent newbie gains in strength and size. After reading nearly everything could from the weight lifting websites I decided on taking only the following: BCAA, HMB (I'm 45), glutamine, taurine, beta alanine, creatine, and ZMA, and of course whey protein. I try to eat decently and maintain approx. 3000 calories/day weighing in at 240. I take the BCAA, HMB, and glutamine twice daily. The taurine, beta alanine, and creatine go in my morning protein shake. The ZMA is for sleep/recovery, can't sleep without it. Any recommendations to add or remove? I've seen where several guys have stack formulations they like to use. I just want to make sure that I'm utilizing my protein intake and maintaining my nutrition the best I can. If I wind up looking like Arnold, great, if not, no sweat.
OK, here comes a dose of reality @Drofeyes21

First off, your basal metabolism at 45/240 is most likely around 2000 cal/day. Throw in the thermic effect food (+5-10%) and the cost of exercise/movement you most likely not be getting near enough calories/day to support muscular growth. Intense weight training can but around 600cal/hr. Not to mention the post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) can raise your metabolism for about 36 hours after you train. So your basal metabolism can skyrocket depending on how intensely you train. I am 65, 6'1" and 245 and it takes me around 5000 cal/d just to maintain. If this is not making you gain, increase the calories by 500 cal each week until the scales start moving (~1LB/WK). Of course we are all individual but I still would guess you need to consume more calories. Use this web site and start learning better how to plan you meals, its free:


Always keep your protein constant (~1g/lb), your fat at 25% and the rest low glycemic carbs. The only use you have for hi glycemic carbs is during and after training. The biggest thing you need to do is increase the calories. Forget doing keto diets and fasting. I can promise you Arnold did not get his size by doing either. Even at 75 years old Arnold claims to eat almost 400cal/d.

Second, I competed for 27 years in the sport of powerlifting on a world class level, the only supplement I ever took was protein and only before a workout. I ate plenty of food and saw no need for supplements. In fact, I honestly believe for the most part they are a complete waste of money if you are eating plenty of food. I remember Dan Duchaine said one time. that "eating was the most anabolic thing you can do to the body." If you want advice, drop all of that stuff, save some money and spend it on food, get more calories in your diet. At your weight you can probably go up to 4000-4500 calories/day. I recommend for a start that you take in 18cal/lb which for you would be ~4300 cal/d. Take in at least 1g/lb of body weight so you need 240g of protein/day. If you are eating sufficient protein, you do not need amino acid supplements (BCCA), you are getting plenty including leucine.

Just for the sake of it, here is an example of a 3 day diet recall that I did on Mr. Olympia Phil Heath a few years back:

Phil Heath
Body weight - 280 lbs
Average caloric intake - 33cal/lb
Average protein intake - 3.25g/lb/bw

One day’s total consumption: 9315 calories, 910 g protein, 881 g carbs, 239 g

Protein - 910g - 3640 cal (39%)
Carbs - 881g - 3524 cal (38%)
Fat - 239g - 2151 cal (23%)

So he uses a his protein intake is very high 39%, carbs are medium and tailored around training, fat is constant at 23%.

Here is my diet in comparison.
Body weight - 245
Average caloric intake - 18.22g/lb/bw
Average protein intake - 1.05g/lb/bw
Protein 21%
Carbs - 48%
Fat - 32%

I no longer compete and train no where near the time that would be involved in getting ready for a elite level competition. I think I can match Phil's intensity though. However, when I did compete, I weight in the 290's and consumed as many or more calories than Phil Heath including protein..
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Creatine Monohydrate 5 grams per day. One teaspoon in coffee. That is all I take for the gym.
Nelson, you may know something about Cuban Coffee. Since the 1990's when I lived in Miami, I drink an 8oz cup of what the Cubans call, Coloda, usually consumed in shots. Very strong, very black coffee with lots of sugar. Occasionally I will switch and have a nice Bolivian coca tea. Yea, it's not exactly legal in the USA but easily accessible in the USA. No where near as strong as cocaine, more like a cup of regular tea.
I love Coladas and make them at home with my espresso grinder/brewer. I did not know about the accessibility of Coca leaves! The Andeans use it not only for stamina but also for other medicinal purposes.
I am 65, 6'1" and 245 and it takes me around 5000 cal/d just to maintain.
Damn! No wonder your screenname is BigTex! What's your blood pressure history like? What hormone protocol are you on?

I am a shrimp next to you. 63 years old, 7'8" and now down to 187 Lb from my usual 198 Lbs. Slowly getting back to the gym after 20 days post-op from hip replacement. My goal is to regain my size, strength and low body fat. Too bad my muscle belly has stubborn visceral fat. Most stuff I used to use like nandrolone or oxandrolone spikes my blood pressure, so staying on basic TRT+hCG, low dose creatine, and I may try betaine.

Most protein supps make me bloat. I agree that eating real food is the best way to go.

What is your opinion about BCAAs and collagen powder?
I guess it might be appropriate to call myself the former BigTex. I am a long way from my former 290 competitive weight and NO WHERE near as strong. I am around 245 mot every day and I am still pretty muscular and just got a 7 site skin fold caliper reading done and was 7.5%. The only physical flaw i have is bad diastasis recti caused from too many years under the heavy squat bar.

Nelson, just checked my BP this morning and is was 118/63 with a 52 resting HR. My TRT dose is right now, 80mg every 10 days. I am trying to get the HCT under control. I have seen my BP in the 190 systolic range in the past with much higher anabolic steroid use.

Nelson, I want to tank you for having this site and all of the tremendous amount of work you do for our community. I am very happy to be here and be able to contribute to what you and your moderators have built. There is a huge amount of knowledge here to help out those of us who are involved with TRT.

Good luck on your rehab. I am sure you will come back very quickly. Thank you for having me here!
Damn! No wonder your screenname is BigTex! What's your blood pressure history like? What hormone protocol are you on?

I am a shrimp next to you. 63 years old, 7'8" and now down to 187 Lb from my usual 198 Lbs. Slowly getting back to the gym after 20 days post-op from hip replacement. My goal is to regain my size, strength and low body fat. Too bad my muscle belly has stubborn visceral fat. Most stuff I used to use like nandrolone or oxandrolone spikes my blood pressure, so staying on basic TRT+hCG, low dose creatine, and I may try betaine.

Most protein supps make me bloat. I agree that eating real food is the best way to go.

What is your opinion about BCAAs and collagen powder?
I just dropped my blood pressure by thirty points in three days by upping my potassium intake to 8-10 grams. I've been consuming coconut water intra workout and a V8 type juice that has 800mg of potassium per cup. Not only that, I look so much leaner, my stamina is greatly improved, and mentally I feel great. And something that is applicable to you Nelson, it is crucial post surgery.
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Oh.....Nelson, if you eat plenty of protein, your are getting plenty of BCCA's. I like to have a good meal with protein about 2-3 hours before training. Sometimes combined with a when protein shake. Collagen, there is a lot of good research about how this can help slow down the effects of osteoarthritis. You need about 10g/day. I still think whey isolate is a much better protein. My osteoarthritis has gone way to far to be turned around. I may be headed on the shoulder replacement route soon. I am getting really tired of the pain.

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