This is why 24 hour (not spot!) urines are the way to go for TD's.
Also why I want my guys to wait until the second half of their injection week to collect their urine sample; things are kinda weird until then.
This is also why I always get a Total T and a SHBG to go along with a 24 hour urine. IF SHBG is lower, T (actually, Free T) on the urine panel will be comparatively high to serum Total T. It helps me set the range. With 24 hour urines, it is more the shape of the profile than the actual numbers. Found two pituitary tumors like this: the shape of the profile was just weird.
What your instructor is not taking into account is the fact this is not a closed system. That is why 50mg twice per week (all within 7 days) is not the same as 100mg every seven days.
When serum androgen levels rapidly rise, things change. Aromatase activity, for instance, accelerates. So you get more...and MORE....estrogen.
The excretion of testosterone via the kidneys also increases. It's like the body is trying to even things out. I know this because I have looked at thousands of 24 hour urinary labs (AND discussed my findings with Dr. Frank Nordt LOL).
With SHBG low, what appears in the bloodstream, from a given dose, is much more Free/Bioavailable T. More of this excess is excreted from the kidneys into the urine. It is, essentially, lost.
THIS is why (and one of the studies on SC injection posted on the old blog shows this), for instance, 40mg of test cyp injected twice per week is roughly equal to 100mg once per week. This I already knew from practical clinical experience. How nice when it is verified by a study later.
Basically, with low SHBG, the peak of an otherwise normal (closed system) serum androgen profile is clipped off, and down the toilet. And since we are giving another shot a few days later, so is the nadir (low point).
So, for the patient, they have more usable testosterone all during the week, and in a saw tooth pattern that favors the entropy which is part and parcel of youth.
Conversely, with a higher SHBG you just never attain serum levels sufficient to get over the top of it, and establish good Free/Bio levels.
Per Nelson's post, do you have this study Dr John?