Strains and sprains

Hi Everyone this is my first post,
I apologize if this is disorganized. I have been on t cyp for a couple years. I am 48. I have had to go down to lower and lower doses to avoid high e2 symptoms (my main symptom is feeling a lump in my throat - interferes with sleep). I cannot tolerate aromitase inhibitors nor hcg. My current dose is ~50mg / wk using a daily shallow IM protocol. My total t is 506 ng/dl and my sensitive e2 is 25.1 pg/ml. A few months earlier on 60mg/wk (daily) and 50mg zinc/day my total t was 653 and sensitive e2 was 21.6 (which I felt was too low an e2) and I didn't feel any benefit. Prior to that as a 6 week test I tried 90 mg/wk (daily) and total t was 1004 ng/dl, free t 22.7 pg/ml, and sensitive e2 was 75.3 pg/ml ( I felt awful). I am VERY susceptible to muscle strains and joint sprains even with light lifting, swimming and cycling. When i am not on trt the injuries become more common and continuous. When I first started trt at 90mg /wk only (2x/wk protocol) 2 years ago I felt great for a couple, 3 months with incredible strength and stamina and no injuries and the great sense of mental wellbeing. Then the good feeling faded as my e2 rose and my endogenous production stopped. Now I am back at the same problems as before trt. I am considering discontinuing trt but I have no ability to be prescribed clomid, etc. I am also afraid of worsening injuries. To top things off I am having a massive knee surgery next month (I tore my patellar tendon and am having a repair - 2 year rehab). Any thoughts?
Nathan Toney
Have you tried any doses between the 50mg per week and the 90mg per week?
It would seem that there is a dose in there that's probably the best for you.

Also, does your doc prescribe BPC-157?
Have not had the chance to try it myself yet, but am hearing great things about it regarding injuries and healing.
Sean - Yes I have tried 100, 90, 80mg/wk, 70mg/wk, and 60mg/wk. I will have to research bpc-157. Is it FDA approved? Thanks for your response.

Hey Vince - I'm a big fan of yours. I have been lifting since I was in high school, not to say I don't have form issues but I am a physical therapist and take form very seriously. One problem is I'm getting skinnier as i get older - sarcopenia? I'm 5'5" and around 135-140 but used to be 148. I do need to focus on eating more. I eat 3 eggs for breakfast, am not great about lunch but I try to munch on nuts and seeds (I do home care PT so in the car) and get in a protein shake, for dinner I have animal protein and a salad and maybe a sweet potato.

I am leaning towards going off TRT for my surgery in September as I'm a little concerned about type 3 collagen formation in my patellar tendon repair. However I'm concerned it will mess me up without clomid which I could only get black market. I am secondary and have tried clomid twice - first time it raised my T but gave me an eye floater, second time I did not respond up to 50mg/day. Also the feeling of starting testosterone is literally the best feeling I've felt in my life. So maybe I would restart TRT in a year when the surgeon releases me for muscle bulking the quadriceps.

Vince - a question. I have been prone to over use soft tissue injury for decades. (ex pro triathlete, skier, DH mountain biker). I know for a fact when I started TRT all injuries went away. As I have been unable to reclaim that feeling from the first few months AND the injuries have been piling up, I am assuming there is a relationship but I can't find any literature to support it other than a clomid single case study of a soccer player with similar sequelae. What are your thoughts? To be honest I am thinking about trying a low dose of nandrolone deconoate in a year with low dose trt.

Have you tried adding in GH secretagogues? Also, I would add TB 500 to the BPC 157. They are both available from Tailor Made pharmacy. There are some other things here: Fixes for Joint Issues: A list of Some Basics Also, there is no substitute for eating enough. I would think you would want to be on all of these including the Nandrolone (if you tolerate it well) starting before your surgery to speed the healing process.
I don't see and we typically recommend a lot of consistency in any one's protocol and I'm not sure I'm seeing that, at least in so much as there's labs and numbers to work with past dosing you've tried and what you've posted here. Very tough to have a substantial conversation or any insight without labs and a strict protocol being observed.
Thank you Vince and thank you Guided. Vince I will dig up my past labs. Guided I will research what you suggested. Question: my 7/30/19 hematocrit is 51%. I live at 5100 feet. Should I donate while blood prior to surgery?
Hi again,
Thanks for your suggestions. I spoke with my surgeon yesterday (for the patellar tendon repair surgery) and he advised me to get off of the testosterone as he said it would promote the growth of type III collagen (the type in bone) which is brittle as compared to the stretchy type called collagen type I. I might have that part backwards but I trust him. He advised me to wait a year before re-starting TRT when I am released for quadriceps muscle bulking. He said that HGH and anabolic steroids also preferentially produce type III collagen. So I plan to attempt to source nandrolone decanoate or boldenone/equipoise around that time. He referred me to a urologist for possible treatment with Clomid in the meantime (fingers crossed). As far as the peptides, I still need to do more research, and the surgeon has no knowledge on them. In the meantime I am taking a supplement called “ligament restore” and am eating gelatin powder (yuck).
Thank you,

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