Strange buzz in men's prostates due to prostatitis

Nelson Vergel

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) has significant variability in its presentation.
In this study, we present 2 novel cases of prostatitis in which “buzz” is described as the primary pain symptom. These cases describe patients with the primary complaint of “cell phone–like buzzing” within the perineum, with accompanying urinary symptoms consistent with prostatitis.
CP/CPPS is a multifactorial disease within which psychological, inflammatory, neurologic, and neuromuscular etiologies are at play. As in other disease descriptions, a buzzing sensation represents the interaction of multiple pathways that have significant overlay with CP/CPPS. As such, we believe buzzing might represent a new symptom of CP/CPPS.
I have had that in the past and figured it was just a muscle spasm and in no way connected it to other symptoms at the time. There were times I jumped because I thought my cell phone was there somehow. Good to know this is what it was!

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