Stop Using Mouthwash And Dental Hygiene


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I'm experiencing a significant improvement in my erectile health, I realized the unexpected benefit of dental hygiene. For nine years, I hadn't visited a dentist, and the pandemic further delayed my plans. However, after finally getting a dental cleaning, my hygienist educated me on the crucial role of healthy mouth bacteria. This prompted me to research and discover how harmful oral bacteria and mouthwash use might reduce nitric oxide production, essential for erections. Within four weeks, I noticed improved morning erections, and by the sixth week, my confidence and libido were noticeably higher. Now, my erectile health is nearly fully restored. I was on TRT and had SHBG too high. No TRTfor several months. I'm 57yrs old.
Unlikely a mouthwash in your mouth will affect nitric oxide production in penis.

I personally stopped using mouthwash and commercial toothpaste because they give me hoarse voice from irritation. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide do the same.

I currently just salt my toothbrush and it removes bad breath (kills the corresponding bacteria) way better than toothpastes and Listerine. The salt irritates my voice way less.

I think table salt was the first bactericide for preserving meat, known to humankind.
In order for oral bacteria to generate nitrite to later form nitric oxide, you have to feed them nitrate. If you aren't eating nitrate-rich foods, like processed meats and particular vegetables, you aren't getting any nitric oxide from the bacteria. I would be very skeptical that stopping the use of mouthwash made the positive difference you observed in your erectile function, unless you've made nitrates the cornerstone of your diet.

The dental cleaning might have some impact though, by reducing systemic inflammation.
In order for oral bacteria to generate nitrite to later form nitric oxide, you have to feed them nitrate. If you aren't eating nitrate-rich foods, like processed meats and particular vegetables, you aren't getting any nitric oxide from the bacteria. I would be very skeptical that stopping the use of mouthwash made the positive difference you observed in your erectile function, unless you've made nitrates the cornerstone of your diet.

The dental cleaning might have some impact though, by reducing systemic inflammation.

Google, mouthwash, and erectile dysfunction. maybe it’s coincidental but I’m happy.
I think there could be something to this line of thinking. I've heard multiple interviews with forward-thinking dentists who stress that we have an oral micro-biome just like the gut and skin micro-biome, and using products that kill all bacteria (good and bad) which is what many mouthwashes do, seems like a bad idea. I stopped using mouthwash some time ago and went to bacteria-friendly toothpaste as a precaution. I'm focused on good oral cleaning to try to keep the bad bacteria away. This seems like a case where erring on the side of caution means not harming good bacteria unless there is some other temporary infection where there is no other choice.
I think there could be something to this line of thinking. I've heard multiple interviews with forward-thinking dentists who stress that we have an oral micro-biome just like the gut and skin micro-biome, and using products that kill all bacteria (good and bad) which is what many mouthwashes do, seems like a bad idea. I stopped using mouthwash some time ago and went to bacteria-friendly toothpaste as a precaution. I'm focused on good oral cleaning to try to keep the bad bacteria away. This seems like a case where erring on the side of caution means not harming good bacteria unless there is some other temporary infection where there is
Exactly.Dr Nathan Bryan discusses this topic all over YouTube. he specifically talked about this on a Max Laugavere Podcast.
When you start to develop nitric oxide deficiency the first sign and symptom is usually erectile dysfunction, and that makes sense, because when you lose the ability to dilate blood vessels which you need to dilate the sex organs to get engagement to get an erection in both men and women when you lose the ability to produce nitro oxide, you lose, you failed to get vasa dilation you don’t get encouragement and it’s the fundamental basis for erectile dysfunction

Dr Nathan Bryan statement
The link between dental health and erectile function is real, however, inflammation is the main character in the story, not a deficiency of nitrate-reducing bacteria:

Literature supports a pathophysiological link between ED and PD, such as systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction. Periodontal treatment may result in an improvement of endothelial function by reducing the level of systemic biomarkers (Changal et al., 2019; Shariff et al., 2016; Singh et al., 2017). Animal studies indicated a decrease in the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and NOS activity in penile cavernous tissue, caused by a mild systemic inflammatory status in periodontitis as a possible mechanism for the effect of periodontitis on penile erection (Zuo et al., 2011).

Our meta-analysis revealed a statistically significant association between PD and ED, based on the summarized results of six observational studies (Chou et al., 2018; Keller et al., 2012; Martín et al., 2018; Oğuz et al., 2013; Tsao et al., 2015; Zadik et al., 2009), with 38675 cases and 1,76,333 controls.

PD and ED share risk factors such as age, obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and excessive drinking (Machado et al., 2020; Zuo et al., 2011). Both, also share common pathophysiological pathways, including endothelial dysfunction and inflammation (Kulshrestha et al., 2020). The evidence is strengthened by the findings that smoking cessation, reduction of obesity, and avoiding other common risk factors are safe and effective means to reduce the incidence of both diseases. Evidence support the statement that providing periodontal treatment can reduce the risk of ED (Eltas et al., 2013). Endothelial dysfunction is a possible explanation for the association between PD and ED. It has been confirmed in experimental and clinical studies that PD could impair vascular endothelial dysfunction (Amar et al., 2003; Blum et al., 2007) by increasing the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. In addition, PD induce a mild systematic inflammatory status and decrease the activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide synthase in penile cavernous tissues of rats (Kulshrestha et al., 2020; Pedrotti et al.; Zuo et al., 2011). Periodontal therapy may improve damaged vascular endothelial function and results in significant improvement in the function (Gurav, 2014; Scannapieco et al., 2010). Another possible suggestion for the link between PD and ED could be via the level of testosterone (Corona et al., 2008; Corona & Maggi, 2010; Singh et al., 2011; Steffens et al., 2020).

If you were dependent on nitrite from your oral bacteria for nitric oxide production, you would have erectile dysfunction whenever you weren't eating nitrate-rich foods, which for many people, would be most of the time. Remember, the list of high nitrate foods is a short one: leafy greens, beets, a few other vegetables, and processed meats. If you don't eat significant quantitates of these key vegetables, and you don't eat processed meat every day, you aren't getting much nitrate in your diet.

There are millions of people going through life without regularly consuming any significant source of dietary nitrate and they have perfect erectile function. Carnivores that don't eat processed meat make a good example. These people will go years with no dietary nitrate, and yet everything is functioning normally.

If the strongest link between dental health and erectile function involves gum disease rather than nitrate-reducing oral bacteria, how does that affect our opinions of mouthwash? If you ask me, we should be prescribing Listerine for better erections, not avoiding it.
As an aside, the fact that the best sources of nitrate are both the darlings (vegetables) and villains (processed meat) of mainstream nutrition is a source of much amusement. You will see these people twist in logical knots trying to explain why dietary nitrate is so beneficial when it comes from celery and will kill you when it comes from bacon.
Out of all the things I've ever heard about "the reasons" for erectile dysfunction... this one takes the cake. Thanks guys... I now have bad breath... teeth falling out... and a limp di##. Much appreciated.

Come on men... wake up a little... talk about overthinking something. smh

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