OK update. The short story is that I did not find a difference, for me, in using 12.5mg daily or using 12.5mg EOD, so I returned to EOD. I finally got my E to a point that is working for me, works better than Anastrozole, for me.
My body acne cleared up almost 100%, orgams are remarkably improved and more intense, some penile sensitivity returned. Overnite hot in bed has subsided.
Exemestane is working better, for me. Though I over convert and then subsequently can tolerate almost no Estrogen, it's a very tough spot to be in.
That was all achieved on 16mg/D Cyp, 250iu HCG once per week, no DHEA/No Preg.
The only issues that still linger for me are some erection quality issues, maintaining, etc