I am not going to ever spew any anti-supplement propaganda and in fact will be the 1st to tell you supplementing is certainly much better than being deficient. In fact, I teach that very thing in a college level nutrition class. I spend quite a few hours doing my own research so I am fully capable of making up my own mind. I was always taught that intelligent people always question what they have been told. I certainly encourage everyone to do the same. I never question motives rather than hold myself to always being a critical thinker. I have never been a sheep in life. We were told in the 80's that anabolic steroids has no athletics enhancement benefits. That statement was in the pharmaceutical inserts of every box of anabolics you got from the pharmacy. I think 60 years of athletes not buying in, made those statement look kind of foolish.
The interesting thing I have learned with research it is a set of data gathered based on the investigating of a theory which shows the statistics looking at an average of the sample. There are a lot of individual differences simply because we are all different genetically. For instance, we are told cigarettes will kill you, yet uncle Henry smokes 5 packs a day and is 98 years old.
Another problem, many times 1 study get posted out of 100 and it is the only one that shows negative effects. Is it a bad study? Is it all of the sudden gospel? All it means is we need to further investigate, possible look different areas. Why did this study get the results 100 others didn't get? Unless evidence comes from a meta-analysis or randomized clinical trial don't put a whole lot of faith it it. There needs to be more investigations.
Perhaps instead of telling people that post data that it is "silly" you post your on arguments regardless if the are science based, observation based or just expert opinions. This is how people debate and how others can intelligently make up their minds.