Stopping HRT


New Member
I've been on testosterone replacement therapy for about 4 years. (Mostly Androgel, but also some pellets.) Because of recent health issues, I tried to get off using the system in Nelson Verger's book. (HCG, Tamoxifen and Clomid) For the first two weeks, it was bearable, but after the HCG shots stopped, it got awful. After two days, I could not take it any longer and used some Androgel. In two hours, I was feeling almost normal.

So, is there another way to get off testosterone? Should I try the same process again? Are there physicians who know how to do this?
HPTA restarts can be difficult for some men and for a few it never restores no matter how many restart attempts.

That's why we stress that TRT is for life.

My recommendation is to find a specialist in TRT and work closely with then in trying different restart cycles.
Agree with what Gene is saying. 4 years on TRT and trying to restart would be impressive, and I will cross my fingers for you every step of the way, BUT, I am personally skeptical that your gonadotropin production will sustain at a successful level after stopping the SERM/HCG treatment. I'd love to hear you tell us a success story, but again, 4 years is a long time. Also, presuming you started TRT to begin with due to low LH/FSH (secondary) levels? .. Obviously your physician wouldn't treat you with TRT if those values were normal, unless of course you were diagnosed as primary(?), which of course would make a restart protocol redundant.
Agree with what Gene is saying. 4 years on TRT and trying to restart would be impressive, and I will cross my fingers for you every step of the way, BUT, I am personally skeptical that your gonadotropin production will sustain at a successful level after stopping the SERM/HCG treatment. I'd love to hear you tell us a success story, but again, 4 years is a long time. Also, presuming you started TRT to begin with due to low LH/FSH (secondary) levels? .. Obviously your physician wouldn't treat you with TRT if those values were normal, unless of course you were diagnosed as primary(?), which of course would make a restart protocol redundant.

Good catch on being Primary which is obvious; there is no restart LOL!
I just got the results today. The testosterone was 548 and the free testosterone was 9.8. All normal, but in 2 days, I was feeling awful.

I should add that when I took the HCG shots, I would do fine for a day and then things would start going down hill until I took the next injection.
I just got the results today. The testosterone was 548 and the free testosterone was 9.8. All normal, but in 2 days, I was feeling awful.

I should add that when I took the HCG shots, I would do fine for a day and then things would start going down hill until I took the next injection.

All makes sense.

Clearly you are Symptomatic Hypogonadal.

IMO, Testosterone Replacement is your best choice of action.

Get back to optimal ranges and get good steady serum levels and keep E2 in check and you should be fine.

Live long, live happy and live healthy for the rest of your life is my motto:)

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