Study: The Effect of HCG on BPH

Nelson Vergel

A trial study: the effect of low dose human chorionic gonadotropin on the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Randomized controlled trial

Godschalk MF, et al. J Urol. 2003.


Godschalk MF1, Unice KA, Bergner D, Katz PG, Mulligan T, McMichael J.

1Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, USA.

J Urol. 2003 Oct;170(4 Pt 1):1264-9.


PURPOSE: Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone with multiple physiological functions. It interferes with mammary tumorigenesis and modulates growth and tumorigenesis in prostate cancer cells. In addition, HCG receptor transcripts and protein have been demonstrated in normal and hyperplastic prostate glands. Functionally HCG has a growth modulating effect on androgen independent prostate cell lines. We investigated the possible clinical effects of HCG on the symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in this trial study.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a multicenter, double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized pilot study evaluating the effects of low dose HCG vs placebo in 101 men (50 to 79 years old) with BPH. The primary efficacy measure was the American Urological Association total symptom index score. Secondary efficacy parameters included peak urinary flow and sexual self-efficacy questionnaire changes.

RESULTS: Low dose HCG appeared to positively effect moderate to severe BPH symptoms according to American Urological Association scores and sexual function but not peak urinary flow. No HCG induced changes were noted in prostate specific antigen or prostate volume.

CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that HCG may provide a well tolerated and beneficial therapy for BPH that will be investigated in subsequent studies.
WTF! Sublingual HCG? That does not work! This is what the paper said:

"Subjects who did not respond to placebo were randomized to receive 1 drop of HCG (0.5 United States Phamacopeia IU) or placebo under the tongue 4 times daily for 12 weeks. They were evaluated 1 week after being randomized (week 5), and again at weeks 8, 12 and 16. At each visit they underwent physical examination and measurement of serum electrolytes, total testosterone, complete blood count, PSA, Qmax and PVR, and completed the AUA total symptom index and SSEQ. All subjects were evaluated at a 4-week followup visit after completing the study. No study medications were administered during this period. Each subject was evaluated by the same procedures at week 20 that were used at the end of the randomization period (week 16) except prostate size was not determined.HCG was administered in bacteriostatic water. Each dose (1 sublingual drop) of HCG solution contained 0.5 USP IU HCG. HCG solution had no color, no odor and no taste. Bacteriostatic water was used as the placebo agent. At each of the 3 participating sites a research pharmacist used a randomization list to prepare HCG and placebo solutions in 10 ml multiple use bottles with droppers. Investigators and subjects were blinded to the preparation that each subject received. Prostate volume was measured by digital examination by the same site investigator at baseline and again at week 16."

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