Stopping TRT after only 8 weeks...PCT needed?


New Member
Hoping someone might be willing to post their advice/experience on the following as I'm having trouble finding specific info online...

So, I've been on TRT for 8 weeks (200mg test cyp injections once per week and .5mg Arimidex EOD)...For a variety of reasons (long story), I'm interested in coming off TRT...As I can't get an appointment with my doctor until end of January, I'm wondering what I might go through if I were to just stop cold turkey after 8 weeks? Would I be better off to stay on until end of January and get my doctor to prescribe a PCT (HCG, Clomid, Nolva...)...

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...Love the forum!
You may be fine to stop, but every guy is different. Also, it also can depend on how you were before TRT? Primary or Secondary, etc...Another question is, would your doc prescribe a re-start protocol? I ask because the run of the mill GP or Endo will likely look at you like you have two heads if you ask for that.
Thanks Ero...I was borderline hypogondinal with TT ranging from 350-475, free 6.9-11...I thought TRT might address some issues I was having, primarily long term sleeping trouble (not much improved)...I'd just like to go off and explore some other avenues...I'm sure my doc will want to review blood work and maybe alter my protocol (understandable), but I just want to come off as safely and quickly as possible (hopefully an 8 week course won't have any effect on my ability to reset and return to my pre-TRT range)...I might just see if my doc can get me in earlier and put me on a restoration protocol (if that's even needed in my case)...He's a well known TRT provider...
Thanks Ero...I was borderline hypogondinal with TT ranging from 350-475, free 6.9-11...I thought TRT might address some issues I was having, primarily long term sleeping trouble (not much improved)...I'd just like to go off and explore some other avenues...I'm sure my doc will want to review blood work and maybe alter my protocol (understandable), but I just want to come off as safely and quickly as possible (hopefully an 8 week course won't have any effect on my ability to reset and return to my pre-TRT range)...I might just see if my doc can get me in earlier and put me on a restoration protocol (if that's even needed in my case)...He's a well known TRT provider...

Your health, your choice. That said, eight weeks is a very short time to evaluate the success or failure of a TRT protocol. In my own doctor's practice, you would not be "borderline" hypogonadal - you'd be certainly classed as such. It is alarming to read the details of your protocol - a testosterone dose at the upper end of typical TRT protocols and a very heavy dose of anastrozole. None of us, other than Dr. Saya, are physicians, but we've seen protocols that succeed and fail, and yours, frankly, falls into the latter category. Smaller, frequent doses of testosterone, and an AI only when labs and symptoms call for it, are the typical ticket to success.
I'd prefer not to use names, but the prescribed protocol for the first 90 days was 200mg Test Cyp once per week along with 1mg Anastrozole EOD...I decided to drop it to .5mg EOD...Based on posts above and other research, I'm starting to understand that this is a rather 'aggressive' starting protocol...I also am realizing that 8 weeks is insufficient time to gauge the success of TRT as some adjustments may be needed to find the sweet spot...I'm leaning towards switching over to Defy, getting updated blood work and review of my protocol before throwing in the towel...Thanks again for everyone's input...
No one should be starting trt with anastrozole, its something that is assessed and added if absolutely necessary. If you want to come off just stop no pct garbage.

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